British Space Forces
By Bryn Monnery and Dan Hebditch
Britain currently operates 550 stutterwarp equipped manned spacecraft, and has over 100 non-British merchant starships on their registry (almost all being American ships registered at DeVillebis station), thus approximately 20% of humanities starships warp under the Red or White Ensign, the 2nd largest fleet in human space (between France and Germany). Of these vessels, 50 are combat vessels of the RSN, 31 are support vessels operated by the RSNA, 29 are operated by the Colonial Office and the remainder are Merchant vessels built using British tantalum and so tied to the Red Ensign. Having a semi-open registry, many American vessels have reflagged to the Red Ensign to avoid US duties. Most of these operate along the French and Chinese Arms.
In addition to the vessels listed, the RSN operates 4 Exeter class SDBs and 18 Wellington class fighters.
Note, this Orbat uses the modified nomenclature of the Paris Article.
Warship Numbers (Compared to France)
Fleet Carriers: 1 (1)
Battle Carriers: 4 (5)
Battleships: 9 (12)
Cruisers: 13 (20)
Fleet Frigates: 20 (?)
Patrol Frigates (Exeter): 4 (30 frigates total)
All squadrons are 6 air/ spaceframes
8x Harrier Squadrons (Carrier Attack)
3x Lightning Squadrons (Orbital based Attack)
3x Wellington Squadrons (Surface based Attack)
3x Donovan Squadrons (Reserve)
3x Lancaster Squadrons (Reserve)
= 120 fighters (52x Martel, 48x Riche, 24x Bufer, 48x Bonaparte, 76 Mistral = 248 fighters)
Due to poor procedures, all British DC attempts against continuing damage hits suffer a –1 penalty.
British Crews are extremely well trained, and the Captain of a warship is literally 1 in 10 million. An entry level spacer has a skill level of +2, while elite crews may be higher. Crew Qualities of ships are listed in the annex.
Order of Battle: Royal Space Navy
Vessels of the Flagship class are the largest warships Britain (or indeed any nation) possesses. The Flagship is intended form the core of a large squadron, and gives a squadron considerable punch. All Flagships carry fighters and so are capable of dominating a much larger volume of space than a FBS, and most carry a large number of Royal Marine Commandoes, with facilities for placing them on hostile worlds.
British Victory class Fleet Flag Ship
Design Date: 2278
First Example Laid Down: 2279
First Example Completed: 2285
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 3 (Victory (2285), Britannia (2289), and Excalibur (2292))
The Victory class Battleships were Britains belated response to the French DeGaulles, and laid down at the same time as the Bavarian War Carrier Bayern. Built in high orbit over Earth, the Victory was a monument to the British “Ruling the Waves”, and was equipped with the most modern equipment then available.
The vessels are 260 meters long, and consist of a long tapered central core (260m long, 18m in diameter), and 4 retractable boom spin arms (each 100m long and 9m in diameter). Unlike French practice, the spin arms are armoured.
Although often used as flagships, prior to the Kafer War, none have seen combat, it was during the Battle of Queen Alices Star that Victory and Britannia received their baptism. These vessels were the core of the Battleline, commanding 2 of the 4 British Battlegroups, with vessels of other nations under their command (TF Deutchland was under the command of BG Britannia).
Since then, Victory and Britannia have continued as Battlegroup flags.
Warp efficiency: 3.27 (standard load, 3.44 unloaded); Power Plant: 450 MW
fusion; Fuel: 5,000 tons; Endurance: 6 weeks; Mass: 51,460.55 tons (standard
load, 44,285.25 unloaded) ; Cargo Capacity: 7.175.3 cubic meters; Crew: 800 (40
Bridge, 30 Flag, 64 TAC, 36 Small Craft, 119 Engineering, 400 troops, 6
science, 80 stewards, 27 medical); Passengers: none; Comfort: 0; Emergency
Power: 1 week; Total Life Support: 800 for 180 days; Cost: MLv813.11 exclusive
of small craft and ordnance
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 7; Screens: 6; Radiated Signature: 5(8); Radial Reflected: 8; Lateral
Reflected: 11; Target Computers: +2; Radial Profile: -1; Lateral Profile: +4;
Armour: 6; Hull hits: 324; Power Plant Hits: 300; Active: 16 and redundant;
Passive: 12 and redundant; Manoeuvrability: ?; Other: 6 Wessex Landers
in two bays (3 turns for first launch, two turns for second and 1 turn for
third), 6 Harrier Attack Craft in 2 Bays (launch 2/turn)
36 x1+1dbl lasers in jack turrets (12x 123, 6x 345, 6x 567, 12x 178), 4 Gallowglas launchers, 24 Longbow missiles in 8 bays, 36 TTAs, 48 Striker Ground Attack missiles;
Sensors: Active-16 and redundant, Passive-12 and redundant, Navigation Radar, DSS, Gravitational, Advanced Life, and Advanced Cartographic
Crew Hits:
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 9 Engineer, 2
Communications, 6 Computer
Flag Bridge: Admiral, 14 Staff, 15 Communications
TAC: 36 Fire Control, 4 Fire Control (Gallowglas), 8 Remote Pilot, 12 Flight
Control, Active Operator, Passive Operator
Damage Control: 59
British Prince of Wales class Fast Fleet Flag Ship
Design Date: 2295
First Example Laid Down: 2295
First Example Completed: 2299
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 1+1 (Prince of Wales, Duke of York (under construction)
The Prince of Wales was the result of the Global depression created by the War of German Unification. The 4th Victory (to be named Union) was an expensive proposition, and the Treasury requested cost savings be made, the Germans came up with the concept of a smaller flag vessel, essentially an enlarged Battleship which fitted their needs and available resources. At the same time, the Royal Space Forces, especially their combat arm, the RSN wanted a fast vessel capable of deploying quickly to the colonies as a troubleshooter. Policy was that the new Prince of Wales, with the Battlecruiser Hood could deploy in advance of the main Fleet and its assault assets to secure a system entry.
The first real test of this was the Kafer War. Within 12 hours of the news reaching the military of Earth (via the French Cruiser Marechal Ney), the Fleet Reaction Task Force had broke orbit for Queen Alices Star. There them remained until the Invasion of Kimanjano. The FRTF was one of the two Task Forces (along with a French TF) detailed to secure system entry for the Anglo-French Task Force Green to take off the survivors of the Invasion.
The FRTF would receive several alerts to prepare to move and counterattack the Kafer forces, but politics did not allow for it. Inflexible command structures on the French part disallowed it. Instead, the Kafers assaulted the Queen Alices Star System and were repulsed by the allied forces. Prince of Wales commanded one of the 2 Reserve Battlegroups (the other was the US Expeditionary Force, flagged on USS Columbia), and when Columbia was unable to perform her allotted task of Pursuit, it was left to TF Prince of Wales (essentially a beefed up FRTF) to pursue the enemy to the Kimanjano system where they engaged the retreating Kafer units, acting as an Anvil to the Hammer of Rochemonts 3rd French Fleet.
