This is my family of adopted cyber pet pals. They are all so cute and very loyal.
They are usually well behaved although they do get into a bit of
mischief at times.

Graphics intensive naturally *s*

Adopt A Pet RockThis is my little friend Licky. He is always happy.

This is my lucky Four-Leaf CloverAdopt a 4 leaf clover
If you would like to feel lucky, click on my
clover to pick yours

My unicorn wind dancerMy unicorn arika

Adopt a unicorn

 This is Billy my  eggAdopt an egg
Get yours Here

Hi I`m Heidi hedgehog and I`m only 3 1/2 mths old
and I like to eat marshmallows.

Adopt a Hedgehog

Adopt a Sea MonkeyMy pet sea monkey called Ally. Get yours  Here

Adopt a Pocket Pal
Isn`t this just the cutest little bird ?
I call her Sweetie.

Adopt a Racoon
My two cheeky raccoons who I call (left) Robbie and Rocky

My dragon DreamzAdopt a Dragon

 I Call My Beautiful Dragon "Prince"

I Wuv You Adoptions   I Wuv You Adoptions

SkeeterSkeeter My Virtual Dog
My Virtual Pet Dog

Virtual Pet Links

Candyland Cyberadoption Links

links checked and validated 20/4/2001
Background and header have been created by Aussie Betty
Please do not use

 Just click on Sweetie toBack to Aussie Betty Downunder guide you back to Aussie Betty Downunder