Deck 5: Computer Terminal

Well, here you have access to all sorts of multimedia on the show. All of this is being offered for personal use, and if you'd like to use them on a webpage, be sure you mention the source, which I have stated (and if there is no source on there, that probably means it's mine, and a link would be nice! =D).

For the picture pages, the pictures are loaded up with the page, rather than links. If you want to pick and choose which images you download, there are text versions of the picture pages with links to all the images. The file sizes beside the picture pages include the file size with all the pictures [approximately].


Pictures: Games:
  • 3-D Java Photo cubes:
    Intel Pentium II processor recommended

  • DWB/MG Java Photo Puzzles:

Both applets require Netscape 2.0+ or MSIE 3.0+.

Fanfic: Sounds:

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