Short Hair Kitty
When we last saw Kitty Pryde in the pages of X-Men, she had addopted and new costume... and haircut. Shere she is portraied in what atleast for the time being, has been her final costume.

Kitty is currentaly persuing other avenues, particulary schol in a more "normal" world, striving to make a differeance for Mutants in some way other than as a costumed crime fighter.

But Kitty fans may take heart, she is schedualed to make an apperance in Extreme X-Men somewhere around issue 12! update: that apperance has happened in the final pages of the X-Tream X-Men annual. She is browsing the web, (much as you are now) reading an anti-mutant site and contemplating whether MAGNETO may be right after all.

Strip off the paint

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