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Today's business environment expects executives and professional employees to present information to other team or company members. These lectures are carried out best by means of computer-based presentations.
What is a presentation? Well, you surely remember the flip chart. The lecturer filled expensive, large, blank pages with illegible felt-tip-marker drawings and notes, and then he would f-l-i-p it up and over the other pages in the pad.
Flip charts were replaced by slide projectors, with carousels or trays that showed consecutive slides. The lecturer would press a button – click-click – and the next slide would appear.
Slide projectors were then replaced by overhead transparency projectors, that were easier to arrange. They could also show layers, with one slide being placed on the other. Those slides were slippery, though. When the pile fell or got shuffled, the speaker would have to return to the lectureng technology used so successfully by Moses and others throughout the generations.
Computer presentations have the same flexibility as transparencies, with the added benefit that they are not slippery. They also add multimedia and breathtaking effects.
Our Computer Presentations forum discusses this modern technology.
You may submit a query to the Computer Presentations forum, after which you will receive responses from subscribers, around the world.
Our collective information and background and knowledge help each other give more successful presentations.
This forum includes recommendations and tips in the following topics and areas relating to any presentation software:
The Computer Presentations forum is open to the following groups of people:
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Keywords: Forums, Presentations