The Unicorn’s Road

With horn of gold, and eye of blue
This is the magic of pure and true
Look upon this creature and see but truth,
Her innocence of mind is but the proof.
Not to be swayed by evil's hand,
She raises her ear and makes her stand,
Stolid and strong, yet gentle and soft,
Her laughing neigh carries spirits aloft.
Beware the horn which strikes the foes,
Of those friends she loves and knows.
To walk the path of the truth and the right,
Follow the Unicorn, the soul of Light.

-Tiffany M. Hrach © 1996

Dare you tread the paths a Unicorn has trod?

If you dare, here are the places this road will lead. . .

radioThe Unicorn Web Page this is an extremely in depth page. This is information on Unicorn Lore from the expert. I would strongly suggest going here!

radioNeysa's Unicorn Picture Page Here's a site if you're looking for Unicorn pics. You name it, you can probably find it here.

radioIf you're wondering about The Unicorns Tapestries try this site. It tells about each of the seven different Tapestries. I found it to be wonderfully informative

radioJordan Greywolf Art Gallery has some beautiful works of art on the antropomorphic Unicorn. This is where I found the Sorceress of pic that is on the Pond.

radioGeoff's Unicorn Page is a beautiful sight dedicated to Unicorns. He has some of his own stories and images and he also has a large collection of Unicorn Links.

radioSarah's Unicorn Page is a beautiful little corner of the web dedicated to a love of Unicorns.

radioUnicorns is an beautiful informative page. It contains much information on different areas of the unicorn myth as well as more contemporary sources. I would recommend it to anyone.

radioPaladin's Last Unicorn Page - a beautiful site dedicated to the Last Unicorn.

The following links are ones to pages of friends and/or that deal with other mythological creatures.

icondarksaints and lostchildrenmy other website still underconstruction.

iconÉowyn's Shield ~ an E~zine on Alternative Spiritualities

iconLady Tiffany’s homepage This page belongs to a dear friend of mine, my best friend truthfully. It’s devoted to Dragons, and books, and her photography!

iconHangman's Hell This is the page of someone very dear to me. . . .

iconThe Griffin's Inn is an interesting site. Falcoln, the Inn's Proprietor, would like to set it up as an Inn with bards and trabadors, but for now, it's just a meeting place for open minded people. And an interesting place of rest for the weary traveler. . .

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