Welcome to the Temple of Garrett Wang

This page is dedicated to Garrett Wang and those who worship him.

I have been a fan of Garrett's since Star Trek Voyager started.

You are fan number (please add 4019585, this was the amount before the counter was reset) to visit since the 31st anniversary of the original Star Trek series, Congratulations!

Want to join GWAPES? just click here!

for some Tom and B'Elanna pics.

or herefor some Janeway and Chakotay images.

Or go to the beginning

want to tell me anything? e-mail me.

Or you could talk to anyone else in my chat room.
I'm not insane,
just obsessive.

my friends are even stranger than I am, here's the proof.

Please join the fight against Viacom to save Star Trek and Star Trek sites.

Star Trek is the property of Paramount Studios as is Harry Kim. Garrett Wang is the property of himself and I thank him for letting me use his image. and other legal crap...

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