
The Arkati Volumes


The Arkati Volumes Book Two
The Arkati Listing - Descriptions and Information

Chapter Two
The Lords of Liabo ~ The Gods of Light
by Evialla Violetskye~Khyree & Geijon Khyree
The Warrior God

Lady Evialla with great love, and respect humbly dedicates this small section of our work as a personal tribute to two very special people in her life. First and foremost, Lord Geijon Khyree, her husband without whose dedication, support and, endless wealth of ideas and enthusiasm these volumes could not have existed, and his brother her dearest friend, the most noble and honorable Lord Cryheart Thaxin. True sons of Kai, whose daily lives are the reflection of the ideals set forth upon the talismans.

Name: Kai
Ancient Name: Cay
Epithet: None
Pantheon: Liabo
Tier: Greater God
Realm: God of physical strength and athletic prowess.
Dominion: Strength, Athletic Prowess, Skill at Arms.
Relations: Father to Leya.
Rivals: V'Tull
Symbol: A silver arm with fist clenched, on a field of crimson. His clerics name their maces, cast in the same shape, the Fists of Kai.
Shrine: IceMule Trace Temple - Hall of the Body, Velnalin shrine.
Appearance: Kai is considered by many to be the most handsome of all the gods. He is an azure-eyed young man of epic build, lean and muscular with strong and carefree features, and curly brown hair. Always dressed in light armor, he may wear only a short blue tunic off one shoulder, and is never without a weapon of some sort, his favorite being a spear.
Demeanor: Carefree, brave, aggressive, spirited, energetic, competetive, seductive.

Lord of strength and athletics, none can defeat him in unarmed combat, with the one time exception of Koar. Kai is also a known seducer and has fathered many mortal children, and is the father of Leya.

Falling only once in combat in a challenge with Koar, and once engaging V'tull with the result a standstill, Kai has been victorious over every other opponent he has faced. Legend tells us that Kai slew more of the Ur-Daemon than any drake in that ancient conflict, inspite of their awesome might.

Only by the command of Koar is Kai restrained from engaging in constant battle with the Dark Gods, so much is his joy in physical combat. To satisfy this need, he often roams the lands, seeking out unsuspecting mortals to toy with in physical 'contests' of one sort or another. Kai's blessing is often invoked at contests of physical prowess and his clerics name their maces, cast in the same shape, the Fists of Kai.

Those who follow the path of The Order of Voln must challenge Kai, thus showing prowess, dedication and endurance.

The small statues found about that lands, capable of casting a powerful spell when rubbed are perhaps created in the likeness of Kai.

"Kai's Tears"
by Lord Geijon Khyree

Born from the tears of Kai,
Warriors were created in his image.

Standing tall and proud with,
Honor and Justice upheld.

Wielding our might for that which is right,
blades aloft, bold and upright.

Striving to make our father proud,
born from the tears of Kai.

Brothers and Sisters, sons and daughters,
battle the darkness side by side.

Turning the tides, that which resides,
the darkness and Chaos until the end of time.

Forging Order in a world of uncertainty,
Warriors battle defiently in the face of death.

We fight and we perish,
For the preservation of the legacy.

~Geijon Khyree

"The Gift of Kai"
A Visitation to "The Wolf" ~ Erokose Shadowstryder

Name: Erokose Shadowstryder    Race: Human    Profession: Rogue
Gender: Male    Age: 40    Expr: 257479    Level:  13
[Wolves' Den, Forge]
The massive iron anvil in the center of the room is pitted with rust. The fire pit beside it is cold, filled with ashes eons old. A rack filled with blacksmith's tools leans to the left, partway through a slow collapse. You also see some cuirbouilli leather, a reinforced shield, a broadsword, a rock crystal, some chain mail, a flail, the Erokose disk and an iron door.
Obvious exits: none.

You sense a movement in the room and a shadowy movement near the Erokose disk. A soft voice whispers, "The path is difficult, but those with the greatest faith shall perservere.
A wraith gestures at you!
A wraith hurls a powerful lightning bolt at you!
  AS: +95 vs DS: +165 with AvD: +48 + d100 roll: +12 = -10
   A clean miss.

