John F. Kennedy class Fast Missile Carrier
Text by Bryn Monnery, based off the work of GDW
Model by Mark Lucas
Historical Background
Attritional vs Manoeuvre Warfare
Star Cruiser Scenarios
Technical Notes


Rear Admiral Richard Spence was strapped into his command station on the bridge of the USS John F. Kennedy, vaguely daydreaming. It was about time America pulled her weight in this war, and finally he had a chance to make sure they got their fair share of glory. His daydreaming was interrupted by a report from his Chief Tactical Officer;
“Sierra contacts bearing six four hundred mils, incline one hundred mils, range fifty.”
Spence knew his moment had come, licking his lips he anticipated contact with the enemy and a glorious victory for his country, ship and himself;
“General Quarters. Maintain course, 50% power. Signal Washington to keep formation, prepare four fish for launch, weapons tight. Have our fighters close on the sierras and report.”

As the crew moved to bring the ship to full battle readiness, four FS-19 fighters of 5th Fighter Squadron “Helldivers” surged forward, Kafer Foxtrot fighters moved out to meet them, clashing with lances of invisible light, coherent X-rays punching through space trying to meet their targets, then the fireballs as the Helldivers submunition warheads detonated, smashing 2 of the Kafer fighters. One US fighter slipped through the Kafer screen, lighting up her active array and scanning the enemy capital ships, the tightbeam datalink repeating the information on the screens of the Kennedy.

“Sir, Confirm Master contacts, designating one Alpha, one Beta, four Foxtrots as Master 1 to 6, confirming four more Master contacts, missiles sir, going for our fighters.”

“Okay, full power, weapons online, they haven’t got weapons lock on us yet. Launch four fish, concentrate on Master-1, tell Washington to do likewise.”

Outside, the 2 American fighters were slashed down by focused light, one terminal, while the full fury of the US missiles was spent on Alpha-45.”

- Extract from “ENTENTE – The Miracle of Kimanjano” –2305 Oxford University Press

Historical Background

America has had a long history in space, being the first to walk on Luna before the Twilight War, and the first to develop a reusable spacecraft, the Shuttle. Despite this head start America does not dominate space, as the experiences of the Twilight War and subsequent recovery had made her less willing to get involved in international affairs. Indeed, America stayed out of space (barring unmanned satellites) until well into the 22nd century. It was the development of a working stardrive by a consortium of French, British and German scientists that finally pulled America back into space.
Spain had been approached by those nations, co-operating as a new ESA (named after the old ESA of the 20th century, which had since become the Agence Française De l'Espace) for her tantalum resources. Tantalum is a vital component of all stardrives, and ESA offered membership to certain nations in return for access to their tantalum. Instead the Spanish sold their secret to America, and opened themselves to American miners. Unfortunately the deal wasn’t as good as that they’d have gotten from ESA, Spain is not a starfarer.
ESA had found a terran type world, Tirane, in the Alpha Centauri system, and pressed a sole claim to it. Several nations objected, but only Argentina acted, building two warships with their native tantalum and engaging ESA in the first interstellar war, forcing open the issue of colonisation. Within a generation Tirane would have colonies not only from the ESA nations, but Argentina, Brazil, Japan and America as well.
The American Space Force, formed around this time, languished as an anti-piracy force of “Patrol Ships” and “Escort Ships” for over a century.


Original Design Model of the Kennedy - Courtesy of USSF Procurement Command
In the early 2280’s, American policy changed from one of isolationism to that of engagement. Congress authorised the building of a new “Great White Fleet”. Loren Fryer (a Trilon subsidiary) won the contract for a new large warship against stiff competition. Their JFK class was developed to fill the both the roles of a long range raider and a main line combat vessel within the ASF. Although the European navies split these functions, the ASF felt it could combine them successfully. She was to carry a large number of missiles, 20, 5 times that of any preceding US space warship.
The primary design requirements were speed and manoeuvrability. The new ASF doctrine stressed manoeuvre superiority and long ranged missile attacks, and close in defences were largely ignored as they would slow the JFK down.
The JFK has a fairly boxy hull, that is not particularly stealthy for its size, but it is composed for stealthy materials. She is 70 meters long, and 21 meters in diameter, displacing 12,350 cubic meters (approximately 900 tons of hydrogen). She has two extendible spin boom arms, each of which carries spin quarters. The spin quarters are cramped for a starship, and many of the main facilities are in the zero-gravity parts of the vessel. Gravity is maintained at .11G with the arms retracted but in operation. While outsystem, where the larger profile doesn’t matter, the arms are extended and gravity reaches .21G.
The main engineering is a 150MW TerraFuse fusion reactor with a life span of 15 years. It powers the SAT Mk100 Stutterwarp Drive (some earlier models were built with Mk80, but were upgraded to the new standard in 2295), 10 laser cannon, generally Hyde Dynamics EA-112 but sometimes EA-1000’s and the Simmons SN-526 "Long Reach" active search sensor.


