What's New?

Recent updates to the page

Um...Hi. Ok, don't kill me! I have been a little lax in my updates as of late. Want to know what happened? Well, I got a job and it has been taking all of my time, along with school. I just haven't been able to work on the page. To answer many of your questions, I will be continuing the page after I finish school. I'm in my senior year and hopefully during the summer I can update. Until then I will leave things the way they are. I thank you for your patience and understanding. See you in June!

Friday, October 30 - Happy Halloween Everyone (Or as we say in my household, Happy Reformation Day!). Again, sorry about the lack of updates. I had a great time in Washington D.C. and a wonderful week of tests, but everything has returned to its normal chaotic state, I'm happy to say! (John, if you're reading this, stop me now!).
I added quite a few pictures to these galleries: The SMG Gallery, The David Boreanaz Gallery, The Angel and Buffy Gallery, and The Cast Gallery.
Thank you Sara, my bestest friend for your wonderful donation of space. Love ya lots! Also thank you Jayne:-)

Sunday, October 18 - Hey everyone. Sorry about the lack of updates lately. It's nearing the end of the quarter (you know, the time when every teacher feels obligated to give you four tests on each day and 5 tons of homework?) and also I'm preparing to leave on my class trip to D.C. this week, so I've been pretty busy. Anyway, enough about me, on to the updates: Added pictures to The SMG gallery, The David Boreanaz Gallery, and the Angel and Buffy Gallery.
Added vidcaps from Faith, Hope, and Trick. Yes, I did include the gratuitous naked picture, but I expect everyone to behave in a mature manner:-)

What's New Archive September 98

What's New Archive August 98

What's New Archive July 98

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