Things are not always as they seem in the media or in politics. That should not be a suprise. The media creates politicians, and politicians are pleased to give the media a constant flow of articles.
Some people see politicians as being in control of what happens and determining things in their region or country. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Politicians are often controlled by others:
They are not always aware of this fact when they take office.
Politicians would like to make it appear as if they are in control of matters. However, in many cases they can do very little.
In some cases they may get credit or blame for activities that were really determined by their predecessor or by others. In other cases they may take steps for which their successor will get the credit or the blame.
Some people who realize this fact lose their faith in politicians and in the political process. They may even call for a revolution. However, the new rulers are no less subject to these principles than their predecessors.
This situation occurs in other professions as well. People's perceptions of control do not necessarily match reality.
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Keywords: Media, Politics, Power, Profession