Virtual Adept Symbol 010: LABEL "Information from questionable sources: Speculation, dated files, and -n warez..."
  100: GOSUB //

Secrets of the Void Engineers

The Men in Black

The Sandmen

Technocracy Personel

The Third Horseman

  200: DISPLAY "


Speculation   Correspondence **  Entropy **  Mind **  Time **
     This rote collects all manner of barely relevant, low security
data from all over the digital web, physical reality, and even the
psychic morass of 'general opinion,' in the past, present and future,
and collates it with reference to the sort of information being
searched for, then draws bizarre, unfounded conclusions.  The 
resulting information can actually be surprisingly accurate in some
of it's details and wildly inaccurate in others.  Typically, it
provides 'interesting' information, while omitting key details.
     For instance, you could Speculate as to the existence of a 
new Technocracy Amalgam in your town, determining its size, armament,
number of Awakened members, status within the Technocracy, the
color of the tile in it's lavatories, even the names and history of
it's members.  Some of those details will be dead-on, some will be
dead wrong, most will be eerily accurate but not quite accurate 
enough to be useful.
     [Speculation uses Correspondence and Time to pull information
from all over the Digital Web (and the world), Mind to gain a general
impression of what facts are 'important' and Entropy to filter for
relevance.  The extrapolation is accomplished mainly through Mind
and Entropy one, using the mage's own ideas and 'fate' to form a 
picture that makes the most sense, and is most relevant to him, 
      Though it's wildly inaccurate at times, Speculation does have
the advantage of being a passive, unobtrusive form of data-collection.
Unlike scrying, precognition, or mind probes, which can be quite 
obvious to their subjects, and easily stopped by wards, Speculation 
gathers up tiny, unprotected facts and pieces them together into a
picture - of sorts.  Speculation is still affected by the mystical
power of Arcane, however.]
      F/X - Coincidental, mainly because of it's inaccuracy. 


  210: DISPLAY "

-n warez   Correspondence **  Forces *  Time **  (Entropy **  Mind **)
     The 'warez d00ds,' those infamous juvenile hacker wannabes notable
only for violating video game copyrights, were always intent on producing
'0 day warez' - that is, breaking the copy protection on a new piece of
software the very day that it was released.  Their awakened counterparts,
the 'Sons of Glitches,' happily produce '-n warez' - software and data
pirated prior to it release (and, often, before it has even been 
written).  Of course, if you think beta-test versions are buggy, you 
should see the bugs that creep into -n warez.
     [The effect uses Forces, Correspondence and Time to copy any computer
file from the future onto the caster's system.  If the file is protected,
an extended Wits+Computers roll or the addition of a Mind/Entropy effect
(like Doe's Password) will be needed to gain access.  As with all forms
of precognition, -n warez cannot be counted on to be 100% accurate 
facsimiles of the future version they were copied from.]
     F/X - Usually coincidental, especially on the Digital Web.  However,
can become Vulgar if used to pull tricks like copying a program you 
intend to write, then inserting the copy in the address you copied it 
from instead of actually writing it...


  990: PRINT "All writing in this site (excepting Trademarks of White Wolf Game Studios) is Copyrighted, 94, 97, 98 by Tony Vargas"
  999: END OF FILE