Warp efficiency: 3.49 (standard load, 3.68 unloaded); Power Plant: 300 MW
fusion; Fuel: 3,000 tons ; Endurance: 7 weeks; Mass: 37,950.8 tons (standard
load, 5,756.7 unloaded) ; Cargo Capacity: 5756.7 cubic meters; Crew: 540 (40
Bridge, 30 Flag, 55 TAC, 27 Small Craft, 90 Engineering, 240 troops, 6 science,
54 stewards, 18 medical); Passengers: none; Comfort: 0; Emergency Power: 1
week; Total Life Support: 540 for 180 days; Cost: MLv614.36 without small craft
or ordnance
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 7; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 4(7); Radial Reflected: 8; Lateral
Reflected: 10; Target Computers: +2; Radial Profile: -1; Lateral Profile: +3;
Armour: 6; Hull hits: 240; Power Plant Hits: 200; Active: 16 and redundant;
Passive: 12 and redundant; Manoeuvrability: ?; Other: 3 Wessex Landers
in one bay (3 turns for first launch, two for second, one for third), 6 Harrier
Attack Craft in 2 Bays (launch two/ turn)
30 x1+1dbl lasers in jack turrets (10x 123, 5x 345, 5x 567, 10x 178), 6 Gallowglas launchers, 24 Longbow missiles in 8 bays, 48 Striker Ground Attack missiles, 36 TTAs;
Sensors: Active-16 and redundant, Passive-12 and redundant, Navigation Radar, DSS, Gravitational, Advanced Life, and Advanced Cartographic
Crew Hits:
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 6 Engineer, 2
Communications, 9 Computer
Flag Bridge: Admiral, 14 Staff, 15 Communications
TAC: 36 Fire Control, 6 Fire Control (Gallowglas), 8 Remote Pilot, 9 Flight
Control, Active Operator, Passive Operator
Damage Control: 45
British Ark Royal class Fleet Fighter Carrier
Design Date: 2295
First Example Laid Down: 2295
First Example Completed: 2301
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 1 (Ark Royal)
During the late 2280’s and early 2290’s the 3 major powers (France, Britain and Germany/ Bavaria) considerably overproduced fighter craft, creating a pool of “dead tantalum” which couldn’t be exploited for offensive purposes. While Germany was happy just to place fighter squadrons out in the colonies for colonial defence, Britain and France required the fighters to be mobile, and capable of fighting fleet actions. The answer was delivered with typical French elan, produce a dedicated Fighter Carrier, just like 20th century Aircraft Carriers. Laid down a year after the French Joffre, the Ark Royal was Britains idea of an Attack Carrier, a much smaller fighter group, but capable of holding it’s own in a stand up fight.
The vessel is 300m long, and roughly cylindrical. The fighters launch out along the normal of the ships vector (i.e. they launch out of the side). She is capable of sustained operations away from a Fleet base.
Ark Royal first engagement was Queen Alices Star, where she formed a joint Carrier Group under French Command. Her Harriers and the Joffres Martels had a considerable impact on the battle, and were responsible for the destruction of the Kafer Flagship.
Warp efficiency: 3.22 (standard load, 3.56 unloaded)); Power Plant: 300 MW fusion; Fuel: 7,290 tons (20 refuels for each Harrier); Endurance: 12 weeks; Mass: 96,500 tons (standard load) ; Cargo Capacity: 12,701 cubic meters; Crew: 300 (40 Bridge, 30 Flag, 46 TAC, 54 Small Craft, 62 Engineering, 20 troops, 3 science, 30 stewards, 15 medical); Passengers: none; Comfort: 0; Emergency Power: 1 week; Total Life Support: 300 for 180 days; Cost: MLv465.56, exclusive of small craft and ordnance
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 6; Screens: 6; Radiated Signature: 4(7); Radial Reflected: 6; Lateral
Reflected: 8; Target Computers: +2; Radial Profile: 0; Lateral Profile: +3;
Armour: 2; Hull hits: 190; Power Plant Hits: 200; Active: 16 and redundant;
Passive: 12 and redundant; Manoeuvrability: ?; Other: 18 Harrier Attack Craft
in 3 Bays (launch 3/ turn)
18 x1+1dbl lasers in jack turrets (12x 123, 6x 345, 6x 567, 12x 178), 4 Gallowglas launchers, 24 Longbow missiles in 4 bays, 48 Striker Ground Attack missiles, 22 TTAs;
Sensors: Active-16 and redundant, Passive-12 and redundant, Navigation Radar, DSS, Gravitational, Advanced Life, and Advanced Cartographic
Crew Hits:
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 6 Engineer, 2
Communications, 9 Computer
Flag Bridge: Admiral, 14 Staff, 15 Communications
TAC: 18 Fire Control, 4 Fire Control (Gallowglas), 4 Remote Pilot, 18 Flight
Control, Active Operator, Passive Operator
Damage Control: 31
The FBS is the primary Combat Vessel of the RSN, and is optimised for medium and close range combat with the enemy, with missiles and energy weapons respectively.
British Revenge class Fleet Battle Ship
Design Date: 2272
First Example Laid Down: 2272
First Example Completed: 2276
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 2 (Revenge and Royal Oak)
The Revenge class are the oldest Battleships in the RSN order of battle, and the least combat worthy. Revenge was laid down in 2272 and commissioned into RSN service in 2276, making her the oldest major warship in British service and the first vessel to be equipped with the current generation of warp drives.
Like all British Battleships, she carries a 64 man Marine Company, and an additional 16 specialists (Commando Signallers, Commando Sappers etc.).
Revenges career has been chequered, in the first 10 years of her life she was employed in the French Arm, based out of Beowulf. In 2283 she was assigned to the British neutrality patrol, and spent the next 3 years escorting British and other neutral shipping in the French Arm. On more than one occasion she was required to fire upon Manchu raiders. She was pulled out of the NP after an incident in 2286 with the Manchu Destroyer Chenghu. The Chenghu moved into an attack position against convoy SB271.6 in the Kimanjano system, and Captain Beck, commander of the Revenge, took pre-emptive action to save the 3 civilian liners in the convoy. The Chenghu was rendered combat ineffective by the Revenges first wave of Starburst missiles, and the poor state of damage control aboard meant that the fires onboard were not contained. The crew abandoned ship and were picked up by the Revenge but 17 Manchu crewmen, including the CO were killed in the incident. Investigations later showed that the Chenghus sensor chief had misidentified the 3 liners as allied troopships, but Captain Beck was still held responsible for breaking the rules of war and was dismissed from the service. In the Kafer War me became commander of the privateer Chenghus Revenge.
Royal Oak was commissioned in 2277, and replaced Revenge in the NP in 2286, by this time the Manchu space forces were defeated, and the army on Earth being pushed back from Moscow. She saw no combat in the CAW. Her birth of fire would come later.
The Revenge spent the final year of the Central Asian War with the British Home Fleet at Sol. Her next major deployment was unusual. Piracy had flowered on the Chinese Arm, as ex-Manchurian privateers found themselves in charge of relatively powerful ships, and the Manchu Navy was extremely weak. In fact many Manchu Navy officers conspired with the pirates, whom they had so recently called comrades. On the 1st May, 2290, the Canadian York class Colonial Transport Newfoundland was attacked in the Xiuning system by the an armed vessel of the Jang pirate cartel (a Krupp 821 class Vessel with a single retrofitted laser turret). The transport was boarded, all the passengers and crew executed, and the hull taken to Xiuning outpost as a prize. The outraged Canadian government were impotent against the Cartel, possessing no warships of sufficient power to come under the guns of the Xiuning orbital defences. While negotiations between Manchuria and Canada went back and forth, the RCSN acted.
The Revenge and her sister Royal Oak were leased to the RCSN. This was in name only, and both ships only ever carried a single Canadian officer, the liaison to the RSN CO. The Anglo-Canadian plan was simple, Xiuning was protecting the Newfoundlands hulk with their relatively powerful orbital defences, the British Cruiser Squadron would shoot down the satellites, and insert a SPS team onto the Newfoundland in the warp equipped landing ship Sword. The operation went perfectly, and the Newfoundland was towed into the ESA Crystal Palace L-5 station 40 days later. This was the start of the so called "Pirate War", which saw the destruction of the largest pirate cartel and the RCSN expanding to a navy of 4 combat starships (2 CGs and 2 FFs), all retired British hulls, modernised at Canadian expense.
Since then, the Revenge and Royal Oak were both been stationed at Tirane, as neither is seen as being able to stand up to a modern cruiser anymore. They are frequently assigned diplomatic duties, and it was Royal Oak that carried out the sad duty of returning Queen Margaret to Earth for her coronation. However, both have recently been taken in hand and refitted with modern weapons and electronics, and are to be sent to the French Arm to replace battle losses.