You swing a veniom-hafted bearded alloy waraxe at a wraith!
  AS: +158 vs DS: +95 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +92 = +191
   ... and hit for 40 points of damage!
Round time: 5 sec.

The wraith moans evilly!
A wraith draws inward for a moment!

A wraith gestures at you!
A wraith hurls a freezing ball of pure cold at you!
  AS: +85 vs DS: +165 with AvD: +52 + d100 roll: +49 = +21
   A clean miss.

You swing a veniom-hafted bearded alloy waraxe at a wraith!
  AS: +158 vs DS: +95 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +41 = +140
   ... and hit for 12 points of damage!
Round time: 5 sec.

A wraith swings a broadsword at you!
  AS: +80 vs DS: +140 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +60 = +33
   A clean miss.

You swing a veniom-hafted bearded alloy waraxe at a wraith!
  AS: +158 vs DS: +95 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +65 = +164
   ... and hit for 32 points of damage!
Round time: 5 sec.
You swing a veniom-hafted bearded alloy waraxe at a wraith!
  AS: +158 vs DS: +95 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +84 = +183
   ... and hit for 27 points of damage!
You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the wraith's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
The wraith falls to the ground motionless.
Round time: 5 sec.

You botched the job. The wraith talon is ruined.

You search the wraith.
It had a broadsword, a reinforced shield, some cuirbouilli leather.
It carried a sturdy fel box with it!
A wraith turns to dust.

You put a veniom-hafted bearded alloy waraxe inside your black leather back-sheaths.

You pick up a sturdy fel box.

You carefully examine the fel box and determine that the weight is about 16 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 Seconds.

You put a sturdy fel box inside the Erokose disk that is on the floor.
close disk
Ok, it shut.

You blink.

You feel a strong but gentle touch on your shoulder.

You blink.

You bow.
You say, "I shall keep the faith"

[Wolves' Den, Forge]
The massive iron anvil in the center of the room is pitted with rust. The fire pit beside it is cold, filled with ashes eons old. A rack filled with blacksmith's tools leans to the left, partway through a slow collapse. You also see some cuirbouilli leather, a reinforced shield, a broadsword, a rock crystal, some chain mail, a flail, the Erokose disk and an iron door.
Obvious exits: none.

You blink.

The voice whispers, as if from a distance, "Be well, my son. I hope you enjoy the gift as much as I have appreciated your faith."

You ask, "Kai?"

The Erokose disk opens.

[Wolves' Den, Forge]
The massive iron anvil in the center of the room is pitted with rust. The fire pit beside it is cold, filled with ashes eons old. A rack filled with blacksmith's tools leans to the left, partway through a slow collapse. You also see some cuirbouilli leather, a reinforced shield, a broadsword, a rock crystal, some chain mail, a flail, the Erokose disk and an iron door.
Obvious exits: none.

You blink.

look in ero disk

In the Erokose disk you see a sturdy fel box, a fringed wight skin jacket and a feras mattock.

look at jacket in disk

Ruggedly handsome, the jacket has obviously been well cared-for and is as soft to the touch as warm butter. On the back of the garment is an exquisitely embroidered image of Kai, standing alone within a circle of stone talismans. Stitched beneath the image are the words, "Ours is not an easy path to follow, yet we follow willingly, for in truth we did not choose this road so much as the road chose us."

You dance around the room to music only you can hear.

You say, "my thanks to ye"

You say, "I shall be at your call"

close disk
Ok, it shut.

The disk opens again.

look in disk

In the Erokose disk you see a sturdy fel box, a fringed wight skin jacket and a feras mattock.

You smile.

You remove a fringed wight skin jacket from inside the Erokose disk.

look in jacket
There is nothing in there.

You smile.

look at ero disk
The Erokose disk is hovering in mid-air around you.

You say, "many thanks unto ye kind un"

You put a fringed wight skin jacket inside your vruul skin vest.

You take off a midnight black jacket.

You put a midnight black jacket inside your black leather cloak.

Someone (or something) whispers to you in a deep voice, "Be well, my child. I know it cannot replace what is lost. But it is given with much affection and appreciation."