The ASF mounted a concerted misinformation campaign in the 90’s, designed to make the world think that they had many more ships than indeed them did. Each ship was given multiple identities, and it was duly reported that the ASF had maybe 20 of these vessels. In fact in the time period concerned they had between 7 and 10. However, with the Kafer War under way, the ASF has come apparently clean, 9 Kennedy’s are in the ASF Order of Battle as of 1st June 2301, with the next due for delivery in early 2303.

Attritional vs Manoeuvre Warfare

The two main theories that govern space warfare, attrition and manoeuvre. Attrition warfare stresses the use of screens and armour, that of always being the stronger force. The German fleet is a typical example of one designed with attritional warfare. The opposite view stresses the use of speed to achieve what is called in USSF Doctrinal Speak; “Dominant Manoeuvre”. This allows ships to concentrate strength against isolated enemy pockets, driving in attacks quickly, so as to minimise the damage taken. It was this path the American have taken in their ship design.
The ASF use a very extreme form of manoeuvre doctrine, anything that can interfere with speed is sacrificed. Thus the Kennedy was no armour, no screens and for most of the time her point defence weapons are powered down. The Kennedy operates by locating isolated enemy pockets, driving at high speed and releasing missiles at the opportune moment. Timed correctly, the missile will strike before the enemy sensors have spiked it for the point defence. In this manner, US tactics are similar to British or French tactics. However, in shunning armour, the Kennedy can find itself in great difficulty if the attack goes wrong. Screening fighters and missiles can rake the ships with fire, and a poor commander can misjudge his run, especially if facing an unknown adversary. It was just this that caused the loss of USS J. Sanchez with all hands.
However, this form of warfare has proven very useful. Kennedys cannot stand in the battleline, much as US politicians seem to want them too, but they often act as “Heavy Cavalry” for Terran task forces, and are very good in this role.


The ASF organises ships into units. Each “Division” usually consists of two ships, although the loss of the Sanchez has meant that CruDiv2 is only operating at half strength. CruDiv5 has detached the Reagan for peacekeeping duties at Vogelheim

Station (1st June 2301)
USS John F. Kennedy
USS George Washington
Rear Admiral Spence
USS Thomas Jefferson
Rear Admiral David F. Parker
Eta Bootis
USS Franklin D. Roosevelt
USS Jane Kostek
Rear Admiral Douglas Blake
Earth, refitting from Lone Wolf operations
USS Julia Pemberton
USS Ernest White
Rear Admiral Julia Harwich
USS Abraham Lincoln
Rear Admiral M. Abejorro
CruDiv5 (detached from)
USS Ronald Reagan
Captain John Gsell


This Division was the first to be mobilised to reinforce human forces up arm, arriving at Beowulf in November, 2301. CruDiv1 was ordered to stay in place and act as a reserve for the Terran Reserve Fleet under Admiral Graham. Their first blooding would be during the desperate rescue of Terran forces from Kimanjano, Operation ENTENTE. As part of TF Green, the Division was the starboard flank guard, providing cover for the troopships. As the battered TF escaped the system, the American Cruisers, along with 2 French Cuirassés and 2 Chasseurs formed the rearguard, fighting a running battle against pursuing Kafer fleet elements.
After a considerable refit at Beowulf, Graham was ready to take the offensive, but divisions in command caused this plan to be aborted. Thus the Division was at Beowulf when the Kafers made their attack.
CruDiv1 was assigned to TF 17, a covering group of British Fleet Cruisers and French Chasseurs with Spence in command. They were assigned the unenviable task of disrupting the weaker Kafer fleet and keeping them from influencing the battle for as long as possible. The 6 ships of this group faced 7 regular Kafer warships, with fighter escorts, in an action which should have been sacrificial. Instead Spence turned it into a victory, using the excellent manoeuvrability of the screening group to lure the Kafers into several fire-pocket ambushes. By the time TF 17 linked back into the line, 3 line ships were destroyed and only 2 of the remaining group were combat capable this was not without cost, as the Washington was badly hit and only just limped back to the fleet.
While largely undamaged, Kennedy was out of ordnance and Washington required several months in a major facility back at Earth. After rearming, the Kennedy was assigned command of an American Hunter-Killer group, TF29 with 2 US Cayuga class Close Escorts. For much of the next year, the Kennedy patrolled behind terran lines, searching for Kafer raiders.