Warp efficiency: 3.4 (standard load, 3.58 unloaded); Power Plant: 200 MW
fusion; Fuel: 1,500 tons; Endurance: 6 weeks; Mass: 17,253.06 tons (standard
load, 14,721.46 unloaded) ; Cargo Capacity: 2,531.6 cubic meters; Crew: 240 (24
Bridge, 12 Flag, 27 TAC, 9 Small Craft, 45 Engineering, 80 troops, 3 science,
24 stewards, 8 medical); Passengers: none; Comfort: 0; Emergency Power: 1 week;
Total Life Support: 240 for 180 days; Cost: MLv339.58 without small craft or
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 7; Screens: 4; Radiated Signature: 7; Radial Reflected: 6; Lateral
Reflected: 8; Target Computers: +2; Radial Profile: -1; Lateral Profile: +2;
Armour: 4; Hull hits: 158; Power Plant Hits: 130; Active: 16 and redundant;
Passive: 12 and redundant; Manoeuvrability: ?; Other: 3 City Landers in
one bays (3 turns for first launch, 2 for second and 1 for third)
18 x1+1dbl lasers in jack turrets (6x 123, 3x 345, 3x 567, 6x 178), 16 Longbow missiles in 4 bays, 32 Striker ground attack missiles, 18 TTAs;
Sensors: Active-16 and redundant, Passive-12 and redundant, Navigation Radar, DSS, Gravitational
Crew Hits:
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 4 Engineer, 2
Communications, 3 Computer
Flag Bridge: Admiral, 5 Staff, 6 Communications
TAC: 18 Fire Control, 4 Remote Pilot, 3 Flight Control, Active Operator,
Passive Operator
Damage Control: 22
British Nelson class Fleet Battle Ship
Design Date: 2278
First Example Laid Down: 2278
First Example Completed: 2282
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 4
The Nelson was laid down in 2278, and commissioned 2282, she was extensively modernised in 2294 and her class forms the backbone of the current RSN battlefleet. In the Nelson British designers achieved the perfect mix of speed, armament and protection, and she is still regarded as an exceptional fighting ship even 23 years after her design date.
Nelson herself was thrown straight in at the deep end, only 3 months after commissioning she was called upon to act in the defence of Commonwealth citizens on Han Shan. The Manchu colonists had always been xenophobic, but news of the declaration of war on France brought a wave of destruction down upon all of European descent, whether they spoke French, English or German. The composite relief force that fought the Manchu patriots consisted of the Marines from Nelson and many of her crew, in addition to marines and crew from the British ships Enterprise, Tenacious (now Canadian), and Hercules. Also involved in the early campaign were French troops from Colbert, Marechel Petain, Gerrard, Tartu and Du Chayla, Bavarians from Graf Spee, Derfflinger and Heidelburg, Japanese troops from Daikoku and Americans from Abraham Lincoln. In all nearly 3,000 troops.
The persecuted settlers had fortified the British Trans-Indi complex at Watano and had been under siege for 7 weeks before the combined force arrived from Daikoku. Fortunately the Han Shan colonists had few heavy weapons and were at best equipped with the T-49 conventional assault rifle. BTI had heavy weapons but were rapidly running out of ammunition.
A direct landing was impossible, as Watano was situated on a mountain, and the only good landing strip near the complex was the spaceport at Coji, 35 miles from Watano. On 7th September, L (Light Infantry) Squadron, 24 SAS and SPS Pathfinders , French FUVOLMARS and members of Gruppen 9, Bayerisch Stern Truppen landed at the port and took it in a surprise attack, killing over 300 patriots at the cost of 57 dead, of which 37 were on the Lander Winchester, hit by a SAM on final approach.
The Cold Mountain Brigade formed up over the next 3 days and started the 35 mile march to Watano, progress was slow, but kinetic weapons from the orbiters kept forward momentum going and the BTI complex was relieved on 16th September, after 40 nights of siege.
After this, the Nelson was assigned to the Home Fleet for 3 years, and then to the NP in 2286. The only action of note in this period is an attempted commando raid by Manchurian Patriots on the Nelson in 2285, in retaliation for the Han Shan incident. The commandoes were massacred in the dock, and rumours abound that Zeebrugge Group simply shot those commandoes that surrendered.
Nelson cycled into the French Arm from 2288 to 2292, and was the largest British ship at Joi when the Franco-German War broke out. She remained there for the duration of the war, ready to intervene if New Cornwall was threatened by German revolutionaries. Fortunately this never occurred, and Nelsons stint at Joi was peaceful. In 2294 she cycled back to Earth for a 3 year refit, and emerged in 2297 as a modern and powerful unit. After shakedown she was stationed at Queen Alice's Star.
Montrose was laid down in 2281, and commissioned in 2284. British warship construction of the period was accelerated, in light of the possibly of war against a major power. She went straight into the NP, escorting convoy SB314 from Earth to Beta Canum Venticorum. SB314 was the largest convoy every put together at the time. She had 19 transports and 7 liners, under the protection of the Battleships HMS Montrose and HMAS Westralia, the Fleet Cruiser HMS Resolution, the Patrol Cruiser USS Cayuga, and the Frigates HMS Athena, HMS Ariadne, HMAS Sydney and IJSN Hatukazi. None of the merchants were carrying war materials, but the Manchus had already made it clear that any vessel of any flag trading with France, Germany or Russia was fair game, a policy that destroyed much of their support in Britain, Australia and America.
Such a large target was bound to draw in attacks, the first attack was the mining of ACS Indiana in the Neubayern system, by unknown Manchu forces. The next was the sabotage of RMS Gigantic at the docks of Beowulf. However, the main attack came on the outskirts of the Kimanjano system on 4th July. The marching order of the convoy put the majority of the warships up front, the merchants in the centre, and the 2 command ships, Montrose and Westralia at the rear. The Manchus were waiting beyond the FTL shelf, and timed their entry perfectly. All warships bar the 2 Battleships and USS Cayuga had translated, but the Merchants hadn't. The attacking group split in 2, the larger warships, 2 Cruisers and a Frigate suppressing the Battleships, while the auxiliaries attacked the Merchants, with the aim of disabling the drives so that boarding parties could go across and take prizes.
Captain Warminister of the Westralia, the Senior commander, sent Cayuga ahead to pull back the rest of the fleet while the powerful Montrose engaged the warships. In the end, 4 of the transports were taken by the Manchus, of these 2 were recaptured at Queen Alice's Star, but the other 2 became Chinese Arm Pirates. The Manchu Frigate Mao Tse Tung was destroyed in the conflict, and the Destroyer Han Shan was disabled, but self destructed before British Royal Marines and Australian Spaceborne Regiment troopers could board her.
After this, the battle damaged Montrose returned to Earth, and the CAW was over before repairs were complete. She was stationed with the Home Fleet for 7 years, until her 2295 refit. Upon rejoining the fleet in 2298 she was stationed at Queen Alice's Star.
Ramage was named after the greatest Space Explorer in Human History. Ramage opened up what is now known as the French Arm, and was instrumental in Britain, Frances and Germanys current positions as the 3 pre-eminent powers. An order of Knighthood, especially for Space Explorers was created bearing his name, it is not exclusive to Britons, and Order of Queen Alice's' Cross (KAC) are common among the great space explorers of later ages. It was only natural that the British should name a ship after such a great man.
The Ramage was laid down in 2283, on a specially constructed new frame, and commissioned 2286. She served in the Home Fleet during the CAW, and was assigned to the Royal Society in 2289 for a deep probe mission to Betelgeuse. She returned in 2294, in the aftermath of the Franco-German War with extensive data on Red Supergiants. This data was hoped to provide a way of discharging at Arcturus and opening the French Arm into the Serpenti Cluster. The raw data from this research is now under additional scrutiny, with the priority being on breaching Kafer Space, in late 2301 a breakthrough was achieved, and a new generation of LaFarge shielding, known as Abraham Shielding after the inventor was developed. This allowed discharges at Arcturus directly. The first 3 ships to receive the new shielding were HMS Illustrious, IFS Paris and USS George Washington who were assigned on the deep probe operation “Three Blind Mice”.
Ramage had an even more extensive refit than the others, lasting from 2295 to 2300, and was on station with the Home Fleet when the second invasion was launched. She moved with the reinforcements to Queen Alice's Star in February 2302.
