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Did you ever meet somebody who is always trying to get away with things?
These people are trying to show that the establishment or certain people are not going to control them and not going to tell them what to do, where to do, how to do. They are going to do things their own way.
The fact is, however, that they are dancing to the music of the people that they are supposedly trying to avoid. They are indeed being controlled by others. By making a point of going against society or against certain individuals in society, they are letting the others decide what to do and that is going to be the way that they will decide what they won't do. They don't really do what they want to do because they don't really have that much of an opinion about what they want to do. Instead, they are constantly escaping others or fighting others and that is their way of rebelling against society.
A healthy approach to life means that a person should have goals and should follow his own ideas about how to achieve these goals. That means planning properly.
If he meets opposition along the way then he may decide to rebel or to act in order to deal with that opposition. That is legitimate.
The problem arises when he only rebels because someone else tells him to do something and the thing that the person tells him to do is in itself the cause for his rebellion. This is not a legitimate reason to rebel. He is not trying to accomplish a goal. He is just trying to prove that society will not tell him what to do or an individual will not tell him what to do.
Such a person should grow up and get help in learning how to make decisions, and those decisions should be appropriate to his general planning and his overall goals in life.
Some people bend backwards to avoid being controlled.
These people bend backwards so much that they come around again where they started, full circle. They are controlled so much and they are so much under the influence of people who control them that they have no idea that they have fallen into the trap of being very controlled themselves.
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Keywords: Control, Decisions, Fight, Goals,
Independence, Planning, Rebels