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Hey there! Welcome to The Annotated Captain Carrot, another webpage by Doc Quantum of The Time Trust. I've been a fan of the good Captain and his Crew since the age of 9, when I picked up my first CCAHAZC comic, Captain Carrot And His Amazing Zoo Crew #15, featuring the Just'a Lotta Animals. The jokes, the puns, and especially the furry cartoon animals in superhero and villain outfits, made me a lifelong appreciator of the comic, even in my present adulthood. Sure, it's not everyone's "cup o' tea," but this is nostalgia for me, and more... Since first reading this comic, I've spent many an hour making up funny animal names for superheroes, real-life people, and place names, as well as drawings in the style of Scott Shaw! I've also made up many lists of such funny animal versions of names used in the Captain Carrot series -- hey, it's a hobby -- go pick on someone else! ;) I appreciate the comic-book annotations out there on the web by others, such as Jess Nevins, and it was only natural that I write my own annotations for the Captain Carrot series, considering myself somewhat of a "Carrothead" (or "Zoo-Crew-ophile," whatever you prefer), and well-versed in the worlds of Earth-C and Earth-C Minus. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed re-reading these comics by Roy Thomas, Scott Shaw!, and E. Nelson Bridwell, among others, in order to create them.
I'd like to express my thanks to Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway, and Scott Shaw!, the trio who created not only the good Captain Carrot and his amazing Zoo Crew, as well as the Just'a Lotta Animals, but were also responsible for warping my tender young mind -- er, I mean, for supplying me with some of my most cherished childhood memories, yeah, that's the ticket (check out Scott Shaw!'s Oddball Comics at Comic Book Resources every weekday); Jess Nevins, whose comic-book annotations were a good example of what annotations ought to be (check out Jess Nevins' Comic-Book Annotations); and Mikel Midnight, who runs a great golden age comics index and has created an Earth-C timeline (check out Mikel Midnight's Golden Age Directory). And last, but certainly not least, I'd like to express my admiration for Kent Orlando, otherwise known as "Cheeks, the Toy Wonder," for his inspiring and often whimsical articles on mostly Silver Age comics (although his site was shut down some time ago now, an archive of his DC Comics articles can still be found on the web, with hopefully the others to come soon)!
WE GOT WEB-LINKS, BABY! When I began the project of the Annotations, there was really very few webpages on Captain Carrot and his furry friends, but in recent months several of them have cropped up. I highly recommend the following:
Zoo Crew on Earth-C - My Yahoo! Group for chatting about Earth-C's inhabitants is also a place for fan-written stories about the Zoo Crew, the Just'a Lotta Animals, or any number of funny animals.Fanzing 45 - Zoo Crew issue! - The long-awaited funny animal issue of Fanzing. Some really great articles can be found here.
Carrots Can Ruin Your Eyes - A series of articles on Captain Carrot from the Fans! website by T. Campbell, the first of which appeared on the late, great Cheeks site (the original article from Cheeks is preserved here).
Comics of the '80s: CAPTAIN CARROT - A couple of articles on Captain Carrot found on the relatively new but VERY Cheeks-inspired (and therefore fun as all-get-out) Comics of the 1980s Homepage.
Captain Carrot And His Amazing Zoo Crew - The dearly departed first website devoted to the good Captain, but which has been preserved (minus pics) thanks to The Internet Archive.
An Earth-C Timeline - A timeline for the world of Earth-Cartoon, from the Mikel Midnight Golden Age Directory.
Don Markstein's Toonopedia - A great site with profiles of many funny animals and cartoon and comic-book characters.
Toon Tracker - A neat site spotlighting "lost" cartoons of yesteryear.
Green Lambkin - An entry from the comprehensive Book of Oa as seen on The Unofficial Green Lantern Corps Web Page.
Fastback, the Crash, and the Terrific Whatzit - An entry from the Flash fan-site, Flash: Those Who Ride the Lightning.
Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham - Believe it or not, this was my second favorite comic as a kid (and it'll be the next comic to be annotated if I can ever track down the frickin' entire series and all the character's appearances once more), although it was rarely quite as clever as good old CCAHAZC. This link is basically little more than a cover gallery and will have to suffice as the web's only Spider-Ham page, at least for now...
Iron Mouse - A small (snicker) webpage featuring the mousy version of Marvel Comics' Iron Man as seen in the pages of Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham.
The Annotated Captain Carrot is proudly linked to Peter Karpas' Comic Book Annotations site, a great resource for all your annotated needs!
January 12, 2006 Update: Wow. It has been a long time, hasn't it? What can I say? Real life often gets in the way of internet projects sometimes.Anyway, I will be editing all the previously completed annotations. Many of the links I previously used have become obsolete or are otherwise poor for finding out information about something. I'm replacing most of the links with entries from the ever-useful Wikipedia where possible, and otherwise linking to such relatively stable resources as Don Markstein's Toonopedia and DC Cosmic Teams for the more obscure comic-book references, and stable content-specific resources such as the Internet Movie DataBase. Hopefully this will prevent (or at least lessen) the risk of linking to dead or hostile sites.
I won't make any promises about getting to the new annotations anytime soon. All I can do is work around my busy schedule whenever possible. Instead of announcing new annotations and then not delivering, I'd prefer to create the new annotations and then announce them, thereby preventing disappointment.
So you've gotten this far and not turned away yet, have you...? NOW ENTER THE CARROT-COLORED INDEX, YOUNG ONE!
All characters, insignias, and images are Copyright 2006 DC Comics. I make no claim whatsoever on these copyrighted characters, and these annotations are done purely for fun, for no profit whatsoever.
The annotations, however, are mine and mine alone. This means that permission is required in order to reproduce, in full or in part, any part of these annotations.
Created by
The Time Trust
January 2001
This page last updated January 12, 2006.