Men from the 24th Who Served in Battery B, 4th U.S. Artillery

It is somewhat difficult to ascertain exactly who served with Battery B. Most Battery B scholars, notably Silas Felton base their volunteer roster on the official descriptive lists and rosters of the battery in the National Archives. The Cannoneer also includes the names of volunteers who served with the battery. As far as the 24th Michigan is concerned, it is possible to compile a list of the long-term volunteers by carefully combing Curtis's lists. These three sources are in general agreement.

There are a number of 24th soldiers who served in the Battery for shorter periods of time, however. Going by Buell and Battery B returns, it appears that the first 24th volunteers joined the battery after Fredericksburg. It seems that the majority of the long-term volunteers joined the battery at this time.

Curtis mentions that the first call for volunteers came just after the Regiment joined the Iron Brigade in October 1862. This makes some sense, as Battery B was much depleted in the aftermath of Antietam. It appears that most of these initial volunteers returned to duty with the regiment after only a short period. It is very difficult to identify these October volunteers. The individual service records seem to be the only means.

In the aftermath of Gettysburg, the battery must have again called for short-term volunteers. A recently discovered document from August or September 1863 indicates that a number of men not otherwise known to have served with the battery were detailed as caisson drivers, etc. As time allows men from this new document will be added to the list below.






Served With Battery

Length of Service

 Notes :
Bach Theodore Pvt. G  1/63  6/64  19 Wounded at Gettysburg
Batmay Peter Pvt. G  1/63 6/64  19
Blakely Lyman W. Pvt. G  1/63 6/64  22
Briggs Jonathan Pvt. I  1/63 2/64
Brown Henry Pvt. B  1/63  6/64  18
Chase* Clark Pvt D 24
Eberts Anthony Pvt. D  1/63 6/64 Wounded at Gettysburg
Funke William Pvt. D  1/63 5/64 Killed in Action at Bethesda Church May 30, 1864
Gohir Edward Pvt. F  1/63 6/64  19
Grover Theodore Pvt. H 1/63 6/64  19 Wounded at Gettysburg
Gunsolly James Pvt. C  1/63 6/64  19
Happe John Pvt. A  1/63 10/63 Wounded at Gettysburg - Lost Foot
Irving William Pvt.  I  1/63 5/64 Killed in Action at Laurel Hill on May 8, 1864
Kellogg Frank Pvt.  K 1/63 12/63  19
Kocher Conrad Pvt.  D 1/63 2/64
McDermott John Pvt.  E 1/63 6/64  19
Moore John B Pvt. 1/63 7/63 Wounded at Gettysburg, disabled
Morris Robert Pvt.  H 1/63 6/64  19
Moynahan Henry Pvt.  E 1/63 2/64  ??
Oakley George Pvt.  G 1/63 6/64  19
Orth John Pvt.  D 1/63 6/64  19
Pattee John A. Pvt.  K 1/63 6/64  18
Patton Charles Pvt.  E 1/63 7/63 Died of wounds received at Gettysburg
Phillips* Robert Pvt. A 18 ?
Picard Frank Pvt. A  20
Quadt Charles Pvt. A 1/63 6/64
Raymor Edward A. Pvt. B 10/11/62  10/31/62  1/2 Detailed as Caisson Driver by order of General Gibbon.
Reed Robert Pvt.  E 1/63 6/64  ??
Robinson A. Wilder Pvt.  H 1/63 2/64  ??
Shephard Adolphus Pvt.  I 1/63 7/63 Killed in action at Gettysburg
Smith Willard A Pvt.  F 1/63 2/64
Smith Joseph Pvt.  E 1/63 4/63
Stehfest Hermann Pvt.  A 1/63 6/64
Thornton William E Pvt.  I 1/63 6/64
Vandecar Isaac L Pvt.  K 1/63 4/64 Killed in action at Laurel Hill (Spottsylvania) on May 8, 1864
Velie Abram Pvt.  C 1/63 6/64  19
Walker George E. Pvt.  G 1/63 2/64 Wounded at Gettysburg
Weed Minot S. Pvt.  C 1/63 6/64  19
Wills William H. Pvt.  B 1/63 10/63 Dropped due to disability

The information for this listing is complied from a number of sources.

Last Updated:05/01/03
Webmaster: Rob Richardson
All original material © Copyright 1999 Rob Richardson