The Muse's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction

Anthony Stewart Head

The Fan Fiction!

Disclaimer and Distribution Notice:

The characters, settings, ideas, and events that have appeared on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" belong to Twentieth Century Fox, courtesy of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. I wrote these stories for fun, and I am making no money off of them. All original characters, ideas, and plotlines that have not appeared on the show are my babies, and I retain copyright to them and to the fics themselves.

If you wish to archive any of this fiction, please ask permission first. Do not post or reproduce any of these stories(including but not limited to other websites, mailing lists, newsgroups, print media) without my express permission, excepting excerpts for review purposes.

If you would like to link to my site, please do. Please link from this page, unless you get my permission to link to a specific fic.

After Dark: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction Production
(With Optional Midi Sound-track!) (Incomplete)
Illustration by Elisa Deyneka

Rupert Giles has a night out on the town. Action/comedy/chronic plotlessness.

Rating: PG-13 for sexual situations and mayhem, R for language. Please use discretion in choosing to read this story.

No Smoking
(With the Official "No Smoking" Opinion Poll!)(Complete!)

More Band Candy aftermath! A nine part indirect sequel to After Dark.

Rating: PG-13 for sexual situations and mayhem, R for language. Please use discretion in choosing to read this story.

Our Dinner with Buffy (Incomplete)

Still another in the After Dark series! Dinner, drinks, and Deep Conversation with the gang.

Rating: PG-13 for sexual situations and mayhem, R for language. Please use discretion in choosing to read this story.

On The Air (Complete)

Season 4, à la After Dark. Rupert Giles gets a job.

Rating: PG-13 for sexual situations and mayhem, R for language. Please use discretion in choosing to read this story.

"One Morning In Sunnydale"

Joe Riley, day custodian for 46 years at Sunnydale High School, goes about his morning routine. Routine at Sunnydale High, however, can be a trial by fire.


Adult BtVS Fan Fiction - NC-17

Note on the NC17 Rating:

If you are not of the legal age, 18 in most jurisdictions, for viewing these materials, don't read them! By clicking on the links labeled NC17, you are affirming that you are of legal age.

Labyrinth: The Series

Labyrinth: Magic (Complete!) - First in a possible series of post-Becoming BtVS stories focusing on Rupert Giles and Willow Rosenberg. With Buffy still missing, Willow is becoming further involved in the study of the magic arts, and Giles is (reluctantly) getting pulled in with her.

Rating: PG for parts1-11 and 14-Epilogue. Parts 12-13 do contain NC-17 material. Giles/Willow. Please use discretion in choosing to read this story.

Drive-In: A BtVS Erotic Romp! (Incomplete)

Just keep telling yourself: It's only a dream. . . .

Rating: NC-17 for sexual situations and language.

A Giles-ian Erotic Alphabet(Incomplete)

A Gilesian erotic sojourn through the alphabet, character by character.

Rating: NC-17 for heterosexual and homosexual situations.

New09/24/03 "'C' is For Cordy"

"PWP in Leather"

Just another night in the library with Giles and Watcher-In-Training Cordelia.

Rating: NC-17 for sexual situations. Giles/Cordelia.

"PWP in Paint"

Giles. Cordelia. Paint.

Rating: NC-17 for sexual situations. Giles/Cordelia.


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© 2003 Ann E. Berry


Last updated 09/24/03