he orceress's ond

Well, if you’re here, you’ve either tripped over a Unicorn and ended up in the wrong part of the Meadow or you are curious about me - the Sorceress.

If it’s the first, hit the back button on your browser to wander the Meadow some more.

If you are here to know about me, pull up a rock and have a seat. Don’t know why you want to know about me, Unicorns are far more interesting I think.

Okay, here’s me: I am the Sorceress of the Unicorn. I’ve been on this earth for 19 years now. I’ve lived all of those years in Northwestern Pennsylvania. I loved it there. My home was in a very rural area, and I plan on staying in a very rural area when I’m finally out on my own. I recently graduated from Cambridge Springs High School, a small high school in Crawford County that I’m sure none of you have ever heard of. I am currently a Freshman at Washington University in St. Louis. I love it here despite the city - the campus is beautiful and the student populace is very diverse. :) My long term dream is free-lance writing. I’m crazy, you’re thinking? I could have told you that long ago.

For those of you wondering what I look like, here's a general idea:

My basic interests include anything artistic. I read a lot - mostly fantasy and sci-fi novels. I also write and draw whenever possible, and I am a musician - a flutist in truth. I listen to any kind of music you can throw at me. I love animals; I have quite a few pets.

Okay, that’s all. I’m sure you didn’t want to know that much. You got me to talk for a lot longer than normal. Now, I need to get back to working on this spell for Teleportation. I seem to have misplaced my spell book. Farewell Traveler.

Since you made me talk, feel free to E-mail me or please, Sign My Guestbook

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