Meanwhile Washington was refit and assigned to the newly formed CruDiv6, with the latest US warship off the line, USS J. Kimberly and was sent to the American Arm, spending the next year guarding against a possible Kafer incursion across the Backdoor.

The Kennedy finally had her moment of glory when CruDiv2 was disbanded and Jefferson was reassigned to CruDiv1 and TF29, along with a German Task Group of 4 ships. The new TF29 was now an orbital assault group, possibly not the best role for specialised manoeuvre warfare vessels, but one which America accepted. The new TF29 was to assault into the Dunkelheim system, secure orbit and drop a German-American Division onto the surface. The 7th Marine Brigade would be the Coup de Main force, securing the spaceport, neutralising the Kafer surface batteries and allowing the rest of the Division to land. The operation was successful with one casualty amongst the ASF forces, the USS Cayuga lost with all hands covering the initial drop.

Crew Quality: +2 (Kennedy), +3 (Jefferson), +2 (Washington)


CruDiv2 was the first US unit to contact Kafer forces and the first to engage an Improved Alpha in combat. In 2299, fresh from their victory at 2nd Tithonus, and reinforced with US and Australian squadrons, the Terran forces decided to mount a probe towards Arcturus. CruDiv1 was assigned to the task. Upon entering system and discharging, and Division moved towards Station Arcture, but soon detected another contact, similar to a Kafer warship in configuration. They promptly engaged this ship (Alpha-3, Song of Triumph) with missile fire from long range, but this was ineffective. Moving closer to deliver more effective strikes, the Sanchez was caught by Kafer fighters and had her drive disabled. Pounded to a hulk by Kafer fire, the Sanchez was abandoned with all hands and destroyed with a nuclear warhead to stop the Kafers exploiting her for intelligence. The surviving Jefferson returned to Aurore, reporting the loss of the Sanchez and the destruction of Alpha-3.
Rearmed, the Jefferson was insystem when reports came in of an attack at Hochbaden from the French merchant Beau Soliel. Racing to engage the enemy, leaving only a small force of converted auxiliaries behind and the returning Australian 2nd Destroyer Division, Jefferson was at the vanguard of the counterattack. Unfortunately, the faster US and French vessels arrived way ahead of the other nations ships, but promptly engaged the enemy anyway. Driving down hard on the Kafer forces, which proved to be far more numerous than at Aurore the Terran forces were terribly battered. Leaving the French Flagship Carrier Tallayrand mortally wounded, and towing the near ruined USS Temptress, the American and French tucked tail and retreated from the system, covered by the fresh Russo-German forces.
Reorganised by the Ukrainian Borodin, the next action faced by the Jefferson was 2nd Laodaemon. Pulling the Kafer forces into a trap baited with 2 French warships, the combined Auroran forces destroyed the small Kafer fleet of an Alpha, Beta and 3 Epsilons pursuing them in what Lutke later called “A Witches Cauldron”.
Fresh from the attack, Borodin decided to take the medium sized vessels of his fleet, including Jefferson on a probe into Arcturus space. Meeting with a three scattered Kafer warships insystem and destroying them in detail before returning to base. By this time the munitions situation was nearing critical. Fortunately, the Jefferson has 2 ships missile reserves to call on, and was the only remaining fully armed Terran craft at Aurore.

Kafer ships were constantly transiting the system, making it very dangerous, especially for ships near Aurore, as the nearby FTL shelf gave hardly any warning of attack. One transiting ship was successful tagged back to the DM+18 2776 by the ex-frigate USS Spitfire, converted to a scout after the loss of her major weapons systems at Hochbaden. After several more unsuccessful probes of Hochbaden and Arcturus, the Jefferson was part of Borodins raid on the DM+18 2776, which found the existence of a Kafer base insystem, but could not locate it.

