Sometimes when problems are difficult to resolve, it may be helpful to consider the situation in a different way. That creative concept of "thinking out of the box" is very old indeed.
During the time of the Flood, Noach built a big box - an ark - in order to survive. When the water subsided, G-d said "צא מן התבה" "Tze min ha-tevah" - get out of the box. Think out of the box. Work out your problem so that you'll be able to get out. Noach was then able to determine what needed to be done in order to leave.
This is a very important concept in psychology. Those who think of solutions in a different and creative manner will be one step ahead of others. They are likely to be locked into one way of thinking. You have more options. By your creative thinking, you have left yourself an out.
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Keywords: Creativity, Problems, Vision