
Highlander Fanfic Webring Homepage

Hello, Ladies and Gents, given the size of the regular Highlander webring I thought we fanfic fans/authors might appreciate a specialized webring...

This ring is for Highlander fanfic sites only! Thus only sites with fanfic on them are eligible.

To submit a site to the ring: First go and fill out the add form. Then come back to this page, get the fragment and follow the instructions below..

Add Form
To edit your site's webring info: Use this link

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Ok, to copy the fragment view the source of this document and copy everything after the "Start copying after this" comment until the "Stop copying" comment. Or you can copy it all from this text page

This Highlander Fanfic Webring site is owned by Your_Name_Here.

Want to join the Highlander Fanfic Webring?

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Okay, now as you add that fragment to your page you're going to have to replace _SITE_ID_HERE_ with the site id you got after you filled out the form. As well as the fillers for your e-mail addy and Name. Please don't mess with the rest of the fragment.

You won't be added to the ring until I or another ring-member add you from the queue. We'll double-check that everything is okay, and then you'll be set.


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