No to a Jewish State = Anti-Semitism
That's PA strategic goal! click on the pic below to learn more

Fateh website, affiliated with the Palestinian Authority has ever called for the Total Destruction of the State of Israel.
The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was founded in 1964 by the Arab states.
Al-Fateh (Arafat's faction) took control of this organization shortly after the Six Day War.
Read The PLO Charter:
TWENTY SIX distinct phrases out of this entire document are direct threats to Israel.
Quoted below are the kernel articles:
12. "Complete liberation of Palestine, and eradication of Zionist economic, political, military and cultural existence."
13. "Establishing an independent democratic state with complete sovereignty on all Palestinian lands, and Jerusalem is its capital city, and protecting the citizens' legal and equal rights without any racial or religious discrimination."
15. ". . . achieving the Arab Nation's goals in liberation."
17. "Armed public revolution is the inevitable method to liberating Palestine."
NONE of these articles has ever been amended, even though some "Palestinians" pretend it was.
The official website of the Fateh brings the original charter "as is".
There is no indication of any amendment whatsoever.
Read a short commentary about it at http://www.usembassy-israel.org.il/publish/peace/plo_note.html
Arafat has told an audience in Amman that the Oslo process was the first step in the implementation of the "stages plan," the PLO's program for the gradual destruction of Israel.
Read The Phased Plan for Israel's destruction.
- Oslo called for a Palestinians to denounced violence, but Arafat has expanded the terror, extorted funding, and continued to deny Israel's legitimacy.
- Oslo called for dismantling of all terror organizations, but Arafat empowered the leaders of Hamas, and Islamic Jihad by releasing criminals from prisons and supported the smuggling of illegal weapons (like Karine A), thus funneling of arms to terror factions.
- Oslo called for ending incitement to violence, and education of the Palestinian population for peace. In fact, the P.A. used their media and textbooks to deny Israel's legitimacy, incite for the killing of Jews, and call for "holy war."
- Oslo presumed that violations would trigger the cessation of the process. Despite explicit Palestinian violations, Israel continued to pursue the Oslo vision, ceding additional land at Wye in 1998, and presenting a deal at Camp David in July 2000 that far exceeded previous offers. To understand the current roadmap, one must understand its testing ground, Oslo.
In sum those Palestinians contend, "Our strategic goal is Palestine from the (Mediterranean) sea to the (Jordan) river"
as Faisal al-Husseini articulated just before he passed away. . .
To justify their strategic goal they claim
"If one is a good Jew, one cannot be a Zionist; if one is a Zionist, one cannot be a good Jew." |
Who am I? NEITHER Anti-Arab NOR Anti-Palestinian |
I'm a Palestinian Jew, born in the Old City of Jerusalem, survived 1948.
Some Arabs killed my family only because we were Jews. . .
Obviously I'm a Zionist - Zion remains my homeland forever!
More About Me |
Real Name: | Yehuda |
Location: | Zion, the Old City |
Age: | 70 |
Gender: | Male |
Occupation: | of Zion for ever |
Yahoo! ID: | anti_antizionism |
A Zionist does not mean anti-Arabic It means I want to live in Zion!
| |
My Opinion |
Who is a "Palestinian"? I would not accept the claim that there are no Palestinians, because I'm a Palestinian too (as I was born in Palestine). Besides, anyone has the right to choose any name.
For example, those who claimed in 1968 to be considered as Palestinians by their nationality had totally objected to be named Palestinians during the 1936 Arab revolt. . .
Who are the owners of the lands? When Jews began to immigrate to the Holy Land (aka Palestine) in large numbers in 1882, fewer than 250,000 Arabs lived here, and the majority of them had arrived in recent decades. This land has never been an exclusive Arab country, even though Arabic became the popular language used by the majority of the population after the Muslim invasions of the 7th century.
The 1993 Oslo agreement with Arab Palestinians was designed to reject the infamous PLO Charter.
According to Oslo agreement Israel has given Arabs ammunition. Israel has helped Arabs to built infrastructure, until the very moment they have shown their true face, absolutely betraying Israelis, breaching any agreement they had by inciting a violent "Intifadah". Ever since September 2000 they have proven that they can't be trusted. . .
Anti-Zionists have been always opposing the right of the Jews to settle and govern themselves in any part of the world.
As of 1919 they have objected the decision made by the international community (including the head of the Arab delegation, Emir Feisal),
who had recognized the right of Jews to settle in Palestine. This agreement was reached at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference which was held by the victorious Allies in order to settle international questions after the 1918 Armistice ended World War I.
The Arabs claim that the 1948 War of Independence for Israel was a " Nakba " for them. They ignore the very fact that some Anti-Zionist Arabs threatened to ''drive (and "sweep") the Jews into the sea''. Since that talk is no longer practical they simply deny the Jew's right to settle in Judea and Samaria. During that 1948 war Jews were expelled from certain areas.
After the six day war (1967) the Jews returned and and now while they cannot be again expelled there is a concerted attempt to de-legitimize their presence.
Many times in their internal propaganda, the Arabs have said that their involvement in the peace process is part of their "holy war to liberate Palestine."
Sadat said it when he visited Jerusalem. He explained to his Arab fellows that he had paid lip-service to the concept of peace because he knew that in this way he could receive more from Israel than he could ever win in a war (i.e. it was not "Salaam" but "Hudna").
Afterwards Sadat explained, once Egypt's position was improved and Israel's was weakened, he could wage war from a position of strength. . .
Nevertheless I'm still open to reconcile anytime, anywhere, everywhere. . . ONLY if those "Palestinians" enforce the law and stop violent actions including but not limited to suicide missions.
At this time Israel can't give administrative control to those who had sworn to exterminate Jews only because they want to live anywhere within this Holy Land.
Cool Links and some excellent references |
- Why did the Arabs reject the UN plan?
- 1948- Did the Arab Nations ever want peace?
- Anti-Zionism, Anti-Zionists - The Peace Encyclopedia
- The Biggest SHAM of all
- Israel's War Against Terror
- UN orders Israel out of Territories
- Monitoring Media Coverage of Israel
- Independent Media Review Analysis
- Explore The Middle East through its own media
- Elie Wiesel's speech at a rally in NY (Oct 12, 2000)
- An Investment In the Future
- Middle East Dialog Resource
- Building the Future Middle East
- Historical and Peace Process Documents
- Involvement of Arafat in Terror Actions
- Saudi Arabia finances terror activities
- Saudis Called Slow to Help Stem Terror Finances
- Lies and Libel of Isarel in the Palestinian Authority
- Is it really an issue of lands?
- Israel Declaration of Independence May 15,1948
- We are always open to have a truthful dialog

