This, my childer, is the Long Night.
The Age of Learning is toppled and forgotten.
The Age of the Empire drowned in its own bile.
This is an Age of Darkness.

Look there, my childer, upon the lightless wild places,
Where no law exists save that of tooth and talon.
Behold the human cities, as well,
Where we may be as lords when the sun gutters and dies.

Beware, my childer, of thy eternal enemies:
Of the savage ones, the skinchangers, who hunt as wolves.
Of the knights of fire and sword, the witch-slayers.
Of the burning scions of the Pit itself.
But above all, my childer, beware one another,
For we shall always be our own direst foes.

This, my childer, is the Long Night.
It is thine.

Vampires: The Dark Ages is set at the close of
the 12th century in medieval Europe - the darker,
nastier Europe that eristed in the past of the
World of Darkness. The Dark Medieval world
is fairly similiar to its counterpart in the real
world, so if you want more information you
can look into the history collections of your local
library or bookstore.

Although the end of the 12th century is the
primary time in which Vampire: The Dark Ages
is set, you can set your own chronicle in any era.
Most of the information in this book applies to
Europe up until the first stirrings of the Renais-
sance, though the technology varries depending
on the period. Don't feel constrained by the his-
tory of the "real world, " however - it's your
game, so make it what you will!

I don't want to explain you the whole game, so i
will tell you the interresting parts and news about
Vampire: The Dark Ages.

More will follow!

Vampire: The Dark Ages is a trademark of © White Wolf

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