Articles about psychology
Balance in the World

It all seems to balance out. You see somebody who looks like he's on the top of the world, everything is going good for him and then -- BANG!! he gets hit with a major problem that cuts him down to size. There seems to be no justification or reason for it, except that maybe the Al-Mighty doesn't want him to feel too good about himself or to realize that there is an Al-Mighty so that he realizes that all of the good things that seem to happen come from G-d and if something is going bad then maybe he will look inward.

You see this happening many times in reverse also. Someone who is really a sad sack, suddenly comes into wealth or some other good fortune and you think how wonderful it waas for him. He certainly deserved it, but how did he get it?

He got it because there's balance in the world. Everything balances out in the long run.

Well, not everything. Some people just continue to have good luck and some people just continue to have bad luck. Those aren't the ones however who are noticed. The ones that we see are the ones that are outstanding, the ones that fit this model of balancing out so that the whole world is even in the long run.

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Keywords: Problems, Tzafun