Action mainly moved downarm, until Christmas Day, 2301, when 16 Kafer ships of TF Victor under Smasher of Skull enter the system and engage the Aurore fleet, and were repulsed with the loss of 2 Betas and 2 Epsilons. The Terran fleet was effectively open, with almost all their arms expended, but were saved by the arrival of the Relief force on January 5th, with fresh munitions. Less than a week later the Three Battles of Eta Bootis commenced, with major Kafer elements closing on all sides trying to smash the depleted defenders. The first group was TF Victor, arriving on the 12th, Borodin deployed his light forces in three successive lines falling back while harassing the enemy until bringing his heavy ships up to finish the job, sending Bismarck and Heavy elements including Jefferson in pursuit. The second group, TF Whiskey was ambushed in the rings Laodaemon, destroying the lead Delta Echo of Sorrow, but before the fleet could pursue the broken Kafers, the final group, TF Yankee from Hochbaden arrived, and were dealt with in a stand up fight ending on January 15th. Aurore was effectively secured after seven months of siege and Jefferson is stood down for refit. Meanwhile, Triumphant Destiny returned with TF X-Ray to shore up Hochbaden and its supply lines. This allowed for divisions in the command structure to weaken the main Kafer fleet, TF Zulu, and cost them many ships which would be crucial in the coming months. This battle, the largest before Beowulf involved 34 vessels on the human side, including 12 fighters, a record for that time.

After Beowulf, CruDiv2 was dissolved, and Jefferson sent to round out CruDiv1. The Jeffersons story is continued there.

Crew Quality: +4


The Roosevelt was the flag of Rear Admiral Douglas Blake, Commander of CruDiv3 during the “Lone Wolf” incursion of early 2301. The Lone Wolf was a specialised Kafer Improved Alpha with an experimental crew which had been tasked by Triumphant Destiny to mount a recon in force of the Terran systems and cause as much disruption as possible. Her first attack was at Hochbaden, January 2301. The Lone Wolf overwhelmed the French Aigle class Frigate Faucon, and destroyed the 3 merchants of convoy HE12.1. When the French Navy Courier Joyeusse reached Earth with word of the attack, the US decided to send ships of their own to counter the threat. This was especially pertinent as one of the merchants the American ship ACS New York, New York.
Captain Douglas Blake was the junior commander of CruDiv3 at the time, but his superior, Rear Admiral Pat Yokum was to be reassigned to the newly built USS Columbia, and so Blake was promoted O-7 (Rear Admiral) and placed in command of the Division, the youngest ASF Division Commander this century. The immediate problems facing him was that he was ordered not to take a sub-ordinate position to the French or German Divisions hunting the Kafer, and the British were going something else on their own. The USSF Officer Corps belief in their own superiority and that of their ships also led to a sense of false superiority over the other nations. These factors led to conflicts over courses of action, and the various contingents co-operated poorly.
In April, the human forces had sorted out many of their problems and had been substantially reinforced. To improve things, the French had destroyed one of the raiders supply ships in Hochbaden space. The US had sent the 1st Scout Group, their elite intelligence gathering grouping consisting of the scoutships Retief, Flandry,and Falkenberg, backed up the transport Hanford. These ships allowed the Terran forces to track the Lone Wolf and finally engage her at Beta Canum, crippling her. Unfortunately French attempts to board her went wrong when the remaining Kafers set off a self-destruct device, killing over 100 French Marine Commandoes.
Returning to Earth, CruDiv3 was in refit when the Invasion commenced. Leaving refit in November, they were assigned to show the flag on the American Arm and protect US interests there.

Crew Quality: +3


CruDiv4 was retained at Earth as a final reserve for much of the fighting, until Beowulf. With the immediate threat over, the US was free to launch forward this grouping into battle. Graham assigned them to the Britannia Battle Group, from whence they were the Vanguard of advances into several still hostile star systems up arm.
Crew Quality: +2


