The Inner Asylum's
Outreach Programs
The F.A.C.L.
Your tour of the Inner Asylum has brought you to a big room. It looks
like it used to be some sort of ball-room, with a large marble staircase, large windows overlooking a garden and
a high-vaulted ceiling. You pause a bit and look at the cystal chandlers hanging overhead.
A tall man in his late 50s taps you on your shoulder.
"I'm Patrick, The Belfry maintainer's personal assistant. If you
are here to learn about the Inner Asylum's Outreach Programs this is the place to start."
You nod, as Patrick leads you down to the floor. You can hear the voices
of people in little cubicles answer questions on phone lines and the clicking of a keyboard as they type in e-mail
Patrick smiles. "Let me tell you the story of the Outreach Programs.
"Spenser-Spork, also known as Sporky the were-dachshund, became
Community Leaders in February 1999. In December of that year, tragedy struck when Yahoo!GeoCities closed its community
leader program down.
"A group of CLs from the former Area51 neighborhood got together
and formed the Federated Alliance of Community Leaders (F.A.C.L.). It's mission is serve as a one-on-one guide
for web design and on-line community spirit. The members are available anyone, any server, anytime, although most
of its focus is on Area51-themed sites (RPG, fantasy, science fiction, ghosts, paganism, etc.) The program has since been revamped and Spenser-spork will update this area with new information and tutorials as they become available.
"So, what is your area of specialty?" you ask as you listen
to the hum of the office.
"Hmmm," Patrick muses. "We all work for Sporky, as you
well know. Our specialities include Paint Shop Pro, HTML, and tables. See that group of people over there?"
Patrick points to a group of people sitting around a large table with
"Those people are the copyediting team. We currently maintain a
website, page design and copyedit for a local newspaper. So, we drawn on experience in those areas to also provide
assistance. Although, I must admit that the Inner Asylum isn't an example of the best we have to offer."
Feel free to e-mail Spenser-spork if you
have any questions.
Here are some links to helpful sites on various subjects. We plan on
creating more of our own pages to help you out in the near future. Enjoy!:
© 1998-2004, N.B. Layton. All rights reserved. All Inner Asylum
images (except the backgrounds and bars) were created by using Paint Shop Pro. Batgirl, Batman and the entire Batman
universe is property of DC Comics, a division of Time Warner Communications. This is a non-profit site for just
fun and to pay ode to Gotham's dark lady. If you would like to use any of our materials for use on your sign, please
contact the web-master, Spenser-spork, at I just want to see what you'll do with it. It helps me to know that other people
are looking at my site. :)