Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Economic and Territorial Statistics
Official Title: Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Population: 5,820,000
Literacy: 97%
College Education: 72%
Workforce: 0.9 Rudells
Industrial Capacity: 1.0 Rudells
Main Produce:
Technology Level: 11.08
% of Global Industry: 0.1%
Self Sufficency:
GDP (Purchacing Power Parity): 47,815,105,039 Lv
GDP Rank: 4
Exchange Rates:
National Budget: 11,286,920,188 Lv
Military Budget: 2,225,750,513 Lv
Army Budget: 1,202,480,897 Lv
Army Personnal: 15,940
Army Strength: 0.8 Full Mechanised Brigades, 0.3 Partial Mechanised Brigades, 0.3 Class I Infantry Brigades
Airforce Budget: 514,920,169 Lv
Airforce Strength: 26 Modern Combat Aircraft
Naval Budget: 508,349,446 Lv
Naval Strength: 2DD, 9FF, 6 Corvettes, 8 FAC
No Space Forces. All existing military satellites are obselete versions bought from the Azanians and Manchurians
Territory: Sandwiched between Argentina and Brazil, Uruguay is a prize sought by both countries due to her high level of technology and her excellent mechanics. Many components used by the ArSF can only be produced in Uruguay and her loss would cripple Argentinas economy. Uruguay is part of the Argentine Empire.
Major Cities: Montevideo, Salto, Paysandu
Major Trading Partners: Tied closely to Argentine economy, it's economy is on the upswing.
Research Expenditure: 1 603,192,279 Lv
Great Game 2 Conversions
Discr. Budget Points: 1
Luxury Factor: 3
Morale Level: 4
Supply Centers: 2
Political Influence Points: 4
Cultural: 7
Economic: 1
Military: 3
Agricultural: 1
Mineral Wealth: 1
Power Production: 1
Tantalum Production: 0