Ships of the
Chinese Arm

New Ships for 2300AD/Star Cruiser

Hosted by Bryn Monnery

Submissions are open to all, please send to the above address


Brazilian Para class Corvette

Original Date of Design: 2288
First Example Laid Down: 2288
First Example Completed: 2291
Fleets of Service: Brazil

The Para class corvette is a homegrown copy of the British Donovan class corvette. Like the Donovan she carries a large missile complement and can launch them all in one salvo.

The main reason for commissioning these warships was to act as a "flying missile pack" for the fleet and allow greater flexibility in fleet operations against Argentina.

The Imperial Brazilian Space Navy currently has 15 of these vessels, all deployed with the Solar fleet.

Warp Efficiency: 2.126; Power Plant: 5MW MHD Turbine ( Fuel: 72 tons, 24 hours operations); Range: N/A; Mass: 860 tons; Cargo Capacity: none; Comfort: 0; Total Life Support: 3; Ordnance Carried: 12 AAS-5 missiles in individual bays; Crew: Pilot, 2 weapons officers; Price: Lv 20,998,000

Movement: 4; Screens: 1; Radiated Signature: 3 (4); Radial Reflected: 5; Lateral Reflected: 5; Targetting Computer: 0; Radial Profile: -2; Lateral Profile: -2; Armor: 8

Hull Hits: 6 (or 48); Power Plant Hits: 14

Surface Fixtures
Weapons: 2 x1+1 123 TTA's and Submunitions: 2 Communicators (if controlling 2 missiles then beam weapons may not be used) Sensors: Navigation; Active: 7; Passive: 10;

Critical Hits, Crew Section
Cockpit: Pilot, Gunner, Gunner

Damage Control: 0

British Churchill class Fighter

Original Date of Design: 2293
First Example Laid Down: 2294
First Example Completed: 2297
Fleets of Service: Azania

This fighter was designed by British Ludlum Industries LTD. as a multi-role fighter for the budget market. It is fully streamlined and atmosphere capable and is heavily armoured.

Although this is a British fighter the RSN does not operate any themselves, prefering the faster, harder hitting Harrier produced by Hawker LTD. Azania is the main user of these craft although several other countries may be investing in these highly cost effective colonial guardships in the near future, especially with the current squeeze on naval funds due to the increased production of escort and capital hulls.

Warp Efficiency: 3.372; Power Plant: 5MW MHD Turbine ( Fuel: 48 tons, 8 hours operations and 24 tons reaction fuel); Range: N/A; Mass: 238.56 tons; Cargo Capacity: none; Comfort: 0; Total Life Support: 3; Ordnance Carried: One LL-3 submunition dispenser; Crew: Pilot, 2 weapons officers; Price: Lv 10,503,000

Movement: 7; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 1 (4); Radial Reflected: 4; Lateral Reflected: 4; Targetting Computer: +1; Radial Profile: -3; Lateral Profile: -2; Armor: 8

Hull Hits: 3 (or 25); Power Plant Hits: 11

Surface Fixtures
Weapons: x1+1 123 TTA's and Submunitions: One LL-3 submunition dispenser (5 shots, 3x1 warhead), One TTA, Cockpit communicator Sensors: Navigation; Active: 7; Passive: 5;

Critical Hits, Crew Section
Cockpit: Pilot, Gunner, Gunner

Damage Control: 0

British Herald class Frigate

Original Date of Design: 2295
First Example Laid Down: 2298
First Example Completed: 2301
Fleets of Service: Great Britain

The Herald was designed as a replacement for the ageing Achates class frigate in service in the RSN, RAzSN and the RCSN. She was developed as a joint Anglo-Canadian project and designed as a frigate capable of making fast runs down the arm but carrying enough firepower to engage light units of hostile navies. The most likely concieved opponents were the Tungu, Luhu and Spitfire class frigates. The Herald can engage and defeat all three.

Cost was a major consideration and so "going the whole hog" like the American Spitfire was discounted, the final ship costing around 40% the cost of a Spitfire.

In terms of weaponary and stealth capacity the Herald is impresive and she is faster than any frigate in human space bar the Spitfire. She carries 4 British designed Longbow tactical missiles capable of engaging fast targets and mounts 4 Enfield pulse lasers in masked turrets with on the mount targeting (UTES). Her sensor suite is comprehensive and the hull is fully streamlined with just enough fuel carried for a lift from a 1 gravity world and additional fuel tankage in the form of inflatable bladders in the cargo hold.

