This is a very
social time.Everyone gets to know each other, if they haven`t
met before. All the
kids have a great time meeting each other and running
around. Our esky`s
are put to good use, keeping all the drinks cold.They
can also be put to
good use as a seat.
The men always seem
to do the cooking, and they don`t all look like my ocker
character above *smile*
Our barbies don`t just consist of snags (sausages)
and steak now.We have
gone quite exotic, with barbecued spare ribs,
kebabs and lots more.
" By the way, not
all of us can afford to "throw another shrimp on the barbie"
BBQ Recipes
BBQ Recipes
Kitchen Link
Some of my best barbecues
have been in winter with a big fire going in
in the empty shell
of a washing machine barrel to keep us warm.
What fun we
had, with singing and guitar playing
till the early hours.
Woo Hoo!!
We too love a
sunburnt country, with hills and flooding plains of rugged mountain ranges
and beer that flows
like rain.
updated and links checked 4/11/2001