1. Squad.
98. (First time.) At the word about, the recruit will
turn on the left heel, bring the left toe to the front, carry the right foot
to the rear, the hollow(arch) opposite to, and full three inches from, the left
heel, the feet square to each other.
99. (Second time.) At the word face, the recruit will
turn on both heels, raise the toes a little, extend the hams, face to the rear, bringing, at the same time, the right heel
by the side of the left.
100. The instructor will take care that these motions do not derange the
position of the body.
Take Notice to the Underlined Sections!
-This is different
from how we have been performing this maneuver.
-Notice that
the Command is not “Right-About Face”
it is instead “About-Face.” It is
implied, by the maneuver that, you turn to the right.
-Second, Notice
that on “About” you will “T” your
-Third, You
will turn on your heels at the command “Face”,
not on the toe of your right foot.