Romani (Gypsy) culture, social issues, and current events.
The Patrin Web Journal:
Romani Culture and History

José et Carmen
Welcome to Patrin, dedicated to Romani (Gypsy) culture and history and to extending awareness of the continuous Roma struggle to achieve and maintain dignity and freedom. Patrin is a learning resource and information centre about Romani culture, social issues, and current events. To Roma the world over, we send the message: we will remember!
Romále! Phralále! Patrin si katé ando Internet te phenél le gadjénge pe amarí kultúra. Von kam primisarén amén máshkar lénde maj lashés te zhanén vórta kon sam thaj sar si amaró trájo. Atúnchi amé musáj te das vórba le gadjéntsa pe aménde aj kadiá amaró gláso kam avél ashundó. Amé trobúl te sam maj pachivalé le gadjéndar aj te arakhás amé pe mishtimáste. Kadeá amé shaj avás maj zuralé. Ashén Devlésa! But baxt aj sastimós tuménge!
Rom! Prale! Patrin hi-lo káte an u Internet te penél ap u gádje pre i mári kultúra. Jon dikén-le ap ménde fédar te djanéna mishtó kun ham unt har hi-lo maró djibén. Mu te rakrá mit u gádje pre ménde unt kjáke marí shtíma vel-li shundí. Mu te va érligedar unt kamlédar fun u gádje. An kajá shíkta amé va zorelédar. Chéna mit u Báro Dével! But baxt unt sastibén tuménge!

Sa o Roma phrala
Opré Roma


About Patrin  29.11.96
Introduction to Patrin  14.01.97
A Brief History of the Roma   17.04.99
Timeline of Romani History  23.11.98 
The Pariah Syndrome by Ian Hancock 13.05.99
Romani Customs and Traditions  12.03.00
Roma in Culture and the Arts  12.04.00
Roma in the Holocaust  11.05.00
Roma Organisations  01.21.02
Romani Anthem  05.01.98
Romani Rights  02.05.00
Romani News  28.12.99
Further Reading  22.03.00
Glossary  12.02.00
Links  15.03.00

Articles by Country  02.05.00 
Acknowledgments  28.02.00 
Honours and Awards  19.02.00
Reciprocal Links  19.02.00
Mailing List  01.03.99
Guestbook  30.08.98
Feedback  30.08.98 
Contacts  27.02.00
Site Map  02.05.00 
Privacy Policy  07.12.98
Internet Resources  03.09.99
Support Romani Rights Now! 17.02.99

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Copyright © 1996-2002 by the Patrin Web Journal. All Rights Reserved.  ISSN 1481-3440. The Patrin Web Journal is published on a non-commercial basis and is not associated with the original Patrin print periodical founded by Orhan Galjus. The Patrin Web Journal, also known as "Patrin", is a member of the Roma National Congress, Hamburg, Germany. All articles are copyrighted by the Patrin Web Journal or their respective authors. 
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Updated: 21 January 2002
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