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Many of us do grow old. Some of us grow old more gracefully than others. Some of us have a rough time growing old. And some of us show very typical and standard symptoms when we grow old.

One of these symptoms is forgetfulness.

We used to be able to remember everything that we needed to know throughout the day. If we would forget an occasional thing, well, that was okay because usually we would remember what we have to. As we grow older we forget more and more things. It's more and more difficult to keep track of what we have to do.

Following are some tips which have been found to be useful to compensate for the fact that so many things seem to be forgotten.

Cube pages. These little square pages fit into a handy little cube. These cubes are very cheap and they can be scattered throughout the house. Even in the bathroom, close to where you sit in the dining room and so on. Use them wisely and write down things as you think of them. The problem is not that you don't think of as many things as before. The problem is that you forget those things that you thought about. So write them down as soon as they occur and then put them into your pocket. Don't forget to put about five pages into your pocket and leave them there all the time. They will come in very handy.

Many recorders. Today digital recorders do a much better job than microcassette recorders, but you can use either one. Don't take the minicassette recorders. They're too big to be convenient. Microcassette recorders and digital records or mp3 player recorders are much more convenient. They take up very little room. Some of them have a strap that can go around your neck and they are socially acceptable today. As you think of things just record them, even if it's just a few words. Separate your recorded items by telling the recorder to put spaces in, like Enter, Enter between items. You can then listen to these items and write them down at a convenient time or else you can give them out to somebody to transcribe. The transcription option is of course more expensive, but you can decide how you're going to have it done. You will then have a computer file which is basically a To Do list. Refer to that To Do list often and you will find that things get done. Some things get done faster. Some things get done slower. You can then organize and prioritize your To Do list so that all of your important things get done and then nothing gets forgotten. The nice thing about these lists is that they can free up your mind for other things and you don't have to worry to keep things on your mind.

For really urgent things that have to be done at a certain time add them to your daily reminder, either a computerized calendar or a home paper calendar that you hang on your wall, one that has big enough boxes to be able to enter the things that must be done on that day. Be sure to refer to it frequently.

By using these devices you may be growing older and you may be more forgetful, but that's not going to stop you from accomplishing all the things that you have to do. None of the things will be forgotten, none of them will be ignored because all of the things that you need to know are written down. It's a survival technique for those of us who are growing old - and who isn't?

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Keywords: Age, Bilingualism, Recording