Rodney was laid down in 2285 and saw no action in the Central Asian War. Post War, Rodney was stationed with the Home Fleet, and was for a time the 3rd Division flagship. Her flag facilities are the most extensive of any RSN Battleship at the time, and capable of directing 6 other combat starships in battle.
Her first combat duties were not until the Battle of Queen Alice's Star. After the initial missile duel, the two fleets closed to broadsides, Rodney concentrated all her fire on the Kaefer Improved Alpha class Battleship "Bloody Claw". Her target was totally destroyed, but her rather enthusiastic Captain, Captain Witterman, got carried away and charged past the battlelines to intercept 2 Battleships closing on the USS Columbia, engaging them leaving the Columbia to deal with "Destiny". The Rodney was mortally wounded in this battle, as the fast Beta class Battlecruiser "Down Slash" got "on her six", and her main weapons could not bear. Without fleet support she was pounded to a hulk and abandoned. The hull is still serviceable, and RSN salvage teams from Queen Alice's' Star Station reboarded her 5 days after the battle and towed her to Beowulf, where she is now waiting for a larger tug to arrive to tow her to Earth.
All 4 units fought well at the Battle of Queen Alice's Star, and their immediate future in the RSN is assured.
Warp efficiency: 3.43 (standard load, 3.62 unloaded); Power Plant: 240 MW
fusion; Fuel: 1,500 tons (10 refuels for each lander); Endurance: 6 weeks;
Mass: 21,469.93 tons (standard load, 18,304.13 tons unloaded) ; Cargo Capacity:
3,165.8 cubic meters; Crew: 250 (24 Bridge, 12 Flag, 31 TAC, 9 Small Craft, 57
Engineering, 80 troops, 3 science, 25 stewards, 9 medical); Passengers: none;
Comfort: 0; Emergency Power: 1 week; Total Life Support: 250 for 180 days;
Cost: MLv391.63 without ordnance
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 7; Screens: 6; Radiated Signature: 4(7); Radial Reflected: 4; Lateral
Reflected: 8; Target Computers: +2; Radial Profile: -1; Lateral Profile: +2;
Armour: 5; Hull hits: 136; Power Plant Hits: 160; Active: 16 and redundant;
Passive: 12 and redundant; Manoeuvrability: 2; Other: 3 City Landers in
one bay (3 turns for first launch, two for second, one for third)
18 x1+1dbl lasers in jack turrets (6x 123, 3x 345, 3x 567, 6x 178), 2 Gallowglas launchers, 24 Longbow missiles in 6 bays, 48 Striker missiles, 20 TTAs;
Sensors: Active-16 and redundant, Passive-12 and redundant, Navigation Radar, DSS, Gravitational, Advanced Life and Cartographic
Crew Hits:
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 4 Engineer, 2
Communications, 3 Computer
Flag Bridge: Admiral, 5 Staff, 6 Communications
TAC: 18 Fire Control, 2 Fire Control (Gallowglas), 6 Remote Pilot, 3 Flight
Control, Active Operator, Passive Operator
Damage Control: 28
British Hood class Fast Fleet Battle Ship
Design Date: 2282
First Example Laid Down: 2282
First Example Completed: 2287
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 1
HMS Hood was laid down in 2282, as a response to the laying down of USS John F. Kennedy and completed 2287. In service she proved a fine ship, and her fast lines meant that she was in great demand for both showing the flag, and for carrying important dignitaries, like the PM or the Monarch.
She was assigned to the NP in 2284, at the height of the Manchu raiding offensive onto the French Arm, and is credited with no less than 4 kills, 3 against auxiliary ships, and one against the frigate Beijing. When the possibility of an intervention on the French side occurred in 2287, it was the new Hood that was slated to lead the attack on Han Shan colony. Fortunately, the Commonwealth never became involved in the CAW.
Britains armed neutrality in the Franco-German War was crucial to early German success. It was the British who guaranteed the continuation of trade between the colonies and Earth, and Germany needed the produce of the colonies for the war effort. Early in 2292, a contingent of 4 freighters, under the protection of the Hood, Conqueror, Leander and Orion departed Hochbaden, laden with arms for the German Space Navy, a French squadron intercepted the convoy in the Beta Comae Bernices system. After 2 days of armed stand-off, Commodore Davidson of the Hood led his ship straight through the French squadron, transmitting that she would fire upon any hostile warship. The Hoods reputation saved the UK a battle, and possibly a war with France.
On returning to Earth, the arms were handed over, but a shift in Britains stance on Germany mitigated against another convoy. However, the weapons that the UK had brought through equipped the new DSKM enough for a major attack, one that resounded throughout human space.
The Hood was present with Grahams reserve fleet at Beowulf, and suffered serious damage during the pursuit of Kaefer forces into the Kimanjano system, as of December 2302, she is in the dock at Wellington Orbital Station, Earth.
Warp efficiency: 3.85 (standard load, 4.05 unloaded); Power Plant: 240 MW
fusion; Fuel: 600 tons (4 refuels for each lander); Endurance: 6 weeks; Mass:
18,525.67 tons (standard load, 16,028.67 unloaded) ; Cargo Capacity: 2,497
cubic meters; Crew: 240 (24 Bridge, 12 Flag, 29 TAC, 9 Small Craft, 51
Engineering, 80 troops, 3 science, 24 stewards, 8 medical); Passengers: none;
Comfort: 0; Emergency Power: 1 week; Total Life Support: 240 for 180 days;
Cost: MLv334.79 without small craft or ordnance
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 8; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 4(7); Radial Reflected: 6; Lateral
Reflected: 8; Target Computers: +2; Radial Profile: -1; Lateral Profile: +2;
Armour: 2; Hull hits: 128; Power Plant Hits: 160; Active: 16 and redundant;
Passive: 12 and redundant; Manoeuvrability: ?; Other: 3 City Landers in
one bay (3 turns for first launch, two for second, one for third)
18 x1+1dbl lasers in jack turrets (6x 123, 3x 345, 3x 567, 6x 178), 2 Gallowglas launchers, 16 Longbow missiles in 4 bays, 32 Striker Ground Attack missiles, 20 TTAs;
Sensors: Active-16 and redundant, Passive-12 and redundant, Navigation Radar, DSS, Gravitational, Advanced Life and Cartographic
Crew Hits:
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 4 Engineer, 2 Communications,
3 Computer
Flag Bridge: Admiral, 5 Staff, 6 Communications
TAC: 18 Fire Control, 2 Fire Control (Gallowglas), 4 Remote Pilot, 3 Flight
Control, Active Operator, Passive Operator
Damage Control: 25
British King Christian class Fleet Battle Ship
Design Date: 2294
First Example Laid Down: 2295
First Example Completed: 2298
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 2
British Battleship construction was halted until 2294 by the recession caused by the CAW, however, in 2294 the new German state laid down Bismarck and several other large warships, and announced a general fleet expansion. The French followed suite later in the month, and the Americans announced that the Kennedy class would be continued beyond the 6 units already in service. The British had no option but to lay down new hulls.
King Christian was laid down in 2295, and was the first British Battleship to match the French vessels for raw power. King Christian was complete in 2298, and the frame used for the Drake. However, in 2301, the Drake was renamed to Queen Margaret on the day of the Kings abdication to take the throne of Norway when his brother died (the current ruling British dynasty are principally Norwegian), a mere week before she finally commissioned and officially joined the fleet.
Both saw their combat debut at Queen Alice's Star and performed exceptionally. A third unit (Drake) has been laid down, and a fourth is expected to be laid down in 2304.
