Space Gallery    

New paintings,
"Explorer" added May 1999.
Jupiter study added Aug. 99

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Everything is Relative Wierd World of the Unisat Where Icy Rocks Dance Explorer

I am currently working on a much larger painting of Jupiter as seen from it's moon Europa.
I plan to show the possible ocean and life that might appear on Europa.
This is only a small 8x10 study of Jupiter I did to help show me how it might appear from one of it's moons.
It's relative size here is actually way off. With a little help from some science buffs who frequent the Discovery Channel web site, I found out that
IF, you were standing on Europa looking at Jupiter,
Jupiter would be about six times as wide as our full moon. Big no doubt, but not quite as big as on this painting.
Well, that's what little studies are for right?
Look for the newest space painting some time this winter. (I hope.)

The Artmaker can be reached atArtmakers Worlds

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