This Division started the Invasion separated. The Reagan was with the Vogelheim Peacekeeping Forces, while Lincoln was back at Earth. Reagan was first engaged in combat on the 8th July, 2301 when 3 Kafer Beta class vessels attacked the Vogelheim colony. Captain Gsell of the Reagan co-ordinated the activities of the 5 ships insystem, and managed to inflict a shock defeat on the Kafers, destroying one Beta and damaged the other 2 so badly they withdrew from the system. This caused problems, as the French and German commanders both wished to mount aggressive pursuits, while Gsell thought the defence of the colony more important.
Things changed the next month as the French Troisième Flotte reinforced with British and German Squadrons entered the system under the command of Vice-Amiral Rochemont. News from Aurore had reached him and he intended to launch a counterattack on Hochbaden with the aim of relieving the Terran Forces at Eta Bootis. His attack did not go well and he was forced to retreat from Hochbaden, the Kafers mounting a pursuit which was defeated at Vogelheim by the forces of the Peacekeeping force.
Shortly thereafter, the squadron was reinforced by the remains of the American CruDiv5 and the British Cruiser HMS Trafalgar. Vogelheim was probed in November, but this was merely a distraction, to keep the Vogelheim forces tied down during the battles of this period.
The next major action was a major assault by TF Yankee, which cost the Terrans the Schleswig and the Kafers 3 Epsilons. This was merely a screening action for an attack by TF Zulu through the Grosshiddenfaden system, however, the Kafer didn’t know that Rochemont had shifted his main force to this system and that an Anglo-German Squadron was operating there, resulting in a major defeat for the Kafers, and a general advance by the human forces. Following on the heels of Grosshiddenfaden was a counterattack at Joi, co-ordinated with the remaining Joian Defence Forces and the recapture of Beta Canum orbit and the landing of troops, including the Raven Brigade. CruDiv5 was part of the defence group for the Raven Brigade and their transports, and carried between them the 4th US Marine Raiders. They stayed at BCV as part of the Beta Canum Defence Squadron until relieved post-Beowulf.

Currently the Division is in refit at Earth.

Crew Quality: +2 (Lincoln), +3 (Reagan)


American John F. Kennedy class Fast Missile Carrier

Design Date: 2282

First Example Laid Down: 2282
First Example Completed: 2285
Fleets in Service: America
Number in Service: 9

The Kennedy is the current US line of battle vessel. Rated by the US Military (who adopt functional names like "Fast Missile Carrier" (Missile Cruiser), "Close Escort" (Escort Frigate) and "Small Attack Ship" (FS-17A fighter)) as a Fast Missile Carrier, by Britain as a Missile Battlecruiser and by France as a Missile Cruiser. In essence she is a pure space combat ship, with a minimal Marine presence (a 27 man platoon is carried, 3x 8 man squads, the platoon sergeant, platoon commander and a communications specialist), and usually no dedicated interface craft.

This design is, whoever, nearly useless at the more mundane tasks the USSF has to undertake day to day. She's wasted as a convoy escort or pirate hunter, and even exposed to danger (as release of her main ordnance is unlikely, resulting in a knife fight which an illegal has a chance of winning). Smaller vessels can do the job better. Where she excels is as a long range hunter-killer, in fact the Kennedy is surely the finest hunter-killer in any nations arsenal. Unfortunately, she is also called upon to undertake line of battle duties, where her lack of protection is a serious flaw.

10 Kennedys have been built, one destroyed and 9 are on active service as of 2301.
John F. Kennedy
Loren Fryer Shipyards, Mars
George Washington
Loren Fryer Shipyards, Mars
Jacob Sanchez
Loren Fryer Shipyards, Mars
Thomas Jefferson
Loren Fryer Shipyards, Mars
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Loren Fryer Shipyards, Mars
Jane Kostek
Loren Fryer Shipyards, Mars
Julia Pemberton
Loren Fryer Shipyards, Mars
Ernest White
Loren Fryer Shipyards, Mars
Abraham Lincoln
Loren Fryer Shipyards, Mars
Ronald Reagan
Loren Fryer Shipyards, Mars
(James Kimberly)
Loren Fryer Shipyards, Mars
(Colin MacMann)
Loren Fryer Shipyards, Mars