Warp efficiency: 3.41 (standard load, 3.58 unloaded); Power Plant: 300 MW
fusion; Fuel: 1,500 tons; Endurance: 6 weeks; Mass: 25,097.68 tons (standard
load, 21,705.18 unloaded) ; Cargo Capacity: 3,392.5 cubic meters; Crew: 270 (28
Bridge, 12 Flag, 31 TAC, 9 Small Craft, 71 Engineering, 80 troops, 3 science,
27 stewards, 9 medical); Passengers: none; Comfort: 0; Emergency Power: 1 week;
Total Life Support: 270 for 180 days; Cost: MLv509.474 without small craft or
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 7; Screens: 6; Radiated Signature: 4(7); Radial Reflected: 6; Lateral Reflected:
8; Target Computers: +2; Radial Profile: -1; Lateral Profile: +3; Armour: 6;
Hull hits: 164; Power Plant Hits: 200; Active: 16 and redundant; Passive: 12
and redundant; Manoeuvrability: ?; Other: 3 City Landers in one bays (3
turns for first launch, two for second and one for third)
18 x2+1dbl lasers in jack turrets (6x 123, 3x 345, 3x 567, 6x 178), 2 Gallowglas launchers, 24 Longbow missiles in 6 bays, 48 Striker Ground Attack missiles, 20 TTAs;
Sensors: Active-16 and redundant, Passive-12 and redundant, Navigation Radar, DSS, Gravitational, Advanced Life and Cartographic
Crew Hits:
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 6 Engineer, 2
Communications, 3 Computer
Flag Bridge: Admiral, 5 Staff, 6 Communications
TAC: 18 Fire Control, 2 Fire Control (Gallowglas), 6 Remote Pilot, 3 Flight
Control, Active Operator, Passive Operator
Damage Control: 35
British Cruiser doctrine has been massively influenced by the elan of the French doctrine. Indeed, currently only France, Britain and Manchuria maintain large independent fleet cruiser forces. Fleet Cruisers are long ranged vessels, intended to operate for months without resupply, contrasted with the Cruisers of some other nations (such as America and Germany), who are closely tied to a logistical base. Currently, the Manchurian Fleet Cruiser force is the largest, with 22 hulls, although they are more limited compared with the British and French hulls. The French have 20 and the British 13. Several other nations field Fleet Cruisers, but in much smaller numbers. The role of the Fleet Cruiser is that of independent action. Frigates, Battleships and Carriers operate together but Cruisers operate alone as Scouts and Hunter-Killers. As such, their crews are specially selected and are considered the elite of the RSN.
British Resolution class Fleet Cruiser Ship
Design Date: 2280
First Example Laid Down: 2280
First Example Completed: 2283
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 10 (Resolution, Renown, Vengeance, Conquerer, Trafalgar, Camperdown, Churchill, Dreadnought, Swiftsure and Warspite)
The Resolution class are the backbone of the RSN Fleet Cruiser Force, replacing the Enterprise class (which were fission powered), and the first of the class saw limited action in the Central Asian War. It was Resolution that successfully shadowed the Manchurian Cruiser Kunming for 6 weeks in order to locate the Manchurian base at DM+35 XXXX, although no action was taken against it. Knowing it’s location removed the danger almost entirely, and destroying the base would simply cause it to be moved.
Post-War, the Cruiser Force performed it’s normal actions, shadowing merchants, looking for pirates, engaging in exercises (including a simulated engagement against USS John Adams that showed the major flaws in the Kennedy design a decade before the Kaefer Battleship “Triumph” was to do this in a much more direct manner).
During the Franco-German War, the British sent a cadre of Cruiser officers to Germany to try and teach them the need for a Fleet Cruiser Force. This advice was mostly ignored, except for a certain Kaptain X, who commanded a Cruiser Division of the Deep Space Fleet. Using the adapted British tactics, his forces ambushed FS Marathon at Sturmwelt cutting the French fleet in half and severing their communications. This won the final battle of the Franco-German War for Germany, and secured Dunkelheim for the German Empire. This same Kaptian (now a Kommodore) was to employ these tactics on the Kaefer Frontier 5 years later, sending the USS Jefferson and USS Sanchez in a Cruiser probe to Arcturus that went horribly wrong.
Resolutions performed well in the Kaefer Invasion, mostly as intelligence and raiding platforms, but at Queen Alices Star they fought in the Battleline as well.
Like all British Cruisers, they carry a 20 man Marine Platoon and 5 additional specialists (a Commando Signaller and 4 Commando Sappers).
Warp efficiency: 3.46 (standard load, 3.73 unloaded); Power Plant: 60 MW fusion (auxiliary 5MW solar); Fuel: 150 tons; Endurance: 10 weeks; Mass: 5,973 tons (standard load, 4771.6 unloaded) ; Cargo Capacity: 1,209.4 cubic meters; Crew: 75 (16 Bridge, 13 TAC, 3 Small Craft, 11 Engineering, 20 troops, 8 stewards, 3 medical); Passengers: none; Comfort: 0; Emergency Power: 1 week; Total Life Support: 75 for 180 days; Cost: MLv140.458 without small craft or ordnance
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 7; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 3(6); Radial Reflected: 4; Lateral
Reflected: 5; Target Computers: +2; Radial Profile: -2; Lateral Profile: +1;
Armour: 2; Hull hits: 48; Power Plant Hits: 40; Active: 16 and redundant;
Passive: 12 and redundant; Manoeuvrability: ?; Other: 1 City Lander in
bay (3 turns for launch)
4 x1+1dbl lasers in jack turrets (1x 123, 1x 345, 1x 567, 1x 178), 1 Gallowglas Launcher, 1 Shillelagh
launcher, 12 Longbow missiles in 4 bays, 24 Striker Ground Attack missiles, 4 TTAs;
Sensors: Active-16 and redundant, Passive-12 and redundant, Navigation Radar, DSS, Gravitational, Advanced Life, and Advanced Cartographic
Crew Hits:
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, Engineer, 2
Communications, 4 Computer
TAC: 6 Fire Control, 4 Remote Pilot, 1 Flight Control, Active Operator, Passive
Damage Control: 8
British Invincible class Fleet Cruiser Ship
Design Date: 2295
First Example Laid Down: 2295
First Example Completed: 2298
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 4
The Invincible is essentially a stretched Resolution with a larger weapons load and greater speed. Built as a follow on, and worried that the French Paris class was far superior to the Resolution, the Invincibles were built. As it turns out, the Paris is considerably superior even to the Invincible, but this is only normal considering Frances status.
Invincibles first patrol was into the Chinese Arm on a routine pirate hunt to test the new vessel. She shadowed several dozen transports until finally one was ambushed on the outskirts of the Chenghu system. As often happens, the transport captain agreed to pay the Pirates ransom rather than have his ship looted, but Captain French of the Invincible had other ideas. Tearing across the STL shelf with weapons already launched, the pirate was faced with his own ultimatum, “Surrender or Die”, the Pirate choose to die.
As missile use is controlled in all but the most serious battles, the engagement consisted of a broadside gun battle, but the pirate (Soar) only had 2 lasers, and was not combat braced, and so couldn’t match the Invincibles combat manouveres. Soars guns and engine were silenced by the power plant failing (under stress from high-G manouveres rather than battle damage), and the Invincibles Royal Marines, FP3011, boarded Soar and took the ship. On towing her into Chenghu her original registry was discovered, ACS Spirit of Free Haven, a Tirane registered American merchant operated by the American Tirania Consortium. She was returned to her owner, in return for the usual bounty (1/10th the total value of the ship).
The next two constructed were Indefatigable and Defiance. Both of these were shook down, and were sent to reinforce Rochemonts 3rd French Fleet at Beta Canum, with a view to a probe into Kafer space. Rochemont was pleased with the units, his request for 10e Division de Chasse to be assigned to his command had been turned down, but this British “Division de Chasse” was almost as good. When his probe was ready, he sent the British ahead as his pathfinders, but they were contacted in the Beta Comae system by the lead elements of the 2nd Kafer Invasion. Operating in tandum with a German Sternjagdgruppe the British mounted a counterattack, but were soon overwhelmed when DSKMS Admiral Hipper and HMS Defiance were shot down. Unable to repair themselves, both crews abandoned ship, and used the self-destruct to deny them to the Kafers. However, not all the crewmen were retrieved by the terrans, and some were undoubtedly captured.