This ship uses the same British pioneered clean nuclear thrust technology as the Killiecrankie class armed deep scout.

Warp Efficiency: 2.147; Power Plant: 15MW fission ( Fuel: 300 tons, one lift from a 1g world); Range: 7.7; Mass: 2092.775 tons; Cargo Capacity: 207.4 cubic meters; Comfort: 0; Total Life Support: 30 for 180 days; Ordnance Carried: 4 Longbow missiles in individual bays; Crew: 14 Bridge, 8 TAC, 9 engineer, 1 medical; Price: Lv 35,760,000

Movement: 4; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 2 (5); Radial Reflected: 3; Lateral Reflected: 4; Targetting Computer: +1; Radial Profile: -2; Lateral Profile: 0; Armor: 4

Hull Hits: 24; Power Plant Hits: 22

Surface Fixtures
Weapons: x1+1 1238 w/UTES, x1+1 w/UTES 3456, x1+1 w/UTES 4567, x1+1 w/UTES 1278 TTA's and Submunitions: none Sensors: Navigation;Active: 10; Passive: 10; DSS; Gravitational

Critical Hits, Crew Section
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 2 Communications, 2 Computer TAC: 4 Fire Control, 2 Remote Pilot, Active Operator, Passive Operator

Damage Control: 4

French Normandie class Frigate

Original Date of Design: August 8, 2299
First Example Laid Down: December 1, 2299
First Example Completed: April 10, 2301
Fleets of Service: France

The ineffectiveness of the Aconit class frigate during the recent wars with Manchuria, Germany and the Kafers did not go unnoticed at French Naval Command. Despite the establishment being firmly routed in the "Big Ship" concept certain admirals wanted a fleet frigate to compete directly with the German Saschen, American Spitfire and newly constructed British Herald classes.

The most vocal advocate of this policy was Vice Amiral Apoux, Commander of the 1st fleet and de facto commander of all French Naval forces on the Chinese Arm. He needed a frigate capable of matching of Manchurian Tungu and Ludu class frigates in use by Frances main competitor in that region. When the Kafer War sparked off a large fleet expansion in 2299, Apoux fought his corner and got 10 of these vessels ordered.

The Normandie is a powerful frigate with a battery of 2 Guiscard M1000 lasers for point defense, 2 LL-2 submunition dispensers for close combat and 6 Ritage-2 missiles in 3 internal bays, the hull mounts considerable armour and the vessel is capable of outpacing the Saschen.

Budget restraints have meant the removal of certain capablilities, the sensor suite was cut, the Gravitational sensors never installed and the computer systems are only second rate. Dispite this the Normandie has been ordered by several other countries, notably Japan and the Ukraine.

Warp Efficiency: 1.872; Power Plant: 7MW MHD Turbine ( Fuel: 1400 tons, sufficient for 2 weeks of operations); Range: 7.7; Mass: 2521.6 tons; Cargo Capacity: 104 cubic meters; Comfort: 0; Total Life Support: 30 for 24 weeks; Ordnance Carried: 2 LL-2 submunitions dispensers, 6 Ritage-2 missiles in 3 bays; Crew: 14 Bridge, 7 TAC, 6 engineer, 1 medical; Price: Lv 37,857,000

Movement: 4; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 1 (4); Radial Reflected: 5; Lateral Reflected: 6; Targetting Computer: +1; Radial Profile: -2; Lateral Profile: 0; Armor: 4

Hull Hits: 46; Power Plant Hits: 14

Surface Fixtures
Weapons: x1+1 1278 w/UTES, x1+1 w/UTES 3456 TTA's and Submunitions: 2 LL-2 dispensers Sensors: Active: 7; Passive: 10; DSS

Critical Hits, Crew Section
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 2 Communications, 2 Computer TAC: 4 Fire Control, 3 Remote Pilot, Active Operator, Passive Operator

Damage Control: 4

American Eagle class Fast Destroyer

Original Date of Design: 2300
First Example Laid Down: 2301
First Example Completed: 2303
Fleets of Service: America

The Eagle is designed to complement the American Kennedy class fast cruisers and Spitfire class fast frigates. Trilons mandate was to create a fast missile ship cheaper than the Spitfire frigate.

Outwardly she resembles a squashed Kennedy except for the obvious lack of the drone.

