This will aid all members in the correct procedure of loading the musket.  This is the original way that loading was taught to soldiers.  It was never meant to be used in battle.  It was instead used to make sure that soldiers completed the movements and positions of loading correctly and properly.  It is suggested that all members learn this procedure in detail, including the numbers and the commands that go with the numbers.  You never know when you will have to demonstrate this (speaking from experience-Pvt. McIntyre).  As always pay particular attention to the underlined selections.    
1. LOAD.
One time and one motion.
163. Grasp the piece with the left hand as high as the right elbow, and bring it vertically opposite the middle of the body, shift the right hand to the upper band, place the butt between the feet, the barrel to the front; seize it with the left hand near the muzzle, which should be three inches from the body; carry the right hand to the cartridge-box. If the rifle musket is used the right hand will be shifted to just below the upper band. The muzzle will be eight inches from the body.
2. Handle-CARTRIDGE.
One time and one motion.
164. Seize the cartridge with the thumb and next two fingers, and place it between the teeth.
One time and one motion.
165. Tear the paper to the powder, hold the cartridge upright between the thumb and first two fingers, near the top; in this position place it in front of and near the muzzle-the back of the hand to the front.
4. Charge-CARTRIDGE.
One time and one motion.
166. Empty the powder into the barrel: disengage the ball from the paper with the right hand and the thumb and first two fingers of the left; insert it into the bore, the pointed end uppermost, and press it down with the right thumb; seize the head of the rammer with the thumb and fore-finger of the right hand, the other fingers closed, the elbows near the body.
5. Draw-RAMMER.
One time and three motions.
167. (First motion.) Half draw the rammer by extending the right arm; steady it in this position with the left thumb; grasp the rammer near the muzzle with the right hand, the little finger uppermost, the nails to the front, the thumb extended along the rammer.
(Second motion.) Clear the rammer from the pipes by again extending the arm; the rammer in the prolongation of the pipes.
(Third motion.) Turn the rammer, the little end of the rammer passing near the left shoulder; place the head of the rammer on the ball, the back of the hand* to the front.
One time and one motion.
170. Insert the rammer as far as the right, and steady it in this position with the thumb of the left hand; seize the rammer at the small end with the thumb and fore-finger of the right hand, the back of the band to the front - press the ball home, the elbows near the body.
7. Return-RAMMER.
One time and three motions.
171. (First motion.) Draw the rammer half-way out, and steady it in this position with the left thumb; grasp it near the muzzle with the right hand, the little finger uppermost, the nails to the front, the thumb along the rammer: tear the rammer from the bore by extending the arm, the nails to the front, the rammer in the prolongation of the bore.
(Second motion.) Turn the rammer, the head of the rammer passing near the left shoulder, and insert it in the pipes until the right hand reaches the muzzle, the nails to the front.
(Third motion.) Force the rammer home by placing the little finger of the right hand on the head of the rammer; pass the left hand down the barrel to the extent of the arm, with-out depressing the shoulder.
One time and two motions.
174. (Fourth motion.) With the left hand raise the piece till the band is as high as the eye, grasp the small of the stock with the right hand; half face to the right; place, at the same time, the right foot behind and at right angles with the left; the hollow of the right foot against the left heel. Slip the left hand down to the lower band, the thumb along the stock, the left elbow against the body; bring the piece to the right side the butt below the right fore-arm -- the small of the stock against the body and two inches below the right breast, the barrel upwards, the muzzle on a level with the eye.
175. (Second motion.) Half cock with the thumb of the right hand, the fingers supported against the guard and the small of the stock remove the old cap with one of the fingers of the right hand, and with the thumb and forefinger of the same hand, take a cap from the pouch, place it on the nipple, and press it down with the thumb; seize the small of the stock with the right hand.
9. Shoulder-ARMS.
One time and two motions.
176. (First motion.) Bring the piece to the right shoulder and support it there with the left band, face to the front; bring the right heel to the side of and on a line with the left; grasp the piece with the right hand as indicated in the position of shoulder arms.
(Second motion.) Drop the left hand quickly by the side
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