New Druidic Magic practiced in Cowen Cove

Spell Level

  • 1st

  • 2nd

  • 3rd

  • 4th

  • 5th

  • 6th

  • 7th

    1st Level Magic

    Distort Tracks (Illusion/Phantasm)

    Sphere: Plant

    Range: 100yds per level of the caster

    Duration: 1 hour/2 levels of caster

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 5' radius

    Saving Throw: None

    Distort Tracks affects any person or creature including the caster within a 5' radius of the caster. It allows anyone within that 5' radius to change their tracks to an animal's tracks of the caster's choice. The animal tracks can not be any bigger than the caster's foot size. For example..The caster has a size 8' foot, he/she can not have the tracks of a bear or lion. This rule applys to the people/creatures within the radius. If they do not have the caster's size or bigger he can not change his tracks unless the caster chooses a smaller track equal or lower than that person/creature's size. This spell works by having the soil beneath the caster's feet to shift into the position of the selected animal. The tracks can be as big as a juvinile dragon's track to as small as a baby tiger track. Any person outside the 5' radius sees the tracks as animal/juvinile dragon tracks, but anyone within the 5' radius sees them as if they were their regular tracks. Characters often use this spell to avoid being followed. Also this spell allows the caster and the caster only to avoid being attacked by that animal. "NOTE" this ability only applies to animals not dragons. There are no Saving Throws for this spell.

    1st Level Magic

    Shocker (Alteration)

    Sphere: Weather

    Range: 100 yards

    Duration: 1 round

    Casting Time: 1 round

    Area of effect: 1 person

    Saving Throw: None

    Shocker is about the same thing as a magic missle, but does not get stronger as the caster does. What this spell does is alters and absorbs the elctrical charge in your body and forces it out through the caster's finger tips at any targeted object. When this electical charge comes in contact with the person aimed at it will inflict a whopping! 1d8 points of damage + 1 round stunned. So as you can see this spell would be very helpful in a big battle. Although it is a weak spell it adds a round of stun, so anyone with you can attack him that round.

    5th Level Magic

    Esgalduin Wind (Enchantment)

    Sphere: Weather

    Range: 100 yards

    Duration: 4 rounds/2 rounds for every two levels of the caster or special

    Casting Time: 2 round

    Area of effect: 1 person or special

    Saving Throw: Save vs Breath Weapon for only 2 rounds

    Esalduin Wind can be used three ways. One of which it can be used is to distort someones sense of direction and make the victim think he is back in his childhood. So basically this spell goes through the victims body and distorts the brain to make him think he is around the age of 10. This spell can also be used as a minor spell elemental that can only be used as a spy. This elemental will last for 3 hours plus an additional round for every level of the caster.This can be used to easdrop on a Wizard creating a new spell or on a couple of dwarves that are planning to cut down trees in your grove or a forest or it can be used for...well you get the picture. Finally it can used as a posted guard and at any sign of danger it will rush back to you within the next two seconds and telepathically tell you whats going on. The third way this spell can be used is to make any 1 person go completly blank for 4 rounds plus 1 additional round for every three levels of the caster. During this time of blankness the victim cannot see nor hear, so he is relativly unconsious in a consious stay. forgive me if I am beginning to sound like a gnome.

    7th Level Magic

    Dehydration (Alteration)

    Sphere: Animal, Plant

    Range: 15 yards

    Duration: 2 day/level of caster

    Casting Time: 7 rounds

    Area of Effect: 1 person

    Saving Throw: Save vs Breath Weapon for only one day

    Dehydration is basically the same thing as Hunger(explained in the Druid's Handbook), but just about 5 times better. Those affected by dehydration no longer gain sustenance from water. No matter how much they drink, they still can't quench their thirst.If the spell did not end, the victim eventually would dehydrate, visibly wasting away.After one day of the spells affect the victim's concentration suffers(due to theirpreoccupation with their constant thirst feeling), causing them to suffer a -4 penalty to all ability and proficiency checks along with a -2 to Hit rolls. On the 4th day without water, a victim who has been maintaining normal activity levels lose 2 Strength points; on the ninth day, they lose 2 Constitution points. This alternation pattern continues until one of the character's ability scores drops to 3; when this occurs the character becomes comatose. If a score reaches 0 before the spell ends the victim dies. The victim regains lost points at a rate of 1 Strength/week and a ½ and 1 Constitution/week When casting this spell the character secretly whispers a made up creative word, if some how the victim speaks the word 4 times the spell will be broken. Dehydration cannot be dispelled, or have a Remove Curse spell cast upon it.The only way to break the spell is to wait until the spell ends or speak the secret word 4 times.

    That's all I have right now, but I garentee there will be more

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