Although she is slower than the Kennedy and less well armoured than the Spitfire the Eagle can still hold her own in battle. She can outrun all missiles except the Russain Shkval and British Longbow and is highly stealthy for a ship of the line.

The planned production run is eight vessels, commissioning one per year from 2303.

Warp Efficiency: 4.021; Power Plant: 50MW fission ; Range: 7.7; Mass: 4121.225 tons; Cargo Capacity: 164.5 cubic meters; Comfort: 0; Total Life Support: 62 for 150 days; Ordnance Carried: 12 SIM-14 missiles in 2 bays; Crew: 18 Bridge, 10 TAC, 32 engineer, 2 medical; Price: Lv 88,554,000

Movement: 8; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 3 (6); Radial Reflected: 4; Lateral Reflected: 5; Targetting Computer: +2; Radial Profile: -1; Lateral Profile: 0; Armor: 0

Hull Hits: 37; Power Plant Hits: 60

Surface Fixtures
Weapons: x1+1 1238 w/UTES, x1+1 1234 w/UTES, x1+1 2345 w UTES, x1+1 w/UTES 5678, x1+1 w/UTES 1278, x1+1 w/UTES 1678 TTA's and Submunitions: 2 bridge communicators, 2 remote communicators Sensors: Navigation; Active: 10; Passive: 10; DSS; Gravitational

Critical Hits, Crew Section
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, Engineer, 2 Communications, 3 Computer TAC: 6 Fire Control, 2 Remote Pilot, Active Operator, Passive Operator

Damage Control: 16

Brazilian Minas Geraes class Destroyer

Original Date of Design: 2287
First Example Laid Down: 2289
First Example Completed: 2296
Fleets of Service: Brazil

The Minas Geraes class destroyer is the replacement for the antiquated Espirito Santo and althougth it is a vast improvement on that design it is still slower than many modern ships. It is heavily armoured and has a large complement of missiles. This ship can be deadly is equipped with the new AAS-7 but most only carry the AAS-5.

Brazil currently has 4 vessels of this class: Minas Geraes, Sao Paulo, Bahia and Rio Grande Do Sul

Warp Efficiency: 2.104; Power Plant: 25MW fission ; Range: 7.7; Mass: 3452.59 tons; Cargo Capacity: 711.81 cubic meters; Comfort: 0; Total Life Support: 48 for 180 days; Ordnance Carried: 20 AAS-5 or AAS-7 missiles in 5 bays, 1 lander (takes 3 turns to launch); Crew: 16 Bridge, 12 TAC, 16 engineer,2 small craft, 2 medical; Price: Lv 57,296,000

Movement: 4; Screens: 3; Radiated Signature: 2 (5); Radial Reflected: 5; Lateral Reflected: 5; Targetting Computer: +2; Radial Profile: 0; Lateral Profile: 0; Armor: 8

Hull Hits: 25; Power Plant Hits: 30

Surface Fixtures
Weapons: x2+1 1234 , x2+1 2345, x2+1 5678, x2+1 1678 TTA's and Submunitions: 2 bridge communicators, 5 remote communicators Sensors: Navigation; Active: 10; Passive: 10; DSS; Gravitational

Critical Hits, Crew Section
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 2 Communications, 3 Computer TAC: 4 Fire Control, 5 Remote Pilot, Active Operator, Passive Operator, Flight Control

Damage Control: 8

Australian Victoria class Fast Missile Cruiser

Original Date of Design: 2286
First Example Laid Down: 2288
First Example Completed: 2292
Fleets of Service: Australian Commonwealth

The Victoria class Cruiser was the forerunner of the American Kennedy class Cruiser and at the time of her construction the fastest ship in human space. Her machinery was imported from Europe, the reactor, weapons and sensor systems from France and the drive and lander from Great Britain.

The purpose of these vessels was to project Australias power out beyond the Australian-American arm into the Chinese arm and even the European. They were also symbols of great nation pride, showing the ingenuity that had raised the Commonwealth of Australia to an empire beyond even their American allies.

The hull is constucted of Advance Synthetics and is unmasked, a compromise nessecitated by the need for high speed. She is 40 meters long and 18 meters wide in the engineering section. The spin capsule habitat retracts fully into the main hull further reducing her profile.

Four are currently in Australian service. These are Victoria, New South Wales, Southern Cross and Kangeroo. The odd mix of class names resulted from changes in government.

