These weapons are designed with 3g3. To get DPV I used the energy only
damage formula and divided DV by 50.
Colt 2242 Backup, This is a semi-auto derringer with an internal clip. To reload the weapon must be disassembled. It is common among American Police Forces and State Armies as a backup to the issue Smith and Wesson SP4012 (see below). The State Armies are the combined 20th century State Troopers, Highway Patrols and all other non Urban law enforcement agencies combined into a single force. They are responsible directly to the state government and trace their roots back to the State Militias of the 2nd and 3rd American Civil Wars.
Type: 10mm Holdout Automatic Pistol, Country: America,
0.6kg, Length: 9cm (bulk=0), Action: SA, Ammo: 10x20
fixed cartridge ball, Muzzle
Velocity: 230 mps, Magazine
Capacity: 6 (Internal), Magazine Weight: N/A, ROF: 5, Aimed
Fire Range: 25m, AFB: 0.5 (5 Rounds), Area Fire Range:
12m, DPV: 0.4, Cost: Lv29, (Lv9 per 50 rounds)
Colt Viper, An extremely powerful revolver in use by various State Armies in America, most notably the Californian Highway Patrol. It is available for purchase to civilians as both a home defense weapon and a target variant (Lv1120, Aimed Fire Range: 80m)
Type: .47 magnum revolver, Country: America, Weight:
2.2kg, Length: 28cm, Action: DA revolver,
Ammo: as
per MMM-5, Muzzle Velocity: 460mps, Magazine Capacity: 6,
Weight: N/A, ROF: 3, Aimed Fire Range: 50m,
-, Area Fire Range: -, DPV: 0.9,
Cost: LV280 (Lv16
per 100 rounds)
Smith and Wesson SP4012, A .40 caliber pistol issued as standard to American policemen and women and to FBI field agents, particularly X-branch (Extra-Solar Affairs). It is also the current issue weapon of the AIS.
Type: 10.5mm Automatic Pistol, Country: America, Weight: 1.1kg, Length: 25cm, Action: SA, Ammo: 10.5x21 fixed cartridge ball, Muzzle Velocity: 300mps, Magazine Capacity: 12, Magazine Weight: 0.3kg, ROF: 5, Aimed Fire Range: 60m, AFB: 0.5 (5 rounds), Area Fire Range: 30m, DPV: 0.4, Cost: Lv150 (Lv6 per 100 rounds)
Enfield L-142 Gauss Assault Rifle, this is the current British service rifle. It is a short effective weapon with integral Image Intensifier (with Thermal and Nightsight options) and a Gyrostabiliser. It fires the standard 4.5mm ESA flechette but if FAM-90 magazines are used its performance is reduced (to that of a FAM-90) due to the lower battery charge.
(NB This is my attempt to 3g3 Jasons previous rifle, it came out pretty well).
Type: 4.5 mm Gauss Rifle with 30mm GL, Country: Britain,
4.2 kg, Length: 64cm ( Bulk = 1), Action: Single Shots or
Bursts, Ammunition: 4.5x20mm flechette, Muzzle Velocity:
1750mps, Magazine: 60 rnd box magazine with integral power cell,
Wt: 0.2 kg, ROF: 4, Aimed Fire Rng: 960m, Area Fire Burst:
10 ( AFV = 1), Area Fire Rng: 480m DP Val: 0.7,
Lv 445 (Lv2 per disposable magazine)
Miller Minimag-5, Built by the Irish company Miller Arms for the Guarda and RUC SO13 (anti terrorism) units as a cancelable weapon with a good one shot stop capability. Very rare outside of the UK intelligence community. It fires the unique 0.47 magnum round which adds massively to its usefulness as the brass cartridges may be returned. The revolver mechanism insures that no casings are found at the scene.
Type: .47 magnum holdout revolver,
Country: UK, Weight:
1kg, Length: 11cm (bulk=0), Action: DA revolver, Ammo:
12x24 rimmed magnum cased fixed cartridge ball,
Muzzle Velocity:
380 mps, Magazine Capacity: 5 (internal cylinder), Magazine Weight:
N/A, ROF: 3, Aimed Fire
Range: 30m, AFB: .25
(3 rounds), Area Fire Range: 15m, DPV: 0.7, Cost: LV91 (Lv16
per 100 rounds)
Enfield LG series "Lord/Lady Guns", In the days after WW3 a new class of lords was created in the UK and Ireland. These originated in the feudal warlords that controlled much of the country at the time, instead of defeating them King Charles III simply ennobled them and created a new aristocratic class to oversee the reconstruction. As Britain expanded into space new lordships were added for those willing to invest in new colonial ventures. These lords and ladies often needed discrete personal so the Royal Small Arms Corporation (Enfield) created this series of weapons. Each is small enough to fit into a jacket pocket without detection and carry enough punch to stop most assailants long enough for the household guard to arrive with assault weapons.
Many use exotic ammo types to add firepower to these small weapons. They are generally sold in matched pairs.
