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This page has to do with the mystical elements from the popular tv show Babylon 5. Babylon 5 is setting standards for the television industry and for science fiction lovers everywhere. And this page is but a small tribute to Babylon 5. This page is mainly about the Walkers of Sigma-957, but it also has to do with the other First Ones in the Babylon 5 Universe as well.

The Walkers of Sigma-957 (The Walkers) are among the group to be classified as the 'First Ones'. Draal, keeper of the Great Machine, calls them "The most ancient of ancients."

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Species 2

Many times over the last million years the Shadows have been fought to a stand still by the 'First Ones' ; races immeasurably older than our own. After the war 1,000 years ago the 'First Ones' were thought to have passed the galactic rim, never to return. Where no human or Minbari have been. But the Vorlons remained.

According to legend some 'First Ones' went to sleep in secret places deep beneath their ancient cities where no one can bother them. And some walk among the stars as giants performing errands we can never hope to understand, barely aware of our existence. [Delenn]



First Ones Firing The Walkers' ship seems to be made of organic tech. It has those spikes or tentacles on it like the Shadow ships and the Vorlon ships except they don't stick out as much as the Vorlons and Shadows ships do. Their weapons systems fires a sort of frizzled spray of lightning (pictured right). Evidently it is pretty powerful because a Walker ship and a couple other 'First Ones' ships took out a Vorlon *planet killer* as though it was nothing. Another feature the Walker's ship has is the ability to drain power. When ever a ship gets too close to the Walker's ship its system's begin to lose power. Now how much range this power drain has is unknown. Another unknown is how powerful this drain is. In the show, ships significantly smaller were affected by this power drain, so it is unknown if this power drain can affect larger ships like EA capital ships or even Shadow battle cruisers.

As you can see from the picture of The Walkers' ship coming out of hyperspace that The Walkers' jumpgate is black with lightning swirling around. The Shadows just phase in and out of hyperspace, the Vorlons make their own jumpgates, but only The Walkers' jump points have lightning swirling around and even the blackness makes it unique, and makes me wonder if their jumpgate even goes into hyperspace. They may have discovered a new way to travel great distances using hyperspace. In the fourth season episode Into the Fire, the Walkers along with the other First Ones jumped out without using a jumpgate ...it just look like they were sucked in by space and just vanished.


Specific Points

Sigma-957 Origin: It is not known for sure, but the planet Sigma-957 appears to be the Walkers home world. Sigma-957 is rich of the substance Quantium-40, which is used to make jumpgates. An expedition was sent out in season 1 to see if this material could mined off, but Mrs. Sakai almost lost her life trying to find out. Her and her ship were fell victim to the power drain. If the Walkers have an abundant supply of Quantium-40 then they were probably one of first to enter hyperspace. And think of the possibilities on how that many years of knowledge could provide.

Culture: Almost nothing is known about their culture. They do like to hide their true identity like the Vorlons do. When they spoke to Ivanova, the Walkers used a tiki mask to communicate through. They do like not be bothered. They are proud and like to show their authority when they are bothered, but still have a finesse to them.

History: Two key points of their history. They have helped protect the galaxy from the Shadows at least 2 times. Second, the reports about their ship have warning messages attached to them.

Telepathic: Yes

Length of their Existence: Unknown

The 'First Ones' have passed beyond the Galactic Rim ("The Rim") into the great void that separates galaxies from one another. What exactly lies there is a mystery and how to get there is yet another one.


Background Info

I have broken down this category into three parts. Since the Walkers are elusive ...specially when it comes to information about them being let out, I have categorized their background info by their appearances.

1st Appearance: Mind War
2nd Appearance: Voices of Authority
3rd Appearance: Into the Fire [ below ]

Into the Fire:
The Walkers made a very brief appearance in the fourth season episode, Into the Fire. In this episode they along with 5 other First Ones helped defend the younger races from the Shadows and the Vorlons. The Shadows and Vorlons were setup by Sheridan and crew and started to fight it out. The purpose was to get the truth out about the Shadows and the Vorlons, but instead a vicous fight broke out. The Whitestar fleet along with allied races fought both the Shadows and the Vorlons. Sheridan called upon the forces of the 6 remaining First Ones, with the help of Lorien, to help out the situation. The Walkers along with a couple other First Ones' ships took out the Vorlon planet killer fairly quickly. At the end of the episode, Lorien and the 6 other First Ones left the galaxy leaving the younger races to take care of themselves.

