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Chinese Swimming Club

Material written on the 12th December 1998. Thanks for dropping by. This page is for me to speak up about my happiness as well as sadness from my work as a cleaner in the club.
Let's start from my sadness. I'd came across several members and staffs during my work there. Some of the members gave me those 'look-down-on-me' expression. They kinda despise us, cleaners. Well, that's my opinion. I hope I'm wrong too, because I believe there's no bad people in this world.

There's this encounter in the mahjong room on 10 December 1998. I was suppose to sweep, clean the ash trays and the trash bin at 7pm. I admit that I was a little late, around 15 minutes. By the time I got there, food was already spread on the table and the members are getting ready to eat. When I went in, the lady in-charge asked me to quickly sweep the area where the food is, because they're coming to eat soon. So I went along and started sweeping the floor for cigarrette ashes. All of a sudden, a one and only, female member said something terrible in hokkien (a dialect).
She said "Why everytime have to wait until we eat then he come and clean ?"
I was so furious then but didn't care. How I wish I were those glib talker who can think fast and talk fast so that I can argue with her. All the moment while I was sweeping, I kept thinking to myself well didn't they try to eat earlier or somthing ??? It's because we, cleaners, were given time schedule by the management to go to certain places to clean on certain time. And the mahjong room was stated to be cleaned at 7pm.
Later when I went back to my store, I asked my supervisor's wife, Ivy, about the time schedule and she also told me it's 7pm and asked me did something happened back there. I told her exactly what happened and she told me that I should have argued with that auntie back there that the mahjong room is not a place to have dinner. They should be eating slong the corridor.
I thought "Yah hor, I should've thought about that earlier."
So if I come across this kinda incident again, I'm going to tell them off directly.
There are many incidents where I saw people (members) spitting onto the floor, toilet basins, and trash bins. I mean it's alright to spit, but can't they aim or something ??? If they can't, why not try lowering yourself to make life easier for us, cleaners ??? Spit where it's fit to spit and not where it's easy to spit !!!!! Spit into toilet bowls, tissue papers, etc, etc. This is just the same as bringing your doggy out (if you have one). You'll have to clean his doodie when his done. So why not clean your own !?!?!?!?
Another bad day happened a few weeks ago at end of November 1998. I was clearing the trash bins at the childrens' pool when I came across not one, but two, female sanitary stuffs. My.......how could they just dump it in like that ?!?!?!?! They should've put it into a plastic bag or something first before throwing. I was using my bare hands to take man !!!!!!! Felt so dirty at that very moment.
A couple of days later, I came across a bin with shit inside !!!!!! Yah.......human motion !!!!!! Damn......how could they throw this kinda stuffs into there !?!?!?!?!? Felt like shouting vulgar languages then. Had to use my bare hands to take again man. Luckily it's with some toilet papers. And there's not alot. So I managed to clear it with ease. But how could an educated person (member) do such a thing ?!?!!?!?!? I mean this kinda doings are so barbaric !!!!!! Didn't their parents taught them their manners ?!?!!??!?!!
I think and hope that's the end of my bad encounters.

There's a few of those high-salaried staffs who tends to makes me sick. First of all, there's this female who is always late. I mean we're rather busy people, who have to wash toilets and stuffs. But we've to vacuumn the office everyday. She have a room which is always locked and we've to wait for her, and just her room in order to finish our office duties. My oh my, she sometimes came to work around 10am, and we usually got most of the stuffs done by 9am or so. Damn, are we going to wait just for her for an hour ?!?!?!?! But if we don't wait and continue with our other duties, we might forget her room easily and she will complain that we didn't clean her room. *sigh*.......what is the world coming to ??????

Some of the members are friendly. They smile at us, talk, and I kinda have the feeling that they doesn't treat us differently.

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