Articles about Parenting
Following in your footsteps
Don't worry
that children
never listen to you;
that they
are always watching you.
- Robert Fulghum
When I was a boy of fourteen,
my father was so ignorant
I could hardly stand
to have the old man around.
But when I got to be twenty-one,
I was astonished
how much he had learned
in seven years
- Mark Twain
By the time
a man realizes
that maybe
his father was right,
he usually has a son
who thinks
he's wrong.
- Charles Wadworth

Children often do not like to take after their old-fashioned parents. They prefer to rebel, or to make their own mark in the world.

However, your children are your most precious possessions, and the time they remain with you is limited. In today's world, unfortunate things can and do happen.

Furthermore, you have accumulated a great deal of knowledge over the course of time that you may want to share with other people. You may or may not do that. However, your children should receive priority in receiving that information.

True, they might not be interested in what you have to say because your ideas come from the previous generation. You will have to be selective, and you will have to "package" your ideas in a way that they will appreciate.

However, from a mistaken point of view, you may think that you are too busy and have other things to do. You may assume that your children might not be interested in what you have to offer them - without even giving it a real try.

What a shame.

You won't let that happen after reading this page, right?

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Keywords: Age, Footsteps