We have shown how to enhance sensitivity to issues, problems, and concerns.
The media seems to do the opposite.
It's not merely an issue of dumbing down in order to appeal to the greatest number of viewers or to increase the ratings. It's worse than that.
The media often glorifies Man's darkest sides, as it focuses on violence and improper activities.
Those who watch TV for extended periods of time are no longer shocked by horrific sights. Their sensitivity to evil is diminished or removed.
The author of this article visited a family that was watching a televised film clip of a lynching of a soldier whom they might have known. The family was causally eating their dinner and making jokes. The scenes or torture and suffering on the TV did not affect or alter their conversation. They had seen so much on television that they were not shocked or upset by another few scenes of torture.
I was the only one who was shocked by the incident. I could not get over the fact that the family could be so blasé about the lynching. At a later date, I mentioned it to them, but they could not understand my concern. They see such incidents all the time, every day. It doesn't matter any more.
So this was another incident.
Big deal.
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Keyword: Media