Indefatigables CO, Captain Campbell, found himself in de facto command of the joint Anglo-German force, and originally decided to run back towards Rochemont and warn him of the new Invasion. However, in conference, the German CO, Kaptain von Breslow, told Campbell that a dispatch had already been sent, and that the Germans had an old secret base dating back to the Franco-German War in the area. Agreed that they would take over the old base, re-activate it and use it as a supply dump, the Anglo-German Group took it and sent a dispatch home for re-armament. This group was considerably rearmed, and Cruisers raiding out of Grosshiddenfaden impacted considerably on Kafer war efforts further down arm.
The final vessel of this class, Illustrious, deserves special attention, as one of the original “Three Blind Mice”. Early in the war, it was decided that Cruiser War Patrols should be mounted beyond Arcturus, in an effort to gather intelligence, and America, Britain and France sent one vessel each. The Americans sent the largest vessel, the Battlecruiser USS George Washington, the French sent their best Cruiser, IFS Paris, while the British sent HMS Illustrious. The most notable incident involving the original 3 was the raid on DM +19 2881. This system was guarded by major Kafer Fleet elements and contained a human POW camp. On a patrol Paris managed to get close enough to mount a full life scan, and found the POW camp. The TBM’s commanders decided to liberate the camp in one of the most spectacular commando raids of the war. The world was guarded by a Kafer Alpha class Battleship, and a supporting fighter wing from the Kafer Orbital. The TBM engaged the Alpha, disabled it, smashed their way past the fighters, destroyed the orbiter with Kinetic weapons, and landed a mixed group of 20 Royal Marines, 10 American Marines and 20 French Fusiliers-Voltigeur-Marins Spatial. They then stormed the camp and held it while the landers ferried the POWs back upto the 3 waiting Terran ships, before jumping onto the last ship back up. However, it is believed now that a small number of Marines may have been left behind.
The TBM return home to Earth with the liberated POWs and a heros welcome. The next TBM patrol had already been launched and the original TBM were refitted and sent back out.
Warp efficiency: 3.57 (standard load, 3.87 unloaded); Power Plant: 75 MW fusion; Fuel: 150 tons; Endurance: 11 weeks; Mass: 7,175.06 tons (standard load, 5,628.28 tons unloaded) ; Cargo Capacity: 1,546.78 cubic meters; Crew: 80 (16 Bridge, 13 TAC, 3 Small Craft, 14 Engineering, 20 troops, 8 stewards, 3 medical); Passengers: none; Comfort: 0; Emergency Power: 1 week; Total Life Support: 80 for 180 days; Cost: MLv155.368
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 7; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 3(6); Radial Reflected: 4; Lateral
Reflected: 5; Target Computers: +2; Radial Profile: -2; Lateral Profile: +1;
Armour: 2; Hull hits: 56; Power Plant Hits: 50; Active: 16 and redundant;
Passive: 12 and redundant; Manoeuvrability: ?; Other: 1 City Lander in
bay (3 turns for launch)
4 x1+1dbl lasers in jack turrets (2x 123, 1x 345, 1x 567, 2x 178), 1 Gallowglas launcher, 1 Shillelagh launcher, 16 Longbow missiles in 4 bays, 32 Striker Ground Attack missiles, 4 TTAs;
Sensors: Active-16 and redundant, Passive-12 and redundant, Navigation Radar, DSS, Gravitational, Advanced Life, and Advanced Cartographic
Crew Hits:
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, Engineer, 2
Communications, 4 Computer
TAC: 6 Fire Control, 4 Remote Pilot, 1 Flight Control, Active Operator, Passive
Damage Control: 7
The FES are the support and workhorse elements of the RSN. Powerful enough to combat pirates and minor warships
British Leander 1 class Fleet Escort
Design Date: 2279
First Example Laid Down: 2279
First Example Completed: 2281
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 10 (Leander, Ariadne, Calliope,
Andromeda, Medea, Achates, Ulysses, Hercules, Achilles, Arethusa)
The Leander class is a fusion powered fleet escort vessel, suited to Fleet as well as Patrol duties.
Warp efficiency: 3.11 (standard load, 3.27 unloaded); Power Plant: 15 MW fusion (2MW solar auxiliary); Fuel: none; Endurance: 6 weeks; Mass: 1,775,77 tons (standard load, 1,536.77 unloaded) ; Cargo Capacity: 239 cubic meters; Crew: 38 (12 Bridge, 6 TAC, 6 Engineering, 8 troops, 4 stewards, 2 medical); Passengers: none; Comfort: 0; Emergency Power: 1 week; Total Life Support: 38 for 180 days; Cost: MLv64.048 without ordnance
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 6; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 2(5); Radial Reflected: 2; Lateral
Reflected: 3; Target Computers: +2; Radial Profile: -2; Lateral Profile: -1;
Armour: 3; Hull hits: 20; Power Plant Hits: 10; Active: 6 Passive: 6; Manoeuvrability:
?; Other: none
2 x1+1dbl lasers in masked turrets (1x 1234, 1x 5678), 4 Longbow missiles in 2 bays, 2 TTAs;
Sensors: Active-7, Passive-6, Navigation Radar, DSS, Gravitational
Crew Hits:
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 2 Communications, Computer
TAC: 2 Fire Control, 2 Remote Pilot, Active Operator, Passive Operator
Damage Control: 3
British Leander 2 class Fleet Escort
Design Date: 2279
First Example Laid Down: 2279
First Example Completed: 2281
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 10 (Batch 2: Orion, Charybdis, Dido, Athena, Batch-3: Neptune, Cassiopea, Jupiter, Phoebe, Penelope and Athena)
The Leander was a successful design, but still incapable of keeping up with some of the most modern warships, so an uprated, elongated version was produced, the Leander-2. The Mark 2 is much the same, only the power plant and engines have been considerably enlarged.
The Leander-3 is just a Leander-2 with a passive sensor upgrade.
Warp efficiency: 3.6 (standard load, 3.76 unloaded); Power Plant: 24 MW fusion (2MW solar auxiliary); Fuel: none; Endurance: 5.5 weeks; Mass: 2,300 tons (standard load, 2,023 unloaded) ; Cargo Capacity: 278 cubic meters; Crew: 40 (12 Bridge, 6 TAC, 8 Engineering, 8 troops, 4 stewards, 2 medical); Passengers: none; Comfort: 0; Emergency Power: 1 week; Total Life Support: 40 for 180 days; Cost: MLv82.25 without ordnance (MLv82.75 for Batch-2)
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 7; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 2(5); Radial Reflected: 2; Lateral
Reflected: 3; Target Computers: +2; Radial Profile: -2; Lateral Profile: 0;
Armour: 4; Hull hits: 24; Power Plant Hits: 16; Active: 10 Passive: (6 for
Batch-2, 10 for Batch-3); Manoeuvrability: ?; Other: none
2 x1+1dbl lasers in masked turrets (1x 1234, 1x 5678), 4 Longbow missiles in 2 bays, 2 TTAs;
Sensors: Active-10, Passive-6 (or 10), Navigation Radar, DSS, Gravitational
Crew Hits:
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, 2 Communications, Computer
TAC: 2 Fire Control, 2 Remote Pilot, Active Operator, Passive Operator
Damage Control: 4
Original Design Date: 2275
First Example Laid Down: 2277
First Example Completed: 2278
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 15 (including 3 in RSN Reserve)
Built to defend the mines in the outer Sol and Tirane systems, the Exeter a short ranged frigate
Warp efficiency: 2.0
Power Plant: 5 MW MHD w/ thruster
Fuel: 500 tons (1 week)
Range: N/A
Endurance: N/A
Mass: 1,329.52 tons
Cargo Capacity: none
Crew: 24 (10 Bridge, 4 TAC, 6 Engineer, 3 Steward, 1 Medical); Passengers: none
Comfort: 0;
Emergency Power: 24 hours
Total Life Support: 24 for 180 days
Cost: MLv45.972 , without ordnance
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 4
Screens: 0
Radiated Signature: 1(4)
Radial Reflected: 3
Lateral Reflected: 4
Target Computer: +2;
Radial Profile: -1
Lateral Profile: -2
Armour: 3
Hull hits: 10 (30 by Starcruiser)
Power Plant Hits: 3/11
Active: 7
Passive: 5
2 x1+1 laser in jack turrets (2x 128)
Ordnance Load
1 Shillelagh Submunition Launcher or
1 Longbow Missile Pack (4 missiles)
Sensors and Electronics:
Phased Active-7
Spherical Passive-5
Navigation Radar
Gravitational Scan
2 Fire Control Radars (TTAs)
Crew Hits:
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, Communications, Computer
TAC: 2 Fire Control (Laser Turrets), 2 Fire Control or Remote Pilot, Phased Active Operator, Spherical Passive Operator
Damage Control: 3
Original Design Date: 2213
First Example Laid Down: 2215
First Example Completed: 2216
Current Model Design: 2276
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 18 (RSN Reserve)
Originally built to police the inner solar system, the Donovan is the oldest vessel of any type still in the RSN Order of Battle. The only reason the Donovan has survived this long is that even today, she is still a potent, if expensive, Assault Fighter.