Raphi is an orthodox Jewish high school student living in Toronto.
Visiting his webstite you should learn why does he love Israel?
| |
Revised Oct, 2005
Human beings are believed to be in the image of the Almighty, and that's why some of them are playing |
Why is America hostile to Islam? Who fabricated the 9/11 show?
An interview with Egyptian historian Professor Zaynab Abd Al-Aziz

The answer: The Zionist entity - Israel You should view, listen and read
these excerpts of the Saudi Iqra TV broadcasted on May 26, 2005 |
Hate |
Mongers |
in the |
Name of God |
click on de`pic
An Excerpt from PNA TV
"All weapons must be aimed at the Jews, at the enemies of Allah, the cursed nation in the Koran..." |

Do they follow True Islam?
Palestinian Education
The Pipeline to Hatred
Ex Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had increased the grant awarded to the families of the Palestinian suicide bombers from $25,000 to $50,000 dollars.
Middle East axis of evil[1,2] has been quite affiliated with the Palestinian Authority headed by the late corrupted Chairman Yaser Arafat.
Listen to Arafat's speech 2002 / English translation
What is Zionism? |
Zionism is an ideology which expresses the yearning of all Jews the world over for their histroical homeland - Zion - the Land of Israel and Jerusalem.
The origin of the word Zionism is the biblical word Zion, often used as a synonym for Jerusalem and the Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael).
The idea of Zionism is based on the long connection between the decscendants of Judah - Jewish people and its land, a link which began when Abraham settled in Canaan. His grandson - Jacob - was named Israel the son of whom - Judah - settled around Jerusalem. Hence the Land of the Jews is around Jerusalem.
My Yahoo! Directory |
My Yahoo! Groups |
"Palestinian" Arabs created in 1968
the PLO Charter only AFTER
Israel occupied territories
in 1967, defending herself
against Jordan and Egypt.
No Arab in the "territories" had
ever objected Jordan and Egypt. . .
For 19 years (1949-1967)
"Palestinians" remained silent,
while Jordan and Egypt occupied
territories the "Palestinians" now
claim for themsleves. |
- Myths, Facts & Links
Find a collection of myths, facts and links about the current situation in the Middle-East, by MyJoy18.
- more Myths, Facts & Links
The claim that Rachel Corrie was killed intentionally, like the U.S.S. Liberty and Jenin libels are persistently being used by anti-Zionists (and antisemites) to slam Israel. All of them are lies. . . but those who still believe in them will never be convinced by truth and logic because of a blind hatred for Israel.
- The "Roadmap" U.S. website
- The "Roadmap" U.N. website
"In Phase I, the Palestinians immediately undertake an unconditional cessation of violence. . ." - - - "GOI immediately dismantles settlement outposts erected since March 2001."
- A two-state could be a reasonable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but no side is willing to accept it as is.
While Jews had accepted Arabs as citizens of the State of Israel as of 1948, PA practically denies any Jewish minority living in Palestine. Why?
- Palestinian Declaration of Independence Nov 15,1988
- The original text
with an excellent introduction.
- Middle East Maps
Don't miss this excellent presentation.
- The Ultimate Child Abuse
The Indoctrination of Palestinian Children.
- Rewriting History in Textbooks
By Mitchell Bard(December 1993) "The political correctness debate has led to increased scrutiny of how textbooks present the history of different peoples. While many minorities have actively campaigned to have their histories more accurately depicted, Jews have stayed on the sidelines."
- Britain's Partition plan 1946
- The Land Question in Palestine, 1917-1939
