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Sometimes when we are trying to go to sleep we are hit by something that disturbs us, something of interest, and we think about it for a long time. We have a problem to resolve or we have an issue that we want to deal with or a writer will have something that he wants to write down. Many hours of sleep have been lost by many people as a result of this situation.
Well, there is a solution, an excellent solution, and a solution that works.
Keep a recorder close to your bedside within arm's reach. The next time that you are disturbed, troubled, or fascinated by a certain issue take the recorder and record the entire issue.
It will then be on the recorder rather than in your mind. It will be off of your mind in most cases and it will not continue to disturb you for the rest of the night or to keep you up for a long time.
You can then go on to a quieter and more relaxed sleep knowing that that issue is off your mind.
In other cases a thought might have awakened you and you are trying to deal with it similar to the previous circumstance. What should you do?
Again, record it. Put it on the recorder and then turn over and you will see how much easier it is to sleep at this point.
Why is this?
That thought was disturbing you. It was disturbing you enough to wake you up in the first place.
The best thing to do with that disturbing thought is to handle it and then you can relax as you sleep.
The following day make sure that you transcribe the issue on the recorder and then you can spend your time when you are awake anyhow and you can work on it together with the other issues that you handle during the course of the day.
It's much easier to handle something when you're awake anyhow than trying to handle something while you're asleep and you're frustrated because you want to be asleep and instead you are trying to do a daytime activity - work out a problem - instead of sleeping.
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Keyword: Recording