Bill Bacon - 01/29/00 08:58:47
Homeworld: Tirane
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: Looking for a decent bitter
Rate this site (1-10): 10
Highlights? (Whats Good): Your Flags
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): kick the poms out of Ireland!
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: No! You can get six months for dealing in that stuff
I've visited heaps of times. Thought I'd better get my visa in order.
J. CARROLL - 12/16/99 14:49:26
Homeworld: SOL
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: TOURISM
Highlights? (Whats Good): THE WHOLE SITE
Jeff Abbott - 12/13/99 22:55:27
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: Just seeing what's new
Highlights? (Whats Good): Lots of Stuff, good background
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: No
Just stopping by to see what's new with your site. I haven't had time to do anything with mine for the last few months, but I plan to.
SpeedRacer - 10/14/99 13:39:36
Homeworld: Terra
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: I live here my good man.
Rate this site (1-10): 10
Highlights? (Whats Good): Reading about my home town on one of your pages.
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): The thought that my home town will still be around in 2300.
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: Of course.
Great site. Will be damned useful for a game I'm working on.
Later Dude.
Joakim Bergqwist - 09/21/99 21:44:42
Homeworld: Stockholm,Sweden
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: Paying you homage, Sir Knight
Highlights? (Whats Good): I'm on it !
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): I'm on it !
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: Seldom, are they any good ?
Hi Bryn !
Q: Do you know if there is any PBem's to join somewhere ? I know that someone on "the List" GM:ed one some time back (hmm... think it was back in 1998). I know that you are in charge of a SC-PBem (sounds fun!) however it was probably 7 or 8 years since I
ead the rules (I don't think I have the quality as a player, yet !!!)
Ernest D Rodenbour - 09/03/99 02:08:28
Homeworld: Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: Love 2300,and try toplay a Canadian campaign in it and my other RPGs. Canada is part of the Commonwealth so it caught my interest!
Highlights? (Whats Good): Love the detail given to the British Military
You have a great page here Sir! I have always loved 2300 even though GDW doesn't exist anymore. Glad to see people as deticated as you supporting it! If at all possible could you include a little more info on the Canadian Military?
Ernest D Rodenbour
Phil Smith - 08/13/99 10:38:59
Homeworld: Earth
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: British Citizen
Rate this site (1-10): 9 to 10
Highlights? (Whats Good): OrBat details
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): None yet
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: No, but they don't eat me either.
Onl found this site recently, so I'm still working through it, but I'm impressed...pity I didn't have net access a year ago when I was trying to develop half the info you've presented here.
Spaniel J Cockroach - 06/10/99 18:09:59
Homeworld: J Blarff
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: Paranoia about things yet to come
Rate this site (1-10): 26
Highlights? (Whats Good): More far sighted than a myopic mole
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): What are the football results for 2000AD?
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: I BATHE in pot noodles
Is it generally considered big, mature or even somehow clever to place large and obscenely overbearing images linking to one's own pretentious and egocentric web page in other people's online guestbook? I say YES, quite loudly and unashamedly, thou
h I appreciate that I may be in an extremely small and marginalised minority here. Choose me, look at my site, look at me, I demand your attention, I crave it, I NEED IT, it sustains me, the web counter is MY LIFE. God, I need a drink.
Robert Montgomery - 05/20/99 09:11:15
Homeworld: Earth
Rate this site (1-10): 10
Highlights? (Whats Good): National OrBats
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): Nothing
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: Whats that
Milo Thurston - 05/01/99 20:51:30
Homeworld: Terra
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: None necessary
Rate this site (1-10): 10
Highlights? (Whats Good): That this site exists
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): Nothing that I have noticed so far
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: Not at present
Jolly good stuff; a definite candidate for one's bookmarks.
However, some more information on the British government (boring as it may be) would not be amiss.
John Dyslin - 04/22/99 23:09:49
It's nice to find people still interested in 2300AD.
Arnold DeVillena - 03/03/99 21:47:41
Rate this site (1-10): A perfect 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Highlights? (Whats Good): Info on the Royal Army
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): You forgot to mention that it was the American battleship Columbia that destroyed the Kafer flagship at Beowulf
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: NOOOOOOOO!
How about information on British Special Forces in 2300AD?
Russell Melling - 02/05/99 15:28:40
Homeworld: Indiana
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: looking for 23ooAD sites
Rate this site (1-10): 100!!!
Highlights? (Whats Good): the Biritsh Empire Reborn!
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): None!
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: Only if I have to!
I've been a die-hard Anglophile all of my life (my Grandfather was an Ulsterman!) and the thought of Brittania ruling the waves again is real exciting! God Save the Queen! Too bad the bloody French are the dominate power in this game.