You remove a fringed wight skin jacket from inside your vruul skin vest.

You put on a fringed wight skin jacket.

You say, "tis lovely"

You smile.

look at jacket

Ruggedly handsome, the jacket has obviously been well cared-for and is as soft to the touch as warm butter. On the back of the garment is an exquisitely embroidered image of Kai, standing alone within a circle of stone talismans. Stitched beneath the image are the words, "Ours is not an easy path to follow, yet we follow willingly, for in truth we did not choose this road so much as the road chose us."

look in jacket
There is nothing in there.

Erokose smiles softly

You remove a veniom-hafted bearded alloy waraxe from inside your black leather back-sheaths.

You say, "back tae my task"

You say, "o freein the undead"

look at jacket

Ruggedly handsome, the jacket has obviously been well cared-for and is as soft to the touch as warm butter. On the back of the garment is an exquisitely embroidered image of Kai, standing alone within a circle of stone talismans. Stitched beneath the image are the words, "Ours is not an easy path to follow, yet we follow willingly, for in truth we did not choose this road so much as the road chose us."

[Wolves' Den, Forge]
The massive iron anvil in the center of the room is pitted with rust. The fire pit beside it is cold, filled with ashes eons old. A rack filled with blacksmith's tools leans to the left, partway through a slow collapse. You also see some cuirbouilli leather, a reinforced shield, a broadsword, a rock crystal, some chain mail, a flail, the Erokose disk and an iron door.
Obvious exits: none.

In the Erokose disk you see a sturdy fel box and a feras mattock.

close disk
Ok, it shut.

"Aye, my son. And I have other tasks to see to myself. Good day to you"

You say, "And ye"

You throw your head back and howl!

You say, "the Wolf is back"

Something touches your shoulder.

Contributed by Geijon Khyree for Erokose Shadowstryder

Statue of Kai

A warrior of magnificent size and strength stands proudly in the center of the room.
Br> The heroic figure, carved from a single block of pale grey granite, towers to a height of nearly twenty breathtaking feet. Though his face is youthful, his gaze is that of one who has unflinchingly confronted even the mightiest of foes. One mighty hand clutches a Dir-wood spear tipped with gleaming adamantine, raised warily against some unseen foe.

Perhaps the most remarkable feature of this granite god is his left hand. Clenched in a tight fist that betrays both stern inner resolve as well as intense ferocity, you can almost imagine it crushing the last breath out of any enemy.

The Talismans

: D E S P A I R :

Despair is our constant companion, sorrow our shadow, as we walk these mortal plains in search of truth. Our packs are heavy, but our bodies are strong, and we welcome these burdens, for they serve to strengthen our resolve. Only the strongest shall persevere in this quest, and so we, the Children of Kai, embrace the burdens which others cannot endure.


: S T R E N G T H :

All the lightning and thunder of the heavens cast from the palm of a wizard can never equal the poetry of a beautiful blade in the hands of a skilled swordsman. Magic may be the lifeblood of these lands, but it shall never replace the glory of magnificent bodies sculpted into the finest weapons ever known.


: D E F E A T :

Defeat cannot be measured by blood spilled on the battlefield, nor by an empty purse.

To know the pain of loss is to prepare oneself for the joy of victory. We cherish our failures as much as our successes, for the bitter taste of defeat only makes triumph that much sweeter.


: H O N O R :

Without honor in his heart, the mightiest of warriors is but a mewling kitten when the world stands at the brink of disaster.

Honor, above all, do we cherish. It is the glue that binds mortals to one another. Without it we are merely frightened voices crying out in the darkness.


: V A L O R :

Ours is not an easy path to follow, yet we follow willingly, for in truth we did not choose this road so much as the road chose us.

We are the Sons and Daughters of Kai, and no mortal soul shall despair of life in our presence. We are the champions of the innocent, the protectors of the weak, the gladiators of your heart.


: F A I T H :

Purity of spirit cannot be measured by mortals, for that which they behold is truly only what their minds allow them to comprehend.

We are firm in our resolve, and do not fret over the judgements of those who cannot fathom worlds beyond this. Souls cannot be placed into boxes and marked with labels for the world to see. Only she who possesses the spirit within herself shall ever know the truth.