Warp Efficiency: 4.585; Power Plant: 150MW fusion ( Fuel: 200 tons, 8 refuels for lander); Range: 7.7; Mass: 6673.45 tons (with ordinance); Cargo Capacity: 150 cubic meters; Comfort: 0; Total Life Support: 100 for 180 days; Ordnance Carried: 12 Ritage-2 missiles in individual bays, one Vue drone in an external sling, one Sword lander; Crew: 20 Bridge, 18 TAC, 17 engineer,40 troops, 4 medical; Price: Lv 153,278,000 (without ordinance)

Movement: 9; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 7; Radial Reflected: 5; Lateral Reflected: 5 (6 with drone attatched); Targetting Computer: +2; Radial Profile: -1; Lateral Profile: +1; Armor: 0

Hull Hits: 56; Power Plant Hits: 100

Surface Fixtures
Weapons: 4 x2+1 1234, 4 x2+1 1678, 2 x2+1 2345, 2 x2+1 5678, all in masked turrets with UTES TTA's and Submunitions: 2 bridge, 1 flight and 3 remote communicators Sensors: Navigation; Active: 16; Passive: 12; DSS; Gravitational; Minimal Life and Cartographic

Critical Hits, Crew Section
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 3 engineers, 2 Communications, 2 Computer TAC: 12 Fire Control, 3 Remote Pilot, Active Operator, Passive Operator, Flight Control

Damage Control: 8

French DeGaulle class Battleship

Original Date of Design: July 4, 2212
First Example Laid Down: June 10, 2214
First Example Completed: August 17, 2219
Fleets of Service: France

The two vessels of this class were commisioned in 2219 and 2223 during the French Crisis of Resources. As Frances economy changed from Terracentric to Imperiocentric the need to secure trade routes to the vital colonies on the (then) European Arm was a vital imperative. These two vessels where designed to be the core of a potent squadron, a similar concept to the modern Battlecruiser concept.

All of her contemparies have been sold or scraped but the newly modernised DeGaulle and Charlemagne soldier on into the 24th Century. The DeGaulle is currently the flagship of the 1st fleet operating in the Chinese Arm, the Charlemagne is flag for the 2nd fleet stationed at Tirane. During the Kafer War the 2nd fleet was reenforced and sent to join the British Terran Reserve fleet at Queen Alices Star. The IFS Charlemagne had landed her landers and troops on Beowulf and was the baseship for the French 14th Aerospace Squadron (consisting of 6 Mistral IIIbis fighters), during the battle all her fighters where lost and the hull was seriously compromised. The French are, in all probability, not going to salvage her and the Argentinan government have expressed an interest in buying her for refit.

Warp Efficiency: 2.455; Power Plant: 160MW fission plant ( Fuel: 1200 tons, for carried small craft); Range: 7.7; Mass: 20959 tons; Cargo Capacity: 3960 cubic meters; Comfort: 0; Total Life Support: 840 for 6 months; Ordnance Carried: 16 Ritage-1 missiles in 8 bays, 8 Ritage-2 missiles in 2 external packs; 6 landers in magnetic slings Crew: 28 Bridge, 41 TAC, 131 engineer, 600 troops, 28 small craft flight and maintainance,28 medical; Price: Lv197,147,000 (without small craft)

Movement: 5; Screens: 4; Radiated Signature: 7; Radial Reflected: 8; Lateral Reflected: 12; Targetting Computer: +2; Radial Profile: 0; Lateral Profile: +2; Armor: 6

Hull Hits: 156; Power Plant Hits: 200

Surface Fixtures
Weapons: 4 x1dbl 128, 5 x1dbl 123, 3 x1dbl 456, 4 x1dbl 345, 4 x1dbl 567, 5 x1dbl 178 TTA's and Communicators: 25 TTAs, 8 remote communicators Sensors: Active: 10 and redundant; Passive: 12 and redundant; DSS; gravitational; minimal life; minimal cartographic

Critical Hits, Crew Section
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 3 engineers, 4 Communications, 4 Computer TAC: 25 Fire Control, 8 Remote Pilot, 6 flight control, Active Operator, Passive Operator

Damage Control: 77

Commercial Ships

Arabian Shah class Supertransporter

Original Date of Design: August 21, 2244
First Example Laid Down: January 1, 2245
First Example Completed: January 1, 2254
Fleets of Service: UAR

These great vessels are the among largest commercial ships ever constructed. Having a minimal ammount of tantalum and the need to transfer the hundreds of thousands of tons of oil mined on Daikoku to Earth for refining, the Arabian government contracted a Manchurian shipbuilder to build these 2 great vessels.