Warp efficiency:
Standard Load Unloaded
Travel 4.19 (Move 8) 4.749 (Move 9)
Combat 4.03 (Move 8) 4.56 (Move 9)
Power Plant: 150 MW fusion
Fuel: none
Range: 7.7 light years
Endurance: up to 16 weeks
Mass: 10,927 tons (standard load with external slings empty, 7,504 tons unloaded)
Cargo Capacity: 3,423 cubic meters
Crew: 99 (20 Bridge, 18 TAC, 24 Engineering, 6 small craft and pilots, 27 troops, 4 medical); Passengers: one (squadron commander)
Comfort: 0;
Emergency Power: 100 hours
Total Life Support: 100 for 180 days
Cost: MLv232.21, exclusive of small craft or ordnance (Standard Loadout costs MLv341.4)
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 8 (9 unloaded)
Screens: 0
Radiated Signature: 4(7)
Radial Reflected: 6
Lateral Reflected: 8
Target Computers: +2;
Radial Profile: 0
Lateral Profile: +2
Armour: 0
Hull hits: 59
Power Plant Hits: 100
Active: 15
Passive: 10
Manoeuvrability: 3
Other: 2 External Magnetic Slings
10 x1+1 lasers in masked turrets with UTES (4x1234, 4x1678, 1x3456, 1x4567)
Ordnance Load
20 SIM-14 missiles in 4 bays, 4 missile communicator
2 external slings with HD-5 drones (these slings may alternatively carry a FS-17A fighter each, a lander each or a missile pack with 3 missiles each.), one (or two) dedicated communicator(s)
Sensors and Electronics:
Spherical Active-15

Spherical Passive-10
Navigation Radar

Crew Hits:
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 3 Engineer, 2 Communications, 2 Computer
TAC: 10 Fire Control, 4 Remote Pilot (Missiles), 2 Remote Pilot (Drone)/ Flight Control, Active Operator, Passive Operator

Damage Control: 12

American Hyde Dynamics SIM-14 Missile

Design Date: 2279

First Example Laid Down: 2279
First Example Completed: 2280
Fleets in Service: America
Number in Service: 828
The SIM-14 is the current missile of the ASF. Although expensive, the SIM-14 has been produced in large numbers, and every US warship is safe in the knowledge that an entire ordnance reload is held for them at Earth, something no other major nation can boast. During the Kafer War, it was fortunate that Jefferson has both her reload, and Sanchez’s to draw on, allowing her to sustain an extremely high tempo of operations.
Combat Performance Data
Movement: 7
Radiated Signature: 1
Radial Reflected Signature: 1
Lateral Reflected Signature: 1
Radial Target Profile: -4
Lateral Target Profile: -4
Hull Hits: 1/1/1
Power Plant Hits: 1/1
Armament: one 10x2 detonation laser
Active Sensors: none
Passive Sensors: 8 Forward Looking (Folding)
Design Characteristics
Warp Efficiency: 3.4
Power Plant: 0.07 MW Fuel Cell
Fuel: 0.189 tons, sufficient for 8 hours of operation
Mass: 10.4 tons
Length: 14 meters
Diameter: 1 meter
Price: MLv10.97
Bay Volume/Mass: 14 cubic meters
American Hyde Dynamics Model 5 “Scout” Drone
Design Date: 2288
First Example Laid Down: 2288
First Example Completed: 2289
Fleets in Service: America
Number in Service: 40
The Scout is deployed on most large ASF ships to provide forward reconnaissance and target solutions way forward of that which the ship can get for itself. ASF practice differs from many other in that each ship is assigned drones permanently rather than on a “per mission” basis.
Combat Performance Data
Movement: 9
Radiated Signature: 4
Radial Reflected Signature: 5
Lateral Reflected Signature: 7
Radial Target Profile: -3
Lateral Target Profile: -2
Hull Hits: 1/1/1
Power Plant Hits: 10/2
Armament: none
Active Sensors: 13 Spherical
Passive Sensors: 10 (Folding)
Design Characteristics
Warp Efficiency: 4.63
Power Plant: 10MW MHD Turbine
Fuel: 60 tons, sufficient for 10 hours of operation
Mass: 270 tons
Length: 10 meters
Diameter: 6 meters
Price: MLv61
Bay Volume/Mass: As vehicle, 1,680 cubic meters/ 336 tons of hangar required for fast launch

Star Cruiser Scenarios


Technical Notes

The problem is, the Kennedy is actually a slightly broken design as stands. The above statistics are based on the Kennedy as presented in the Naval Architects Manual, with all the mistakes corrected.


Cayuga-class Close Escort by Clare Hess;
American Battleship Columbia by Clare Hess;
Lone Wolf by David Nilsen;
2300AD Boxed Set
Star Cruiser