Concerning Flight

Spoilers! If you did not see this episode yet just go back!

Leading Role: Captain Janeway and Leonardo Da Vinci hologram

Synopsis of this episode:  Voyager unfortunately runs into a race that steals technology from passerbys.  As a result, Voyager loses much of its technology to this race including the main computer.  Captain Janeway was still running the Da Vinci program in the holodeck so the program was also transferred.  But the Doctor's Mobile Emitter was also transferred and somehow got stuck onto Da Vinci's program.  Janeway goes down to the planet and is surprised by her meeting with Da Vinci.  Both of them then work to get Voyager's main computer back.

Evaluation:  This is a fun episode with Leonardo Da Vinci's superb acting.  But somehow, the hillsides remind me of the mountains here in L.A.  and the city looks like a projection out of it.  If you want action in this episode, you will find very little of it.  However, it's just nice seeing other holograms other than the Doctor get out in a while.  The plot was fairly written and there are some good parts where Janeway teaches Leonardo Da Vinci instead of him teaching her.  In a sense, they are both teachers and students of each other.  It is also neat to see Leonardo perceive everything in his timeframe and not the future.  He thought that the alien planet was America et al.  Overall, I enjoyed this episode but it might have been done a little bit better if the setting wasn't so L.A.-ish.


8 out of 10

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