Two are on regular runs to and from Daikoku and Earth dispite the fact that the Japanese have set up refining plants on Daikoku.

A third, the Hajj has been converted to a liner and is charged with taking the Muslim faithful from Daikoku to Earth. She carries over 8000 back to New Mecca and New Medina once every year in very squalid accomodations. Needless to say, only the poorest of the faithful travel this way but every year for every budding Hajj that travels over a hundred get left behind.

Warp Efficiency: 3.028 unloaded, 0.418 loaded; Power Plant: 15MW fission plant ; Range: 7.7; Mass: 1644.6 tons unloaded, 628,236.6 tons loaded ; Cargo Capacity: 208864 cubic meters ; Comfort: 0; Total Life Support: 20 for 6 months; Ordnance Carried: none Crew: 10 Bridge, 9 engineer, 1 medical; Price: Lv11,569,000

Movement: 1; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 5; Radial Reflected: 8; Lateral Reflected: 21; Targetting Computer: -2; Radial Profile: 0; Lateral Profile: +5; Armor: 0

Hull Hits: 570; Power Plant Hits: 20

Surface Fixtures
Weapons: none TTA's and Communicators: none Sensors: navigation only

Critical Hits, Crew Section
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, Communications, Computer TAC: none

Damage Control: 4

Bavarian Hans class Medical Frigate

Original Date of Design: 2265
First Example Laid Down: 2268
First Example Completed: 2270
Fleets of Service: Bavaria, Germany

The Hans class medical ship was named after Dr. Jurgen Hans, a field medic turned philosopher in the Saudi War. It was designed to facilite the speedy evacuation of troops from a colonial battlefield and to provide support in disaster relief operations.

The most notable incident involving a ship of this class was during the flight of the Bavarian government to the safety of the Rho Eridani system in 2292. The Linderman was carrying the President to safety when they where attacked off the Broward outpost by the German Konstantine class cruiser Admiral Raeder. In order to assure their escape, the escorting Bavarian cruiser Admiral Tirpitz fought a pitched battle and eventually destroyed the German ship but not before being mortally wounded himself. Against the advice of his staff the President ordered the Linderman to evacuate both ships, "After all, we are all Germans" is a common quote attributed to him.

This incident had such a large effect on the German Naval officers ordered to assault Heidelheimat that they mutinied and refused to use Kinetic Harpoons on their fellow countrymen. Thus it is the BMS Linderman that is credited with saving the Bavarian government in exile and every year the opening of the Stang processes from the hulk of the now scraped Linderman outside New Munich.

Warp Efficiency: 1.073; Power Plant: 3MW MHD Turbine ( Fuel: 1200 tons, sufficent for 4 weeks operation and 3720 tons, 160 1G lifts for each medical lifter); Range: 7.7; Mass: 20959 tons; Cargo Capacity: 2965 cubic meters; Comfort: 0; Total Life Support: 700 for 180 days; Ordnance Carried: 4 Medical Landers Crew: 10 Bridge, 1 TAC, 3 engineer, 8 small craft flight and maintainance, 80 medical, upto 600 wounded; Price: Lv 21,070,000 (23,870,000 with small craft)

Movement: 2; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 3; Radial Reflected: 7; Lateral Reflected: 10; Targetting Computer: 0; Radial Profile: 0; Lateral Profile: +2; Armor: 0

Hull Hits: 129; Power Plant Hits: 8

Surface Fixtures
Weapons: none TTA's and Communicators: one bridge communicator Sensors: Navigation, Passive: 5

Critical Hits, Crew Section
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, Communications, Computer TAC: Passive Operator

Damage Control: 2


Generic Commercial Mailship

Original Date of Design: 2214
First Example Laid Down: 2215
First Example Completed: 2215
Fleets of Service: Various Postal companies

This is the generic mailboat, the design began life as a military scoutship during the 22nd century and demilitarised versions began to appear in the early 23rd century to replace the packet boat mail system (although this system is still in use today for some frontier outposts). Class names etc. do not matter this is a bog standard routine courier in use on all three arms.

The drive is a modern commercial version although the older ships have older drives (efficency drops to 2.57) and a simple metal hull.

The spin habitat can retract for docking with the mail tender for resupply.