Weapon: LG-5, Type: 5mm One shot holdout pistol, Country: UK, Weight: 0.1 kg, Length: 4cm, Action: SS, Ammo: 5x10 fixed cartridge ball, Muzzle Velocity: 220 mps, Magazine Capacity: 1, Magazine Weight: N/A, ROF: 1, Aimed Fire Range: 12m, AFB:-, Area Fire Range: -, DPV: 0.1, Cost: Lv 19 (Lv2 per 100 rounds)
Weapon: LG-7, Type: 7mm One shot holdout, Country: UK, Weight: 0.1kg, Length: 6cm, Action: SS, Ammo: 7x14 fixed cartridge ball, Muzzle Velocity: 200 mps, Magazine Capacity: 1, Magazine Weight: N/A, ROF: 1, Aimed Fire Range: 12m, AFB: -, Area Fire Range: -, DPV: 0.2, Cost: Lv24 (Lv2 per 100 rounds)
Weapon: LG-9, Type: 9mm One shot holdout pistol, Country:
UK, Weight: 0.2kg, Length: 7cm, Action: SS, Ammo:
9x18 fixed cartridge ball, Muzzle Velocity: 190mps, Magazine
Capacity: 1, Magazine Weight: N/A, ROF: 1, Aimed Fire
Range: 15m, AFB: -, Area Fire Range: -, DPV: 0.3,
Lv24 (Lv 2 per 100 rounds)
Browning L256B Bulldog, The current issue pistol to British and Commonwealth military and armed police units. It is a sturdy, reliable pistol well known for its fine workmanship and excellent reliability. It is used more as a symbol of authority than a serious battlefield weapon.
Type: 9mm Handgun. Country: UK. Weight: 1kg. Length:
21cm. Action: SA. Ammo: 9x18 fixed cartridge ball, Muzzle
Velocity: 380mps, Magazine Capacity: 16, Magazine Weight:
0.2kg, ROF: 5, Aimed Fire Range: 40m, AFB: 0.5 (5
rounds), Area Fire Range: 20m, DPV: 0.5, Cost: Lv150
(Lv 6 per 100 rounds)
Rockwell L341A2 "Ranger" Sniper Rifle, The current British issue sniper rifle, replacing the Rockwell L272 "Starlight" laser that had been the British Armies stopgap since 2286. It is considerably shorter than other Continental sniper rifles due to the use of a modern electronic sight. The FTE-10 and PSG-98 still use twin optical sight which require a high degree of separation to give good results. The "Ranger" is a relatively tough weapon but the sight requires realignment if roughly treated, one of this weapons disadvantages. British snipers carry their weapons in a specially made padded bag for just this reason.
Type: 12mm Gauss Sniper Rifle, Country: UK, Wgt: , Length: 63cm (Bulk = 2), Action: SA, Ammunition: 12x36 flechette, Muzzle Vel: 2200mps, Magazine: 10 round disposable box with internal cell, Magazine Wt: 0.5kg, ROF: 1, Aimed Fire Rng: 2500m, Area Fire Burst: 1 rnd (AFV = 0.1), Area Fire Rng: 1250m, DP Val=4, Price: Lv870 (Lv4 for a disposable loaded magazine)
Entiires E-7, A Binary Propellant Pistol with an internal gas bottle in the magazine. The clip is loaded forward of the grip in a non-bullpup configuration. The velocity may be dialed down for controllability under Full Auto as it does not include a stock. The weapon itself slides up into itself for carrying and is spring loaded, touching the trigger causes the weapons barrel to snap open to full length, this is quite fast and counts as a Pnuemo-Punch attack for anyone hit with it. It takes a lot of practice to master this weapon and a novice is advised to keep clear.
Type: 7mm Binary Propellant Submachine Pistol, Country:
France, Weight: 1.1kg, Length: 38cm (folds down to 20cm for
carrying in a shoulder holster), Action: SA/FA, Ammo: 7x21
aluminum darts, Muzzle Velocity: upto 580mps, Magazine Capacity:
25 rounds (plus 25 shot gas reservoir in magazine), Magazine Weight:
0.2kg, ROF: 5, Aimed Fire Range: upto 80m, AFB: upto
2.5 (25 rounds), Area Fire Range: upto 40m, DPV: upto 0.6,
Lv204 ( Lv3 per loaded non-reusable magazine)
Rorttmann P-83 Nighthawk, A small backup pistol designed for the home defense market. It is popular in European states that allow general arming of the populace and it the Latin American countries but has failed to make inroads into the few American states which allow such weapons due to its low stopping power.
Type: 7mm Multi-barrelled Holdout Pistol, Country: Germany/Bavaria,
Length: 8cm, Action: SS (4 single shot firing chambers
and 4 short barrels), Ammo: 7x21 fixed cartridge ball, Muzzle
Velocity: 220 mps, Magazine Capacity: 4, Magazine
N/A, ROF: 1, Aimed Fire Range: 30m, AFB: -,
Area Fire
Range: -, DPV: 0.2, Cost: Lv104 (Lv4 per 100 rounds)
SiG-10, A Swiss handgun, a popular export and home defense model due to its low weight and ease of use. In is produced under license to America by Traylor as the M-61. The Traylor version has overtaken the SiG in the export market.
Type: 10mm Handgun, Country: Switzerland, Weight: 0.5kg, Length: 14cm, Action: SA, Ammo: 10x20 fixed cartridge ball, Muzzle Velocity: 210mps, Magazine Capacity: 14, Magazine Weight: 0.3kg, ROF: 5, Aimed Fire Range: 25m, AFB: 0.5 (5 rounds), Area Fire Range: 12m, DPV: 0.3, Cost: Lv97 (Lv9 per 50 rounds)