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Quality time is clearly important, but who is entitled to this pleasure?
The rest of this section discusses your children who should get the most possible quality time. However, this quality time should not be limited to them. It should also be distributed among your other loved ones: your spouse, your grandchildren, and your own grown children. That means that your children do not stop being your children just because they grew up and any time that you have available with them should certainly be appreciated by both sides.
In some cases your own children will live close by or even in your own home, although they are of marriageable age. They need your quality time no less than when they were little and much younger. To the contrary, the quality time should be much better now because you can speak to them on an adult level and about serious adult issues.
Think about your friends. You enjoy speaking to them because you have things in common and because you can talk to them on an adult level and because they have valuable and valued ideas and concepts. You have things to learn from each other and you enjoy each others company.
Your grown children should deserve no less than your friends and in a healthy relationship it would be appreciated on both sides.
That does not mean that you should monopolize your children's time. They need time of their own as adults and they don't need to feel that you are trying to keep them close to you instead of letting them go out on their own.
On the other hand, although they're going to want to feel free they also need to have your acceptance, guidance, and understanding of their needs on the issues that are important to them. As long as they are willing to reach out to you - and in a healthy relationship that should be until 120 - don't lose the opportunity of maintaining your close contact and your bond with your grown children.
The reverse is also true, of course. You want to maintain a close relationship with your own parents for as long as you can and for your own brothes and sisters, as well as any other relatives with whom you are close. Don't lose this opportunity. Use it as much as you can and do not ever feel that once you or they have grown up that your closeness and quality time needs to diminish. To the contrary, any quality time that you can spend with any close relatives is a blessing.
You can expand on the bounty of that blessing. It is in your hands.
That blessing does have a deadline. You don't know what that deadline is.
For that reason it is a shame to let the potential bonding pass through your hands just because of differences in age. Just as you should give the quality time to your young children, you should give the older ones and those of your same age no less of yourself.
It is a sign of the greatest maturity to maintain the most possible quality time with as many of your close loved ones as you can for as long as you can.
However, to be guided by their proclivities. Don't push yourself on loved ones who do not want your assistance or who are not interested in your quality free time, in your quality time. Only go where you are wanted and only give when it is wanted.
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Keyword: Age, Time