True Blue Aussie Slang
Outrageous Aussie Sayings
Larry`s Aussie Slang And Phrase Dictionary

Vegemite Rules
Alan Sipole`s Vegemite Central
How To Eat a Vegemite Sandwich
How To Make a Vegemite MilkshakeYUK!
We`re happy little vegemites, as bright as 
bright can be, 
We all enjoy our vegemite for breakfast 
lunch and tea,
Our mummies say we`re growing stronger 
every single week,
Because we love our vegemite, we all adore
our vegemite
It puts a rose in every cheek.


Currency and coins

Australian Bushranger Ned Kelly

Remember the FJ Holden

Kevin Bloody Wilson
some sections not suitable for young children

Home of the Tim Tam

Freddo Frog
Men at work-lyrics to Downunder
Lyrics to
Down Under


Rugby League Football

Australian Rules Football


page updated and links checked 4/11/2001

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