Scott D. Ash - 01/16/99 23:40:13
My URL:none yet
Homeworld: Ellis
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: "Journalism"(okay, espionage...)
Rate this site (1-10): 9+
Highlights? (Whats Good): Rich detailing
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): "Free Ireland!"
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: If you mean Top Ramen, yes I do
Excellent work, especially your history of the UK to 2300. While I don't agree with the incorporation of Eire into the UK given the centuries of bad blood between the two countries up to 1920, I will have to admit it was presented well and is logically pl
usible. I look forward to your upgrades.
- 01/03/99 03:15:11
Jason Weiser - 12/28/98 08:22:54
Homeworld: Ellis
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: Resource use
Highlights? (Whats Good): The various UKMOD stuff
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): nothing glaring...
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: Hell no
Um, Bryn...I was the guy who many moons ago wrote the article on the US Army in 2300AD, if you want help at all with that side of the US Orbat, feel free, as I have had many ideas on the US Army in 2300AD (Not the least of which is how in hell the M-4/M-5
thing got started). Also, glad to see my L142 and L144 met with your approval, as well as Rodgers!
Jason Weiser - 12/28/98 08:19:51
Homeworld: Ellis
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: Resource use
Dave Wilkinson - 12/18/98 11:36:18
My URL:none yet
Homeworld: Tirane (Wellon)
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: N/A
Rate this site (1-10): 9.5
Highlights? (Whats Good): Ships etc.
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): none worth mentioning
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: Only if I'm strapped into a chair and my mouth held open.
Great site, especially for the order of battle stuff - essential if you're monitoring the progress of a group of semi-pirates along the French arm.
Mike Bishop - 12/14/98 19:18:51
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: Wanted to look it up again
Rate this site (1-10): 10 out of 10
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: No
Need to find the time to go through it properly. From my quick skim I noticed that in 300 years we still had not managed to flog the Malvinas to the Argies!!!! What sort of government has we had been having?
Jim Clem - 11/30/98 19:51:08
My URL:Coming Soon
Homeworld: Terra
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: Investigating resurgence of British Imperialism
Rate this site (1-10): 9.5
Highlights? (Whats Good): Lots of great detailing
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): Cant find any yet
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: What The??????? Sounds a lot like our Ramen Noodles
Very nice site. I'm just getting back into this after a long absence. In fact I'm currently searching for a copy of 2300ad and starcruiser. Might you be able to help a poor American rebel??
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Christopher HusVar - 11/18/98 00:29:36
Homeworld: Terra
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: Spiritual Expatriate returning home
Rate this site (1-10): 10
Highlights? (Whats Good): Excellent military info
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): N/A
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: I beg your pardon?
Wow!! As a true anglophile, all I can say is God Save the King!!! I truely warms the heart to see Old Blighty regain its Imperial status. Keep up the excellent work. This page is defineitly going in the bookmarks.
Bryn Monnery - 11/14/98 01:51:36
Homeworld: UK, Earth
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: Taking up new position as the new Queens First Minister
Rate this site (1-10): I cannot do that Dave.
Highlights? (Whats Good): Kevin Clarks Site,
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): The Fall of the British Empire, I was (maybe) born a hundred years to late. As is often quieted out, I'm a 90's man, an 1890's man that is.
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: Only when the dogfood runs out.
Well, this site is my baby.
I'd like to take the opertunity to thank these fellow 2300ADers (in no particular order):
Kevin Clark
Roger Stenning
Terry Kutcha (I hope I spelt that right)
Evan Powles
Mike Jasinski
John Banagan
Dan Hebditch
Thanks for your contributions to this page and my 2300AD playing career!
KevinC - 11/11/98 23:09:48
Homeworld: Pentapod's World of 2300AD
Purpose for visiting the British Commonwealth: Peddling genetic wares
Rate this site (1-10): 10
Highlights? (Whats Good): Everything
Lowlights? (Whats Bad): Nothing
Do you eat Pot Noodles?: Explain Earthling!! Why say "Eat not poodles", when they taste fine. [Burp]
Greetings Earthling-Named-Bryn!
For a mere Lv500, we can provide a tailored virus which will force grow two more fingers on each of your four hands. With this modification, you could produce even more fascinating pages about Earthling-Nation-Named-UK.
We would wave the fee, if instead we could clone your brain for use in our future product lines.
It is truly a shame that your species was only provided four limbs, and not the proper five -- shoddy genetic work if you ask me. Perhaps you might like to volunteer for additional modification?
Pentapod Ambassador from
Pentapod's World of 2300AD