Attention To Orders:
     -At the February Monthly meeting the attending membership voted and passed, with a vote of 17 for and 1
       against, the the revisons to the Unit's Bylaws.  The changes are as are as follows;
                 -A Member in Good Standing - Attends at least 50% of the 124th's calendar of events.  This
                  calendar will be approved and voted on by the February meeting of each year each.  An event
                  added to the calendar after the vote may be substituted for any of the events on the approved
                 -A Member in Good Standing may
hold rank and purchase poweder and caps at the unit's
                   discounted price.
                 -Members who attending 4 paying parades will recieve a pound of powder at the end of the season.
New Observations and Theory on Drill Manuvers:
Opening Ranks
About Face
                -Duties of Officers and NCOs
                            -This section should be read by all members
                -Loading in Nine Times
Positions of Firing
124th New York State Volunteers
Members Page
The Following is the method for
"Company into Line" & "Right by File into Line":
(Taken From Casey's)
Manual of Arms:
2006 Event Schedule | Officers of the Original Regiment | Battles & Casualties | Annual Event | Monuments to the 124th | Enlistment Poster | Troiani Print | Links | Images of the Unit | Home |
Current Roster & Members in Good Standing
Casey's Manual Online
All selections taken directly from the Caseys manual are courtesy of the US Regulars Archive.  They may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the prior permission of the US Regulars.
Sections From the U.S. Regulation of 1861
      - The 6th General Order
Roll Calls
U.S. Regulations of 1861Online
All selections taken directly from the Caseys manual are courtesy of the US Regulars Archive.  They may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the prior permission of the US Regulars.
On the Right By File into Line
By Company into Line
Manual of Arms Position:
   Thought to be one of the easiest manuvers of the manual of arms, the positions of Prime and Ready acctually have key details that must be observed for both safety and authenticity.  When at the position of prime/ready one's feet are at a "T" with the musket held at a 45 degree angle.  It should be noted that the musket should be held comfortably tucked into the body.  When priming the musket, one should reach, with the left hand, over the musket to the cap pouch.  This allows an individual to keep control of the musket while priming.
List of Approved Sutlers
Recent NewsLetters:
      -January 2006
      -August 2005
      -April 2005
Monthly Meetings Minutes:
      -February 2006
      -January 2006
      -November 2005