The music you hear (or not) is the theme to "The Neverending Story". It's worth the download time, believe me!

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The Mystical World of Raiu

Welcome to My Humble Abode

Blue light enfolds you, and draws you through the portal to another world. Now, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the world seems at peace. With a sigh of contentment you turn around, to come face to face with a golden dragon! She is fairly small for a dragon, and she has a little silver patch over her right eye in the shape of a crescent moon. You notice her claws glint in the light as though they were made of solid metal. With a warm smile, as if she was expecting you, the dragon speaks. "My name is Selenę Steelclaw, although I am often called DragonStar by my friends and peers. Welcome to the planet Raiu," she says, her voice rich and throaty, "this is my home and my weyre, Firestone. Feel free to browse about my caves as you wish." With that and a flash of her tail, the dragon is gone. A few moments later, she pokes her head out of her cave and says, "Oh, if you want to go to my hoard, alert me first, I am very. . . *sensitive* about my treasure." She flashes her teeth in an enourmous dragon's grin and once again disappears into the hole.

"Wait!" you cry, "I have so many questions left to ask!" Once again, Selenę's voice begins to speak, although this time in the quiet of your mind. _Learn what you may, and go where you will. FireStone is an open place to all, and every question you have can be answered._ Immediatly, a list written on crumbling parchment appears beside you. You realize that this is almost like a guide, or a map, and the knowledge comes into your head exactly what to do. Without hesitation, you run your hand over the item on the list which interests you most, and you disappear.

The History Books
A page all about dragon types and what dragons are really like.

About Me
Go here to learn more about the dragon behind Raiu.

Enter DragonStar's Hoard
Click here for a picture from the movie Dragonheart, some tips on how to fight writer's block, and other such gems.

The Incredible Inspiration Machine!
Come here to be inspired by some of the greatest minds of all time through quotations, proverbs, and short excerpts! =D (javascript)

My Thank You Page
Here's the page where I put the URLs of the people who helped me out! You MUST visit this page!

The Private Caverns of Silverthorne
Wander about the home of the mysterious Silverthorne. As a note, this section is a little bit like a "choose-your-own-adventure" book, with plently of places to wander around in. If you miss this, you miss the bulk of my page!

The Hall of the Ancients
The stories and information on Raiu found here are sure to answer all of your questions.

The Fellowship of Dragons Excellency Award
Try your hand at winning Raiu's official web page design award!

Check out the webrings that Raiu belongs to!

Soaring Spirits
A role-play experiance based on this webpage! Even if role-play isn't your thing, there is so much information on this page that you really shouldn't miss it!

The Fellowship of Dragons Web Ring!
Click to join the Fellowship of Dragons Webring, and increase site exposure!

Read the book of records!
Sign in with my scribe!

View and Sign my New TOAST Guestbook (Try This First)

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