
Written By: Ensoniq

Well its 9:00 am... might as well start with all this.. I thought to myself as I got outa bed.. I dressed and grabbed the few disc's I had due to the fact I am still new to this whole monster thing but am very intent on getting better and becoming a real trainer.

I headed down my little dirt road and took my time to look around for any disc's I might happen to find lying around for some odd reason.. no luck.. not a single one.. but not everything comes free.. I finally made it into town and kept on edge due to all the new people and monsters with bad temperaments running around.

"Well now where do I go?" I said to myself while wondering around this new place.. there was a man walking by so I asked him where I could exchanged these discs in and he pointed to a small looking building down the road... I wandered into the place and it was kinda old looking but then again in the year 1012 everything is old.

"Umm.. anyone around?" I asked aloud.. "Yes.. may I help you with something?" a woman said. "Yeah.. I wanna exchange this disc for a monster of some sort.. I inherited my fathers ranch and now its my turn to run things." I said to her. "Well alright.. bring me the disc."

She walked to a door and told me to follow her down this long.. long.. staircase.. this thing that I thought was a tiny building actually was huge but it was all underground.. we got to the bottom and there were 4 statues that looked kinda evil and I was beginning to wonder what really goes on here..

"So um.. uh.. whats all this crap?"

"Well this -crap- is what molds your monster so shut-it and let me do my job"

"Alright all right.. calm down"


The machine she put the disc in was quite advanced from what I'm used to seeing.. there were 2 small poles on a stand and she placed it in the middle of them and the disc kinda just floated in the middle of it.. little red rays started scanning the disc and then the ground began to shake.

"What the hell is going on?"

"The birth of your monster.." she said coldly.

"And this happens everytime?"

"Yes.. does this look like the face of a shocked person? if it didn't happen all the time don't you think I would be just a little more cautious with whats going on?"

"I guess your right.."

"Okay.. here we go.. oh and by the way.. what is your name? I'm betting I'll see you here more often now that your starting your own ranch."

"Oh.. my names Ensoniq.. I came from.."

"I don't care where you came from.. I just wanted a name.." she shot at me.

"Whatever.. just finish this so I can do us both a favor and get the hell out of here."

"Heres your monster.. you can see its abilities on this screen right here.."

"Hmm.. a moochi.. nice.. alright.. thanks allot.. see ya around."

"Well what are you naming it? you have to name it before it can leave the shrine"

"Oh umm.. I'll call it Jeckel."

"Jeckel?.. heh.. whatever you want sir."

"Yeah.. well bye."

Well after that went horribly wrong I got my monster and got out of there.. he was a cute little bugger but I wasn't going to let that get in the way of his training.. cute or not I'm not taking it easy on him.. On my way back I ran into some other new trainer hopeful.. she was cute but I never got her name.. just saw that she had a pixie with her.. evil creatures.. I don't like them much.. Jeckel seemed to think the same as it glared at the pixie..

We cept on going till we got back to my ranch.. I set out a place for Jeckel and then went inside.. "Tomorrow we see what he has in him.. till then I'm gonna get this day over with.

-To Be CoNtInUeD-

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