The current fit has a Fire Control Radar slaved to a double 2MW Enfield Laser Cannon in an armoured jack turret. Additionally, the Donovan may mount either a Marconi Submunitions Launcher or 2 Longbow Missiles, although no reserve squadron holds nuclear weapons in peacetime.
Another unusual feature is the spherical symmetry combined with arm mounted thrusters, allowing extreme maneouveability.
Warp efficiency: 3.13
Power Plant: 10 MW MHD
Fuel: 90 tons (15 hours)
Range: N/A
Endurance: N/A
Mass: 540.1 tons
Cargo Capacity: none
Crew: 2 (Pilot, Tactical Officer); Passengers: none
Comfort: 0;
Emergency Power: 24 hours
Total Life Support: N/A
Cost: MLv , without ordnance
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 6
Screens: 0
Radiated Signature: 2(4)
Radial Reflected: 2
Lateral Reflected: 2
Target Computer: +2;
Radial Profile: -2
Lateral Profile: -2
Armour: 4
Hull hits: 6 (24 by Starcruiser)
Power Plant Hits: 6/30
Active: 10
Passive: 10
Maneveurability: Unlimited
x2+1dbl laser in jack turret (128)
Ordnance Load
1 Marconi Submunition Launcher or
1 Longbow Missile Bay with 2 Missiles
Sensors and Electronics:
Phased Active-10
Spherical Passive-10
Navigation Radar
1 Fire Control Radar (TTAs)
Crew Hits: Pilot, Tactical Officer
Damage Control: N/A
Original Design Date: 2245
First Example Laid Down: 2247
First Example Completed: 2248
Fleets in Service: Britain (RSN Reserve)
Number in Service: 18
Built as a cheap replacement for the Donovan in the system defence role, the Lancaster is also now consigned to the reserve, and due for scrapping. However, recent tensions have kept the vessel in service, and the Admiralty are considering upgrading her electronics to the modern standard and installing a missile sling, allowing her a considerable extra punch.
Warp efficiency: 2.55
Power Plant: 1.5MW MHD w/ thruster
Fuel: 13.5 tons (15 hours)
Range: N/A
Endurance: N/A
Mass: 125 tons
Cargo Capacity: none
Crew: 2 (Pilot, Tactical Officer); Passengers: none
Comfort: 0;
Emergency Power: 24 hours
Total Life Support: N/A
Cost: MLv11.88 , without ordnance
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 5
Screens: 0
Radiated Signature: 0(2)
Radial Reflected: 2
Lateral Reflected: 2
Target Computer: +2;
Radial Profile: -3
Lateral Profile: -2
Armour: 3
Hull hits: 3 (9 by Starcruiser)
Power Plant Hits: 1/5
Active: 3
Passive: 5
x1laser in jack turret (128)
Ordnance Load
Sensors and Electronics:
Phased Active-3
Spherical Passive-5
Navigation Radar
1 Fire Control Radar (TTAs)
Crew Hits: Pilot, Tactical Officer
Damage Control: N/A
Original Design Date: 2278
First Example Laid Down: 2278
First Example Completed: 2279
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 18
The Wellington is a rather interesting design, being the first ship designed to be based on the ground rather than from an orbiting station. This consideration meant buying in the inefficient Australian DAC PAWS rather than installing a 2MW Enfield Laser Cannon, however, this means that the Wellington can fire its main weapon within a atmosphere and across the interface.
The Wellingtons of 5 and 8 Squadrons saw active service during the Invasion. In both cases, order were not to engage the enemy in deep space, but rather to lay low and attack the transports and support vessels in close orbit and the atmosphere. In this the squadrons were very successful, later switching to a ground support role, screaming over enemy territory at Mach 3 cut swaths of destruction with their high energy Particle Accellerators.
8 Squadron suffered particularly from sand abrasion of their airframes, and as of early 2303 only one, HMS Picton is still operational,3 more are under repair, and 2 were shot down by Kafer forces.
Warp efficiency: 3.27
Power Plant: 3 MW MHD w/ thruster
Fuel: 27 tons (15 hours)
Range: N/A
Endurance: N/A
Mass: 153 tons
Cargo Capacity: none
Crew: 2 (Pilot, Tactical Officer); Passengers: none
Comfort: 0;
Emergency Power: 24 hours
Total Life Support: N/A
Cost: MLv23.866 , without ordnance
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 7
Screens: 0
Radiated Signature: 0(3)
Radial Reflected: 3
Lateral Reflected: 3
Target Computer: +2;
Radial Profile: -3
Lateral Profile: -3
Armour: 3
Hull hits: 3 (9 by Starcruiser)
Power Plant Hits: 2/6
Active: -
Passive: 6
Maneveurability: Unlimited
x2-3 PA in jack turret (128), may fire in atmosphere and
across the interface, unlike laser weapons.
Ordnance Load
Sensors and Electronics:
Spherical Passive-6
Navigation Radar
1 Fire Control Radar (TTAs)
Crew Hits: Pilot, Tactical Officer
Damage Control: N/A
Original Design Date: 2287
First Example Laid Down: 2287
First Example Completed: 2288
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 18
Built to replace the Lancaster in the regular system defence role, the Lightning is an obvious copy of the concept behind the French Mistral fighter, but with a British twist. The airframe is larger with a larger engine, giving greater speed and protection at the cost of an increased radar signature, however, the electro-optical (passive) signature is much smaller.
16 Squadron was attached to the Japanese Imperial Space Navy during the Kafer Invasion, serving with Battlegroup Agano based off a converted Japanese freighter.
1 and 2 squadrons saw no action until the Battle of Beowulf, where they played a part in damaging and disabling several major Kafer warships.
Warp efficiency: 3.39 (3.3 with missile)
Power Plant: 2 MW MHD w/ thruster
Fuel: 18 (15 hours)
Range: N/A
Endurance: N/A
Mass: 137.6 tons
Cargo Capacity: none
Crew: 2 (Pilot, Tactical Officer); Passengers: none
Comfort: 0;
Emergency Power: 24 hours
Total Life Support: N/A
Cost: MLv25.231 , without ordnance
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 7
Screens: 0
Radiated Signature: -1(2)
Radial Reflected: 2 (3 with missile)
Lateral Reflected: 2 (3 with missile)
Target Computer: +2;
Radial Profile: -3
Lateral Profile: -2
Armour: 5
Hull hits: 3 (12 by Starcruiser)
Power Plant Hits: 1/4
Active: 7
Passive: 10
x1+1 laser in jack turret (128)
Ordnance Load
1 Longbow Missile in external magnetic sling
Sensors and Electronics:
Phased Active-7
Spherical Passive-10
Navigation Radar
1 Fire Control Radar (TTAs)
Crew Hits: Pilot, Tactical Officer
Damage Control: N/A
Original Design Date: 2284
First Example Laid Down: 2285
First Example Completed: 2286
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 48
Delivered more than 5 years late, the Bex Harrier has never the less proved itself a superb space fighter. Armed with 3 heavy submunitions or 2 Longbow missiles, heavily armoured and fast, the Harrier packs an extremely deadly punch.
