The Avenger class was a private design by the British Ludlem yard of Wellon aimed at capturing the market for a new Royal Wellon Spacy and the leadship of the class, HMS Avenger was laid down before the decision to maintain a single RSN was announced. The hull was taken over by the RSN, along with the Amazon. A further two, Arrow and Ambush were laid down by Vosper-Woolf at Earth.
All four saw service during the Central Asian War in the neutrality patrol, most notably HMS Amazon was engaged by a pair of Manchu Destroyers and destroyed, with the loss of 7 of her crew, the remainder being taken onboard the Anquing before repatriation to the UK. They continued on into the Franco-German War, and the Arrow was involved in escorting both French and German merchants down the French Arm, Avenger and Ambush were stationed at Tirane as guardships.
As a class they were unfortunately limited. They had little room for future expansion, but the RSN was in need of the hulls, in 2301 the Avenger was "sold" to Lord Cathcart, the Duke of Alicia who has used it to wage a private war against the Kafers.
The Avenger was a 20MW modern stutterwarp drive, but it is only normally powered to 3MW to extend endurance. The power systems include a 3MW Turbine used for cruising, giving the ship a range of 8 weeks in deep space. When insystem the solar panel is deployed and provides 3MW without burning fuel. During combat the 30MW MHD turbine is brought online and the 3MW shutdown. This provides full power to the drive and tactical systems.
Weapons Systems
The Primary offensive system consists of 4 Longbow missiles, with 2 controllers. These are capable of engaging an target that the sensors can pick up. At closer range an offensive PBWS system provides heavy firepower and is available for planetary strike. Defenses are 4 laser cannon which can engage incoming missiles or enemy vessels and a 6 cell Starwolf launcher, which launchs a small nuclear device.
British Avenger class Missile Frigate
Design Date: 2278
First Example Laid Down: 2278
First Example Completed: 2279
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 2 (of 4 built); Arrow and Ambush in
service, Avenger sold to Lord Cathcart, the Duke of Alicia, Amazon
destroyed 2284
Warp efficiency: 1.6 (3.0 on battle turbines)
Power Plant: 3MW MHD Cruise Turbine, 30MW MHD Battle Turbine and 3MW
Fuel: 2,400 tons
Range: 7.7 light years
Endurance: up to 16 weeks
Mass: 3,960 tons unloaded
Cargo Capacity: 688 cubic meters
Crew: 40 (14 Bridge, 9 TAC, 3 Engineering 2 small craft, 2 stewards,
8 troops, 2 medical); Passengers: none
Comfort: 0;
Emergency Power: 1 week
Total Life Support: 40 for 180 days
Cost: MLv107.78 without ordnance
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 6 (Battle Turbines)
Screens: 0
Radiated Signature: 2(5)
Radial Reflected: 4
Lateral Reflected: 5
Target Computers: +2;
Radial Profile: -2
Lateral Profile: +1
Armour: 4
Hull hits: 48
Power Plant Hits: 6 (cruise), 60 (battle)
Active: 13
Passive: 12
Maneveurability: 3
Other: 300 cubic meter hangar (generally an embarked lander)
2 x1+1dbl lasers in masked turrets (1238, 4567)
1 x4-2 PBWS in jack turret (128)
1 Starwolf close defence launcher (6 shots each, 3x1 warhead)
Ordnance Load
4 Longbow missile in individual bays
Sensors and Electronics:
Phased Active-13
Spherical Passive-12
Navigation Radar
3 Fire Control Radars (TTAs)
Crew Hits:
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 2 Communications, 2 Computer
TAC: 2 Fire Control (Laser Turrets), 1 Fire Control (PBWS), 1 Fire
Control (Starwolf), 2 Remote Pilot, 1 Flight Control, Phased Active Operator,
Spherical Passive Operator
Damage Control: 8
Technical Notes
This is unashamedly a version of the real world RN Type-21 GP Frigate
(US rating: Guided Missile Destroyer)