: H O P E :

If we are allowed to take one treasure from this place, it is hope.

We may rail against the present when the world seems to mock us, but our hearts will always beat so long as hope graces each breath. Defeat, sorrow, despair - these are but milestones by which to measure our lives. One flicker of light burning at the end of a dark road shall guide us through even the darkest of times. We are the Daughters and Sons of Kai, and we shall not waiver.


: F R I E N D S H I P :

The passage of time cannot fade the memories of those who have travelled at our sides. Engraved on our hearts are the names of comrades, friends, brothers, sisters, mates, with whom we have shared our lives. Geijon shall never die, for his soul has touched countless others in its quiet journey through this world.


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King of the Gods
Name: Koar
Ancient Name: Kuor
Epithet: King of the Gods
Pantheon: Liabo
Tier: Greater God, King of the Gods, Ruler of Liabo
Realm: King of the Gods and Ruler of Liabo
Dominion: Justice, Loyalty, Law.
Relations: Husband of Lumnis, father of Lorminstra and twins Ronan and Phoen
Rivals: None
Symbol: A golden crown, often set on a circle of white.
Shrine: Aenatumgana (Pinefar), IceMule Trace Temple~Hall of the King.
Appearance: Koar's features are fatigued, his brow and forehead deeply furrowed and creased, his grey eyes weary under heavy, shaggy grey brows, and a mane of flowing snow-white hair. Dressed in a flowing, toga-like garment, he his a muscular, large man with a ruddy complexion, in his middle years. Upon his head he wears a golden crown as he sits upon his thrown, his grey beard flowing down over his chest as he contemplates the fate of all things.
Demeanor: Commanding, detached, weary.

Koar almost never intervenes in the affairs of mortals but keeps the other gods, of Liabo at least, more or less in line. He never interferes with Lorminstra, however. Once ruler over all of the Arkati, Koar still bears the title of head of both the Light and Dark Gods. In practice, however, his direct control is only over the Gods of Light. Not since the fall of the Drakes in the Ur-Daemon War has Koar rallied all the gods too him, and none knows for sure if he could unify the Arkati now, no matter what the cause. Still, it is said that as long as Koar lives, the Gods of Light and Dark will never face each other in open war.

Legend holds that Koar sits on a great throne carved from the stone heart of the world extending up through the tallest mountain in Elanthia. He rarely leaves his throne, and spends most of his time slumbering or brooding. Even when he sleeps, one eye is always slightly open, and while Koar may not intervenebin the affairs of gods or mortals often, there is little that escapes his notice.

The sages say that the mountains of Elanthia rise and fall as Koar's brow furrows. One day, it is said, when the Gods of Darkness no longer vex their king, and when mortals no longer wage petty wars, the mountains will sink back into the ground and all the world will be a fertile plain. Earthquakes are attributed to Koar shifting restlessly, and before Koar's brow is smoothed, legend holds he will rise from his throne in wrath, shaking the greatest fortresses to rubble. The prophecy is silent as to who or what will be the object of his ire. Some common folk believe that Koar is not an Arkati, but actually the last of the Great Drakes.

Koar's blessing is often invoked during coronation ceremonies, and it is not uncommon for rulers to claim that their particular right to reign bears Koar's approval.

Koar ~ Drake?
Thoughts by Strendor

It seems with the opening of the rift and the discovery of Lord Koars shrine, there is growing thought that Lord Koar is a Drake.

It is still not certain that Lord Koar is a Drake.

After the war with the Ur-Daemon, the Drakes withdrew into solitude. The Arkati who remained behind were left on thier own and each found a place for himself. Lord Koar established his throne on the highest mountain to oversee the world. He was the greatest of the Arkati and had rallyed all the others beneath him during the war as they fought alongside the Drakes.

Yes, all of them, for he was the strongest and could best any one on one. He is the embodyment of power, in any form.

It is held, and it is my belief, that Lord Koar was the Arkati servant of the great Emporer Drake. When the Great Drake vanished along with all the other Drakes it was only natural for Lord Koar to reside in the temple of his Master, awaiting his return.

