Last updated: 1/21/04

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Edgar Allan Poe. Poe is one of the greatest poets of all time. I love all of his poems dearly, and I also like his short stories. Poe has a beautiful way of describing things, with the most vivid and imaginative vocabulary (for help with vocabulary click here ). It is true that he died long ago, but his poems still having meaning even today.

Resources Page

This page can provide answers to all of your burning questions about Poe. I recommend books and search engines, as well as suggesting sites for researching his poems, his life, etc. Check out the Resources Page now!!!


I don't want to offend anyone or deter anyone from coming to my site, but----please, please, please, I'm begging you----DO NOT email me very complex questions (example: Could you give me an analysis of the poem ----? Please send me any information you have on Poe, his poems, and anything else relevant, etc). I have school, too, you know. I believe everyone is capable of going to a library or even to a search engine and looking up whatever information you need.

Printing Problems

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Due to complaints about the backgrounds, I have created new eye-friendly versions which are marked by EF. By clicking the EF that's next to the poem you want to read, you can go to a page that has large black text on a white background. This is not only for people who have trouble seeing; it's also for people who have been surfing the net for a while and their eyes just a need a break. So enjoy! More are on the way.

The Raven (EF) Annabel Lee (EF) The Conqueror Worm (EF)
Hymn (EF) Lenore (EF) Eldorado (EF)
The Coliseum (EF) The Bells (EF) Ulalume (EF)
An Enigma (EF) A Valentine (EF) To __ __ (EF)
To My Mother (EF) The Haunted Palace (EF) To One in Paradise (EF)
The Valley of Unrest The City in the Sea The Sleeper (EF)
Silence A Dream Within A Dream Dream-Land
To Zante Eulalie Israfel
For Annie To ___ Bridal Ballad
To F___ To Helen To F---S S. O---D
Elizabeth Sancta Maria

Poems of the Youth. Here is Poe's note about these, "Private reasons--some of which have reference to the sin of plagiarism, and others to date of Tennyson's first poems--have induced me, after some hesitation to republish these, the crude compositions of my earliest boyhood. They are printed verbatim, without alteration from the original edition, the date of which is too remote to be judiciously acknowledged."

Poems of the Youth
Sonnet--To Science To The River-- To ___ (Yet another one)
Evening Star The Lake ___ To ____ Song
The Happiest Day Imitation In Youth I Have Known One
A Paean Tamerlane To M.L.S.
Romance A Dream Al Aaraaf
To Isadore Fairy-Land Alone
Hymn to Aristogeiton and Harmodius

Short Stories
The Tell-Tale Heart The Masque of the Red Death The Cask of Amontillado
The Sphinx The Pit and the Pendulum The Black Cat
The Purloined Letter The Fall of the House of Usher The Oval Portrait
The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion The Imp of the Perverse The Assignation
Ligeia Morella Metzengerstein
The Island of the Fay A Tale of the Ragged Mountains The Premature Burial
Eleonora The Duc de L'Omelette The Oblong Box
The Murders of the Rue Morgue Mystification A Descent in the Maelstrom
The Gold-Bug The Man that Was Used Up Berenice
The Balloon Hoax The Angel of the Odd Von Kempelen and His Discovery
Never Bet the Devil Your Head Maelzel's Chess-Player MS. Found in a Bottle
Mesmeric Revelation The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar The Man of the Crowd
Hop-Frog Thou Art the Man

I apologize that this is taking so long, but I hand type all of these stories and poems (and I have been extremely busy lately). However, I now have help. Special thanks go to Annie for "The Murders of the Rue Morgue"; DoubleJ04 for "A Descent into the Maelstrom" and the "The Gold-Bug"; Dave for "The Angel of the Odd"; and finally Zsuzsanna for "Never Bet the Devil Your Head." "The Man of the Crowd" was typed up by J. Goodwin, and "Hop-Frog" was typed by Bob Hope. Thanks to you all!

Politian -- Poe's unpublished play
Scene 1 Scene 2 Scene 3 Scene 4

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Notice: All contents of "" ("The Poe Page") are copyrighted by M. Cullum 1997-2002 ©. However, the poems and stories from the Poe Page may be reproduced on other web sites with the permission of M. Cullum. Feel free to print or save any of the poems or stories.

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