Ole Boudreaux, he die ......but him don't go up! When he get down there, he finds that old Devil waiting on him.

That ole Devil fiendishly laughs and proclaims: "Boudreaux; Welcome to Hell! My Boy; you aint gonna have no clue what I gots in store for you!"

So that ole Devil then say: "Boudreaux; come with me! I'm gonna take you to the special punishment I got planned for you!" But Boudreaux is just as cool as a cucumber and calmer than anything that ole Devil ever seen!

The Demons laughter echoes in the shadows at what is coming cause Satan has been waiting to get Boudreaux for 87 years now!

Boo says: "Well ole Devil? Do your worst! NOTHING ya'll can do gone hurt or scare Me!"

That old Devil laughs: "You gots to be crazy, you stupid Cajun! I am Satan! I am the Master of Hell! I gonna do Diabolic; Nightmarish, Horrible things to you!! And it gonna be nonstop 24-7 365 for all ETERNITY ! I been waiting 87 years to get you here and now that I gots you I gonna give you the BEST I GOTS and make you suffer beyond words! "

Boudreaux defiantly tells that ole Devil; "I dont know why you think anything you gone do will scare or hurt me cause I been married to yo sister for 55 years now!"