He allowed the Arkati to split into two groups because with the Drakes gone there was a huge loss of power that needed to be filled. Thru the strife between the two factions of Arkati, not only did they grow stronger, but we of the lesser races as well. Not nearly enough to match the Drakes but we are still growing :)

There are some who hold that this Arkati or that is stronger then Lord Koar, or more powerful. Yet he has placed himself in easy reach of any of them and none has ever come forth and beaten him tho several have challenged him and been themselves beaten. Those who fought with and under his command during the Great War know well his power and are not foolish enough to face him in the open.

And even in the mastery of deciet and lurking in the dark for the chance to play upon any weakness in his part, they have found none yet.

Even Eorgina will not make waves enough to draw his wrath, lest he rise from his throne and persue her.

Likely they all know of the Drakes continued existance and have knowledge or suspicions of Lord Koars continued service to his Master and that he speaks with him still. Even those foolish enough to challenge Lord Koar would grow weak with fear at the idea of the Great Drakes wrath loosed upon them.

- Strendor

From a Posting by Strendor
June 15th, 1998.

Truekillr's Reply

He is a Drake. He has come to me on two ocassions to help me with the quest of the Vvrael. He is older and more powerful than any Arkati and is matched in strength byt Marlu only.

His shrine will yield more information and conformation for you when you are able to travel there. Also You mentioned that you thought Koar the Arkati that served the Emperor Drake. I believe it was My Lady Lorminstra that was the Arkati to Koar himself. If you recall all of her meetings with the Chosen it is somewhat obvious.


From a Posting by Truekillr
June 17th, 1998

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Name: Kuon
Ancient Name: Quen
Epithet: N/A
Pantheon: Liabo
Tier: Lesser God
Realm: Patron of herbs and flowers.
Dominion: Herbs and flowers.
Relations: None
Rivals: None
Symbol: A gold leaf on a field of brown.
Shrine: Hearthstone Manor Herb Garden, statue dedicated to Kuon.
Appearance: Kuon is a large, hulking presence with massive shoulders, hazel eyes, and light brown hair. He appears to be in his twenties and wears robes of shimmering green and amber.
Demeanor: Relaxed, nurturing, gentle, kind.

Flowers grow spontaneously in the wake of Kuon, and go uncrushed beneath his steps. Although relaxed, gentle and kind, if pushed far enough his temper will show.

Amerlise's Kuon Encounter

You stand before the runes, open your arms wide in a gesture of invocation, and concentrate on the runes.

After a moment, the room begins to spin, and you suddenly feel disoriented.

[Monastery, Misty Chamber]
A damp mist seems to seep from the very walls of this vast chamber casting the walls in an eerie green pallor. A large round stone stands upright in the center of the room, rotating like a coin that has been stood on edge and spun. The opening at the center of the stone is pitch black and odd runes are engraved around the edge. A low steady hum emanates from the stone, and the sound soothes your tired nerves. You also see a puddle of water.
Obvious exits: out.

You have minor bruises on your neck, some minor cuts and bruises on your right leg, some minor cuts and bruises on your left leg, a fractured and bleeding right hand, a fractured and bleeding left hand, and deep lacerations across your back.

You have a mangled right hand, and a mangled left hand.

Maximum Health Points: 100
Remaining Health Points: 100

Maximum Spirit Points: 10
Remaining Spirit Points: 8

You are healed.

Kuon smiles upon thee!

[Monastery, Misty Chamber]
A damp mist seems to seep from the very walls of this vast chamber casting the walls in an eerie green pallor. A large round stone stands upright in the center of the room, rotating like a coin that has been stood on edge and spun. The opening at the center of the stone is pitch black and odd runes are engraved around the edge. A low steady hum emanates from the stone, and the sound soothes your tired nerves. You also see a puddle of water.
Obvious exits: out.

You seem to be in one piece.

Maximum Health Points: 100
Remaining Health Points: 100

Maximum Spirit Points: 10
Remaining Spirit Points: 10

You blink.

From a Posting by Amerlise
July 4th, 1998

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Geijon Khyree & Evialla Violetskye~Khyree