Movie Clips

Clips from

1.helpme.avi-- The holographic message of Princess Leia

2.jump2hyp.avi-- Han Solo and Chewbacca jumping to hyperspace

3.offchase.avi-- Darth Vader flying after Luke in the Trench

Clips from

1. impcruis.avi-- A flyby of Imperial Star Destroyers

2.jediuses.avi-- Yoda training Luke

3.join_us.avi-- Darth Vader asking Han, Leia and Chewbacca to join him for dinner

4.pursuit.avi-- The Millennium Falcon being chased by Tie Fighters

5.xflyby1.avi-- Skywalkers X-wing leaving Daggob

6.xwingfly.avi-- The Millennium Falcon and Skywalkers x-wing leaving Hoth

7.zapastrd.avi-- Imperial Star Destroyer in the Astroid field

8.clswalk.avi-- AT-AT walkers attacking Hoth

Clips from

1.batlrage.avi-- A battle scene from Return of the Jedi"

2.batlscn2.avi-- Another battle scene from Return of the Jedi

3.duel3.avi-- Skywalker and Darth Vader in a light saber battle

4.fleethyp.avi-- The rebel fleet jumping to hyperspace The Millennum Falcon escaping to hyperspace Solo in an Imperial walker Imperial fleet holding position around the moon of Endor

8.iamajedi.avi-- Skywalker telling the emperor that he is a Jedi The destruction of the Imperial flag ship The new Death Star destroying a rebel ship

11.shuttle.avi-- An Imperial shuttle flying to the Death Star

12.sobeit.avi-- The Emperor saying " be it Jedi...",

13.spdrchs6.avi-- Speeder Bikes

14.tieattak.avi-- Tie Fighters attackig the Millenium Falcon

15.undrest.avi-- The Death of Yoda

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