Articles about psychology

Running a Meeting

The buck stops here
- Harry S Truman

Running a meeting

First decision: Perhaps the meeting can be avoided. LINK TO FORUMS. Private discussion forums on the Internet may replace it. Far more productive than a face-to-face standoff and power play.

If a meeting is necessary, then some guidelines may help.

Second: Appoint a secretary to take minutes during this meeting.

True leaders are rare and political or educational organizations or corporations rarely face situations in which a leader accepts blame.

The chairman of a meeting should not be the secretary. However, he or she should write or review the final draft of the minutes.

Distribute the minutes to the meeting as quickly as possible. Aim for 48 hours after the meeting. You may distribute the minutes by e-mail in order to speed the process, since content is more important than form. Give credit for good suggestions or input by the meeting participants.

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Keywords: Administration, Leadership, Method