Warp Efficiency: 2.857 unloaded ; Power Plant: 5MW MHD Turbine (Fuel: 500 tons, one week of operations); Range: 7.7; Mass: 895.775 tons ; Cargo Capacity: 484.61 cubic meters; Comfort: 0; Total Life Support: 15 for 20 days; Ordnance Carried: none; Crew: 10 Bridge, 1 TAC, 3 engineer, 1 medical; Price: Lv 18,236,,000 (Lv 6,626,000 for old version)

Movement: 6; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 4; Radial Reflected: 5; Lateral Reflected: 6; Targetting Computer: 0; Radial Profile: -2; Lateral Profile: -1; Armor: 0

Hull Hits: 24; Power Plant Hits: 14

Surface Fixtures
Weapons: none TTA's and Submunitions: bridge communicators Sensors: Navigation; Passive: 1;

Critical Hits, Crew Section
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, Communications, Computer TAC: Passive Operator

Damage Control: 1


French Danton class Assault Carrier

Original Date of Design: 2293
First Example Laid Down: 2293
First Example Completed: 2300
Fleets of Service: France

The Danton class Troopship is designed to carry an Armoured regiment to any battlefield in human space and support them with orbital fire and emergency troop evacuation. When supported by a fleet fueller and a Battleship group this is an extreme example of the level of force France can project if needs be.

There are 4 of these vessels in service and 2 more under construction, they are the Danton, Mirabeau, Diderot, Condorcet, Vergniaund and Voltaire.

Warp Efficiency: 2.480 unloaded, 2.082 with mechanised units; Power Plant: 150MW fusion ( Fuel: 8000 tons, ten refuels for each assault lander); Range: 7.7; Mass: 32541.9 tons unloaded with vehicles ; Cargo Capacity: 20480.04 cubic meters; Comfort: 0; Total Life Support: 30 for 180 days; Ordnance Carried: 8 Galaxie class Heavy Assault Landers; Crew: 22 Bridge, 14 TAC, 17 engineer, 85 medical, 2388 troops, 24 small craft crew; Price: Lv 124,810,000 (149,610,000 with vehicles)

Movement: 4 or 5; Screens: 5; Radiated Signature: 7; Radial Reflected: 6; Lateral Reflected: 12; Targetting Computer: +1; Radial Profile: 0; Lateral Profile: +4; Armor: 0

Hull Hits: 570; Power Plant Hits: 100

Surface Fixtures
Weapons: x1+1 1238 w/UTES, x1+1 w/UTES 3456, x1+1 w/UTES 4567, x1+1 w/UTES 1278 TTA's and Submunitions: 2 bridge communicators, 8 flight communicators Sensors: Navigation; Active: 7; Passive: 6; DSS; Gravitational

Critical Hits, Crew Section
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 3 engineers, 2 Communications, 3 Computer TAC: 4 Fire Control, Active Operator, Passive Operator, 8 Flight

Damage Control: 8

French Galaxie class heavy lifter

Original Date of Design: 2293
First Example Laid Down: 2293
First Example Completed: 2293
Fleets of Service: France, Great Britain

The Galaxie was designed during the War of German Unification to act as a well defended heavy dropship. She is the largest lander in existance with more than twice the capacity of her nearest rival.

She can carry, for short periods (such as the 10 minute journey from low orbit to the surface) over 250 troops, 20 AFVs or 5 X-Wing Gunships. The French have invested heavilly in them and built over 100, this boat is to replace the Dassult class assult lander as the main troop lander in the next 10 years.

The British Royal Space Navy have also procured 24 for themselves for basing of the new Assualt Carriers Bulwark and Albion.

Warp Efficiency: 0; Power Plant: 3MW MHD Turbine( Fuel: 100 tons); Range: N/A; Mass: 223.4 tons; Cargo Capacity: 1017.72 cubic meters; Comfort: 0; Total Life Support: N/A; Ordnance Carried: none; Crew: 1 Pilot, 2 Weapons officers; Price: Lv 3,100,000

Movement: 0; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 3 ; Radial Reflected: 4; Lateral Reflected: 4; Targetting Computer: 0; Radial Profile: -3; Lateral Profile: -1; Armor: 3

Hull Hits: 3 (or 5); Power Plant Hits: 7

Surface Fixtures
Weapons: x1+1 1238 w/UTES, x1+1 w/UTES 4567 TTA's and Submunitions: none Sensors: Navigation; Active: 7; Passive: 3;

Critical Hits, Crew Section
Cockpit: Pilot, 2 Weapons Officers

Damage Control: 0

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