Currently 8 squadrons are in the RSN inventory.
Warp efficiency: 3.76
Power Plant: 3 MW MHD w/ thruster
Fuel: 27 tons (15 hours)
Range: N/A
Endurance: N/A
Mass: 200.92 tons
Cargo Capacity: none
Crew: 2 (Pilot, Tactical Officer); Passengers: none
Comfort: 0;
Emergency Power: 24 hours
Total Life Support: N/A
Cost: MLv32.837 , without ordnance
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 8
Screens: 0
Radiated Signature: 0(3)
Radial Reflected: 3 (4 with missiles)
Lateral Reflected: 3 (4 with missiles)
Target Computer: +2;
Radial Profile: -3
Lateral Profile: -2
Armour: 8
Hull hits: 4 (32 by Starcruiser)
Power Plant Hits: 2/6
Active: 7
Passive: 6
x1+1 laser in jack turret (128)
Ordnance Load
1 Marconi Submunition Launcher or
2 Longbow Missiles in external magnetic slings
Sensors and Electronics:
Phased Active-7
Spherical Passive-6
Navigation Radar
2 Fire Control Radar (TTAs)
Crew Hits: Pilot, Tactical Officer
Damage Control: N/A
Original Design Date: 2275
First Example Laid Down: 2277
First Example Completed: 2278
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 15 (including 3 in RSN Reserve)
Built to defend the mines in the outer Sol and Tirane systems, the Exeter is actually a true starship rather than a fighter, but assigned to the Fighter Corps due to it’s “in-system” status.
Warp efficiency: 2.0
Power Plant: 5 MW MHD w/ thruster
Fuel: 500 tons (1 week)
Range: N/A
Endurance: N/A
Mass: 1,329.52 tons
Cargo Capacity: none
Crew: 24 (10 Bridge, 4 TAC, 6 Engineer, 3 Steward, 1 Medical); Passengers: none
Comfort: 0;
Emergency Power: 24 hours
Total Life Support: 24 for 180 days
Cost: MLv45.972 , without ordnance
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 4
Screens: 0
Radiated Signature: 1(4)
Radial Reflected: 3
Lateral Reflected: 4
Target Computer: +2;
Radial Profile: -1
Lateral Profile: -2
Armour: 3
Hull hits: 10 (30 by Starcruiser)
Power Plant Hits: 3/11
Active: 7
Passive: 5
2 x1+1 laser in jack turrets (2x 128)
Ordnance Load
2 Marconi Submunition Launchers or
2 Longbow Missile Packs (8 missiles)
Sensors and Electronics:
Phased Active-7
Spherical Passive-5
Navigation Radar
Gravitational Scan
2 Fire Control Radars (TTAs)
Crew Hits:
Bridge: Captain, Navigator, Helm, Communications, Computer
TAC: 2 Fire Control (Laser Turrets), 2 Fire Control or Remote Pilot, Phased Active Operator, Spherical Passive Operator
Damage Control: 3
British Wessex class Spaceplane
Design Date: 2281
First Example Laid Down: 2282
First Example Completed: 2283
Fleets in Service: Britain, Canada, Scandinavian Union
Number in Service: approximately 40 total (18 in UK service (Wessex, Mercia, Deria, Essex, Middlesex, Sussex, Cymru, Alicia, Kernow, Alba, Leinster, Connacht, Munster, Ulster, Northumbria, North Albion, Strathclyde, South Albion)
The Wessex is an unarmoured VTOL space plane capable of operating throughout human space. Although it does not have the glamorous role of the Raven, the Wessex generally works in a different manner. Although VTOL capable, this is mainly for utility work (landing crews at spaceports etc.) and extractions. The Commandos the Wessex carries jump into combat from several miles up.
Streamlining: As Spaceplane
Warp efficiency: 0; Power Plant: 6 MW Thruster; Fuel: 100 tons; Endurance: N/A;
Mass: 144 tons; Cargo Capacity: none; Crew: 2 (Pilot and Loadmaster);
Passengers: 80; Comfort: 0; Emergency Power: 24 hours; Total Life Support: 24
Hours; Cost: MLv2.151
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 0; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 4; Radial Reflected: 3; Lateral
Reflected: 4; Target Computers: 0; Radial Profile: -2; Lateral Profile: -1;
Armour: 0; Hull hits: 4; Power Plant Hits: 1; Active: N/A, Passive: N/A; Manoeuvrability:
N/A; Other:
Sensors: Navigation Radar
Crew Hits:
Cockpit: Pilot
Bay: Loadmaster, 80 Passengers
Damage Control: N/A
British City class Spaceplane
Design Date: 2281
First Example Laid Down: 2282
First Example Completed: 2283
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 67 in UK service, named after Commonwealth cities
The City is a essentially a smaller version of the Wessex carrying a single Platoon of Raiders rather than a full company.
During the Kafer War, the main use of the City was for Cruisers to deliver small raids on Kafer held worlds, or to perform supply drops.
Streamlining: As Spaceplane
Warp efficiency: 0; Power Plant: 3 MW Thruster; Fuel: 50 tons; Endurance: N/A;
Mass: 43.2 tons; Cargo Capacity: none; Crew: 2 (Pilot and Loadmaster);
Passengers: 24; Comfort: 0; Emergency Power: 24 hours; Total Life Support: 24
Hours; Cost:
Ship Status Sheet
Move: 0; Screens: 0; Radiated Signature: 3; Radial Reflected: 2; Lateral
Reflected: 2; Target Computers: 0; Radial Profile: -3; Lateral Profile: -2;
Armour: 0; Hull hits: 2; Power Plant Hits: 1; Active: N/A, Passive: N/A;
Manoeuvrability: N/A; Other:
Sensors: Navigation Radar
Crew Hits:
Cockpit: Pilot
Bay: Loadmaster, 24 Passengers
Damage Control: N/A
British Longbow Missile
Design Date: 2282
First Example Laid Down: 2282
First Example Completed: 2282
Fleets in Service: Britain
Number in Service: 810
Replacing the Starburst as the standard British Attack missile, the Longbow carries a heavy warhead and an Semi-Independent tracking system like the SIM-14.
Combat Performance Data:
Movement: 7, Radiated Signature: 1, Radial Reflected Signature: 1, Lateral
Reflected Signature: 1, Radial Target Profile: -4, Lateral Target Profile: -4,
Hull Hits: 1/1/1, Power Plant Hits: 1/1, Armament: one 10x3 detonation laser,
Active Sensors: none, Passive Sensors: 10 Forward Looking
Design Characteristics:
Warp Efficiency: 3.65, Power Plant: 0.1 MW Fuel Cell, Fuel: 0.36 tons,
sufficient for 8 hours of operation, Mass: 11.06 tons, Length: 11.4 meters,
Diameter: 1 meters, Price: MLv11.59
Bay Volume/Mass: 11.4 cubic meters
British Gallowglas Point Defence System
Developed by Woolf Industries for the Texan Space Navies main body, the 1st Frigate Squadron consisting of TSS Alamo and TSS Austin, both ex-French Floreal class frigates. The Gallowglas was successful in Texan service and is now a common upgrade to RSN ships. In essence it is a Submunition Launcher, but the munitions are optimised for defensive fire against missiles rather than striking enemy hulls.
Mass: 16 tons (loaded)
Cost: Lv162,000 (unloaded)
Surface Area: 20 square meters
Radar Cross Section: 10
Ordnance: 6 submunitions
Mass: 600kg each
Cost: Lv520,000 each
Warhead: 5x1
British Shillelagh Submunition System
Another weapon developed by Woolf Industries for the Texan Space Navy, this time for their Shillelagh class fighters. The Shillelagh has become the standard RSN assault submunition system and mounts the largest warhead of any human weapons system.
Mass: 22 tons (loaded)
Cost: Lv216,000 (unloaded)
Surface Area: 25 square meters
Radar Cross Section: 15
Ordnance: 3 submunitions
Mass: 3,100kg each
Cost: Lv3,020,000 each
Warhead: 15x2