So Into the Fire is the last episode we will see of the Walkers or the other First Ones, but their history has greatly affected was has been and the legacy to come. Centauri Prime will be affected the worse from the servants of the Shadows, so even though the First Ones have left ...their legacy lives on.


Other First Ones

Lorien There are other First Ones than the Walkers of Sigma-957. There is Lorien (pictured right in his TRUE form) who is "the first one." Besides the Walkers, there are 5 other First Ones that helped the younger races in Into the Fire whose names were not revealed. Two other well known First Ones are the Vorlons and the Shadows. The Vorlons & Shadows were left to take care of the younger races. Each had their own idea of how the younger races should be taken care of...

The Vorlons believed that the only way the younger races should be raised is through order - strict order. The Shadows believed there would be no growth if there wasn't any chaos. Through chaos the strong get stronger. The Shadows believed the Vorlons were left at an evolutionary stand still, frozen in time while the Vorlons believed the Shadows were pure evil and the galaxy needed to be purified from them. Anyone touched by the Shadows were not allowed to live, so the Vorlons sent out the planet killer destroying whole worlds where the Shadows had influence or were touched by the Shadows. In the episode Into the Fire, the younger races took a stand with the help of Lorien and 6 other First Ones. It was decided that all the First Ones would pass the Galactic Rim leaving the younger races to take care of themselves (3rd Age of Mankind).

As far as the oldest of the oldest it goes like this: Lorien, Shadows, and Walkers. Those three are the oldest of the First Ones. After that it gets a little hazy. I'm not sure how the other 5 First Ones rank in, but I do know the Vorlons are older than at least one of them. Other than that I don't know how the Vorlons rank against the other First Ones. I am just "certain" which three are the oldest.

I don't know how much older Lorien is from the rest, but I do know the Shadows are only slightly older than the Walkers ...to quote JMS, "The Shadows are older by a *smidge*." The others are a mystery.

I don't think (99.999999999% sure) the Drakh are First Ones, yet just servants of the Shadows. They are an old race, but it is unknown if they would be classified as First Ones, but like I said ...I wouldn't classify them as First Ones. They do share technology with the Shadows ...you can find Drakh technology in the Shadow's and Shadow technology with the Drakh's. The Drakh share a sort of hive mind. They seem to function as a group and not as a group of individuals. They were the race that Sheridan & crew saw evacuating Z'ha'Dum when it exploded. So far they have only been in Lines of Communication, but you can bet you will see/hear about them in the future.


Final Thoughts

Well we found out why the Walkers dislike the Vorlons ...as well as the Shadows. Both the Shadows and the Vorlons thought they knew what was best for the younger races, but both races were hurting the future rather than protecting it. The Walkers knew this and did not respect either race for this attitude. This is why the Walkers were reluctant to join the fight against the Shadows because when they were first asked to join, Ivanova said the Vorlons were on their (Ivanova & the rest of the FOL) side.

One thing I did guess right for sure was the fact that the Walkers left the galaxy completely. The Walkers along with other First Ones migrated to the void that lies in between galaxies, and what exactly is there is unknown and will probably remain unknown. At the end of Into the Fire, all of the First Ones left galaxy for good to go there. Will the Walkers and the other First Ones accept the Shadows & Vorlons?

Now that the Shadows & Vorlons are gone, one would think pillage time right? Wrong, Sheridan and crew (along w/ Bester) tried to go to Z'ha'Dum to see what was there but were left to find out that the Shadow servants set Z'ha'Dum on self destruct mode. This is because Lyta did not want Bester to know what was there so she telepathically warned who ever (the Drakh) was listening on Z'ha'Dum. Someone just recently asked JMS if people were going to go to the Vorlon homeworld and all he said was, "People can *try* to go there."

He put *s around try ...not me.

These are some of my thoughts about things. Hope you found them at least somewhat interesting.


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